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A New Force Will Be Unleashed In 2010

Okay, so we weren't the biggest fans of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed , but we know it has a large following 'cuz it sold 5.7 million copies through February 2009.

Therefore, we imagine many of you will be excited to hear that a sequel has been confirmed , and although we don't have any concrete info just yet, we know the game is a true sequel; i.e, it picks up where the first title left off. In other words, you should expect to step back into the boots of Galen "Starkiller" Marek, apprentice to Darth Vader.


If you played the original, you know Marek should be dead (he apparently sacrificed himself at the end of The Force Unleashed ) but according to the trailer that showed up at the VGAs, Marek is prominently featured. Oddly enough, though, he may now be a Jedi; he's shown holding the blue-light sabers and fighting a huge, Rancor-eating beast. The trailer included both Vader and Yoda speaking to Marek so maybe there's some pushing and pulling going on…maybe Marek isn't entirely convinced of either side's benefits. If you want to see more, visit the game's teaser website .

We'll let you know when LucasArts nails down a concrete release date, which should be some time next year.

Related Game(s): Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

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15 years ago

I liked the first Force Unleashed – all except for the bug at the end of the game that kept me from getting the achievements for force points and everything.

I was glad that they decided to do another one. I think now they have heard what people didnt like about the first one, and hopefully they will have had time to hammer out the bugs and make a nice finished product.

15 years ago

Nice. But personally I would love to see a new Star Wars game that focuses more on fighters, speeders and the like. Enough with the first person thing already, let's have a next gen version of the X-Wing and Tie Fighter games of old…

15 years ago

If only! You played that Tie Fighter game? Remember just how vulnerable you felt flying around in a Tie? One or two shots and you were dead. Talk about feeling like a drone. What a game that was… If only …

15 years ago

Oh yes, I played both on the PC, way, way back.

Loved both games. The Jedi StarFighter games on PS2 were OK, but never really captured the feeling you got in Tie Fighter (or X-wing).

15 years ago

What's that..PC gaming from Highlander, hmm…

15 years ago

I am a true Star Wars fan and cannot wait for this title.

15 years ago

A great trailer, that was. Looking forward to it, I am.

15 years ago

Indeed, Master Yoda.

15 years ago

I'm glad they are giving Starkiller another game.He's a great character and I wish he would come back for the next Soul Calibur(one can dream).I had a blast with the first unleashed so this will be added to my ever growing list of games to get for 2010.

15 years ago

I just got the first one during Amazon's Black Friday deals. It was like 12.99 or something. A fantastic game. Looking forward to the next. Oh, and can we have a new Battlefront? Are they taking requests?

photo K
photo K
15 years ago

I just bought SW Unleashed through eBay, I have yet to sit down and play through it, but glad to hear they keep going and hopefully improve into what could be the ultimate star wars jedi FPS game.

15 years ago

well duh… if you slap the "Star Wars" name on anything, it sells like hotcakes, lol…

i won't be looking forward to this game… i've only liked two star wars games… LEGO star wars and star wars: shadow of the empire for the nintendo 64… nothing else holds my interest or looks good… i guess i am just not a big star wars fan to begin with… but, those two games i mentioned are fun to play…

15 years ago

I didn't like the first one because I felt it was seriously gimped by being soooo cross platform that they didn't have the right focus. Tomb Raider Underworld did the same thing. Frankly they should stop making next gen games that also have a PS2 counterpart. Hopefully they won't this time.

That said the trailer on the VGAs did look awesome. Maybe this will be a game that lets you choose your side as you make decisions.

15 years ago

I am honestly hoping these games are the beginning of a long term Star Wars franchise.

In my book, the best Star Wars game to date is Episode III. Decent graphics and controls, plus a fun multiplayer aspect to the game in duel mode (why this has not been revisited is beyond me).

Anyways… I would love to see this technology transfered to games based around Episodes I-VI. Hey, I can dream right?

15 years ago

I don't suppose Lucas could be bothered to fix the damage he did in the new trilogy by making a Starkiller Saga on the big screen.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/14/2009 3:41:03 PM

15 years ago

He would just muck it up.

15 years ago

Maybe if he could swallow his pride and hand the reins over to Peter Jackson.

15 years ago

Uhh…. wheres BATTLEFRONT 3!?

15 years ago

I liked Star Wars:TFU. I'll probably get this sequel, but I'll be passing on George Lucas's overpriced DLC this time around.

15 years ago

After seeing the trailer, I'm thinking ….
"inFamous does Stars Wars"

15 years ago

Sigh, i hope this one actually feels like you have power, throughout the game you gather all this crap but it really didn't feel like you were any stronger but w/e Lucas just doesn't know what people want, Star Wars Battlefront 3 would blow this out of the water.

15 years ago

ooooooooooooooo nooooooooooooooooooooo
why do we always have to play the good guy?
come on this is getting really old, i want to play as the evil mercenary.
just once,cant i pent my fingers with a evil laugh.
just once?

15 years ago

play KoToR?

15 years ago

of course.
how could i call myself a star wars fan without playing knights of the old republic?
i was being sarcastic about the once, just once please.
obviously, because there are a few games that let you be the villain but very, very, very few.
i want to be the ultimate bad a$$ like in GOW2 where you have to kill the scholars to clear the way to the fates.
stuff like that,i have to be a nice goody two shoes in real life so i need a place where i can be a bad a$$

Last edited by ___________ on 12/15/2009 6:58:39 AM

15 years ago

lol i know what you mean, being evil feels good =P lol

15 years ago

I would rather see another Battlefront please!

I enjoyed the first force unleashed in some way except for the glitches at times but for the price I paid for it , it was worth it. Lets hope they get all the bugs out first before release the next one.

15 years ago

Just got the Ultimate Sith Edition as an early xmas gift, if you haven't played and are going to buy the game get this version, it has all the dlc on it.

EDIT: and yes I would like a Battlefront 3

Last edited by sunspider13 on 12/15/2009 1:37:09 AM

15 years ago

SWTFU was cool. I'm not complaining. Will get the sequel when released whenever the price drops to $35 or less. I won't pay anymore.

Last edited by just2skillf00l on 12/15/2009 5:55:52 AM

15 years ago

The first game sucked, this game will also suck. I'll rent it just like I did with the 1st.

15 years ago

If you honestly think it'll suck, why even rent it? Do you hate yourself that much? 😉

15 years ago

Because I like to keep an open mind and make sure for myself whether a game sucks or not. Just about any game is worth the 2.99 to rent and see where it goes.

15 years ago

just because the first sucks (which it certainly did not) means the sequel will?
you sir need to go play assassins creed 2.
i loved TFU, it may be buggy and short but it was allot of fun trying to make a storm trooper chain.
loved doing that.
it was so funny how every time you pick a enemy up he would grab onto another enemy.

15 years ago

I made it a couple of hours into the first game before I got bored and put it in my "to be finished…some day" pile. The controls for all the force powers took a while to learn, and there just wasn't much incentive to spend time doing it. I actually sort of enjoyed it, but I got to the first little boss battle and it was like "Sigh…I just don't feel like doing this any more."

Oh well, maybe the next one will be better.

15 years ago

Yeah, i wasn't impressed with the first one, i played through it but there wasn't anything too exciting. I really really want battlefront 3 or even KOTOR3!

15 years ago

The PS3 is powerful enough to do X-Wing, bring that classic back, I loved that game. Imagine that bad boy in HD with 5.1 or 7.1 sound … *drool*

(Although I don't miss the Y-Wings man those were like flying bricks in space.)

15 years ago

i love the first one. i still play it quite a bit. has it's flaws, but i really enjoyed it. cant wait for this one.

15 years ago

Yeah to me it wasn't greatness. But it was worth playing. Not worth the $60 purchase in my opinion, but hey, it's all subjective.

15 years ago

it was quite obvious this would get a sequel because
1 it sold very well.
2 lucas arts spent a HELL of allot of money developing DMM and the euphoria engine, there licensing it to other developers but you dont spend that type of money for a one off game.