Sony has really picked up the slack in terms of marketing and campaigning for the PlayStation 3, and most of our readers agree that yes, their flagship console is much more visible these days.
The vast majority of you either believe Sony is going all-out and this advertisement surge over the past few months has been uber-effective, or that at the very least, the extra marketing it noticeable and far more people are aware of the console's existence. The "It Only Does Everything" campaign is certainly getting plenty of airtime these days, and with the PS3 exclusive Uncharted 2: Among Thieves widely regarded as being the best game of the year, things are heating up. The PS3 boasted an 88% year-over-year sales growth in the month of November, which is a testament to both the overall appeal of the system (Blu-Ray, exclusives, PSN, more accessible price tag, etc.) and that new marketing push. Of course, we still think they could advertise something like Uncharted 2 a lot more (when's the last time you saw an ad on TV?) but besides that, I think we've all appreciated this reversal. Earlier in the year, you'd be hard-pressed to find any mention of the PS3 anywhere, and despite promises that Killzone 2 would receive plenty of support, that never really materialized as far as I could see. It's just very refreshing to see the advertising really kick in, especially when the console has so much going for it.
This week, we'd like to know what you think of the Spike TV Video Game Awards. Do you agree with the victors? Uncharted 2 took home Game of the Year, which I'm sure most all of you agree with, but what about the rest of the selections? We've said the nominations were pretty realistic and if you agree with that, you might also agree with the winners… Well, tell us what you think.
Sony's ads are very catchy and funny now compared to the ones they started off with (freaky baby).
Don't forget Tentacle Monster! … Except that's an example of a good ad.
Boom, you being the first to comment on this subject matter is apropos.
Good job to Sony for moving the machine forward with their advertising, but they need to come farther with the advertising of the games. No more advertisements with quick montages of games, give me a full 30 second advertisement on prime time tv for the likes of Infamous, Uncharted 2.
To this day, my mind wanders back to the advertisements that were done for Gears of War with the song "Mad World" by Tears for Fears. Catchy tune, a song that didn't necessarily go with a shooter like that, but damn it was effective. Didn't get me to buy the game, or the XBOX 360 for that matter, but it stayed in my mind.
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 12/14/2009 3:45:29 PM
Pretty sure "Mad World" was done by Gary Jules. At least the song used in the Gears commercials was, anyways… Don't know if it's a cover or anything…
You're both right. It was the Jules version and that was a cover (and a damn good one).
Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/15/2009 6:55:04 PM
Can someone give me a direct link to the vga's? I can't find it anywhere.
nvm i found it…but if theres a video…link please?
Last edited by SnipeySnake on 12/13/2009 11:09:59 PM
to boom:
awesome! that is my favorite ad out of all of them. niiiice!
The advertising lately has been good but not PS1/PS2,360,wii good.They should have a commercial for each of the exclusives(poor left behind KZ2)and each of the PS3's features(like Home); But it's a definitely a step up from the past years.As for the VGAs, I thought everything seemed pretty fair excluding the fact that KZ2,inFamous didn't come away with shit.
Yes, that fact that KZ2 and InFamous never came away with anything was scandalous…
Maybe GG will give up on us PS3 owners now 🙁
"i am home"
The VGAs were good
Seems gaming's kinda heading in the right direction again.
Going forward they need to adapt newly themed commercials. I like the current ones.
Hopefully they become more 'bout the game and less 'bout the console
Fully agree with SFIV being the fighter of the year. Of the decade even.
I really hope with Uncharted 2 winning game of the year it will get people to recognize Naughty Dogs gem. Shame games like MW2 sell 6mil while a perfect game like Uncharted 2 only sells a fraction of that.
I love the "It Only Does Everything" tag line. However, some of the attempts at humor in the TV ads are hit and miss IMO.
As far as dedicated TV commercials for Sony exclusive games go……uh, there aren't any….so, I think they should take their games out from beneath the rocks they're hiding under.
I have no beef at all with the Spike TV VGAs, but some categories could of been a toss up. That's just a testament to the quality of games released this year.
Last edited by Hezzron on 12/13/2009 10:29:21 PM
This year I agree with most of them or at least understand the points of view behind them. They really need to get someone better to MC though.
The ads are good and effective but I agree with the rest of you, us, whatever, that there needs to be dedicated ads that feature the awesomeness of each game instead of 25 seconds of joking around and 3 seconds of footage.
If Sony's sales start to fall they can just follow MS's example and ban 600k units, lol.
I kid, i kid.
I dont see the ps3's sales slowing down any time soon. Next year looks packed already, even during the slow times in Spring/Summer. Im just waiting for Insomniac to announce their game for next fall and i will be happy.
hopefully R3, that would make me a happy person!
I know alot of people around here like R2 online, which i did as well, but Resistance: FOM was far better in my opinion. Throwing more people in a map doesnt make it better to me. Despite what i just said i still loved the crap outta it!
All the other things you said, your right. The PS3 is just going to keep climbing!
-Big – Are you saying R:FOM single player was better or that the online was better? I thought R2 was an amazingly fun game…graphics and color were great…fun locations…and the cut scenes were better in FMV (especially the final cutscene!)
As far as online – I played R1 online for about 3 hours. Played R2 online for about 60+! I loved the co-op missions….just wish more people knew how to play as a team. I was always the medic (go figure)
Anxiously awaiting R3!!!!
not bad all in all. The whole night i was watching it though i felt like id be let down on every category. I especially felt this way when AC2 won action/adventure! I thought for sure it was going to get GOTY after that. Apparently gamers got confused when voting i guess. Other than that the only thing i didnt like was that KZ2 wasnt in the best shooter category.
Oh and the trailer for Medal of Honor gots me real ecxcited!
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/13/2009 11:02:32 PM
Some 360 fanboy on the vga comments said the ps3 had this year but all we had it has in 2010 is gow3. I laughed so hard!
He named like 3. I think it was halo reach, alen wake, and i don't know the last one.
Err, yea….one game. Xbots are funny.
crackdown 2.
come on guys, weve been through this before.
poor crackdown gets no attention 🙁
o and fable 3, but ive never been a fable fan.
ahhhh, how could i forget splinter cell conviction and mass effect 2.
for shame.
Last edited by ___________ on 12/14/2009 1:04:42 AM
Everything went fine, except for the fact that K2 and GG didn't get some love.
I personally think the graphics of K2 is a little better than U2, in terms of realism.
M just me and my Honest opinion
Cheers. . .
Last edited by jerocarson on 12/13/2009 11:15:40 PM
On an off topic note, what is with the Xbox 360 ad on the top?
They pay for our ability to come here and talk sh*t about them.
why the hates? ***<<<smiling>>>>
I don't see an ad(thank you Firefox/Adblock Plus).
I kid, I kid 😛
heres the thing…. all i ever see is one commercial from a ps3 game…. and thats it… once every 2 weeks maybe…. ive never seen a resistance commercial… ive seen one uncharted 2 commercial… and one kill zone 2 commercial
There was a Resistance 2 commercial back in the day, I thought it was good but nobody else did.
Off topic. It appears that briefly added a listing for Star Wars: Battlefront 3 yesterday. It has since been removed but it listed the preorder date as January 1 with the release date of June 2010 and available for PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. This is good news indeed if it turns out to be true.
To be fair their do have more than just "1 game". But no where near as many as ps3.
Alan Wake
Splinter Cell Conviction
Mass Effect 2
Halo Reach
Fable 3(possibly)
Out of these that I know only 3 interest me enough for me to go ou and buy an xbox. Alan Wake, Splinter Cell, and fable 3.
Errr yea none of those interest me. Poor taste indeed.
o come on.
how can you say mass effect 2, splinter cell conviction or alan wake dont interest you?
especially splinter cell conviction.
i shat my pants after their E3 demonstration.
alan wake could be good, but it looks like another alone in the dark to me so ill wait till reviews.
I am sure Alan Wake, Fable 3, Mass Effect 2 and Splinter Cell Conviction aren't going to be bad… at least 360 owners have some titles to look forward to; but PS3 will probably still have the best ones when it is all said and done.
"i am home"
Last edited by Qubex on 12/14/2009 3:14:27 AM
Ummm, I suppose Slinpter Cell a little. As for the rest deffinanlty not. Especially Fable.
they need to give some exclusives the same love.
ive lost count the amount of assassins creed 2 adds i have seen just last week.
hell today i saw 3 on TV, there was massive poster on the window at EB, there was 1 billboard at the train station, and another at the bus stop.
6 adds in one day.
thats more adds than i have seen for uncharted 2, ratchet and clank a crack in time and ninja gaiden sigma 2 put together.
dont they want their exclusives to sell?
im starting to think publishers are paying for them, thats why they are there.
if not, i cant think of any other reason why sony would be advertising everyone elses games but theirs.
I just get a kick out of all the whining about Uncharted 2 getting game of the year. "Oh, but MW2 sold more!!!" LOL. Warms my heart. Hey, by those standards, Wii Fit is the game of the year.
Then Wii Sport is the game of the decade with more than 50 million gone although most of it are bundled.
They should campaign the system along with the game of the year now.
MGS4, that game should have sold 6 million copies.
MGS4 would sell more copies now, but when it came out, it sold to something like a 5th of all PS3 owners at the time. That's pretty darned good, no matter how you look at it.
I love the Sony Ads they always get me laughing if I'm having a bad day I go on youtube and watch them 🙂
The Unchartered 2 one is so funny…. heck they're all funny, catchy and you always remember them
I in no way think they shouldve waited but maybe now SONY should kick off a new ad campaign for Uncharted 2! And of course mention not only the VGA GOTY award but also the other GOTY awards that are beginning to pop up here and there. Yahoo for example. Not to mention the fact that it has some of the best reviews of any game on any platform this year and almost ever! Let the pulbic know it exists! As well as other stellar exclusives! Yes SONY!! You can show off.. Just a little.. Or a lot. You have the right to do so. The competition does! And most of the time its all BS!
excuse me if I`m late here, but I just saw a Madden '10 commercial, wit the "it only does everything" ad as part of the commercial at the end. That's not really the best multiplatform game to be advertising, but hey, Sony's working.