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New RE5 Alternative Edition Outfits Will Turn Some Heads

I have a variety of comments concerning these two new outfits but I will keep them to myself…primarily because for some bizarre reason, many of them feature adult content.

Maybe it's because picturing Chris and Sheva together in their new outfits would constantly make it seem as if they're ready to lay down their guns, ignore the oncoming hordes, and simply go at it. You know, lust prevails in hell and all that. … anyway , according to Kotaku , we can now see the two costumes we'll get in the upcoming Alternative Edition. If you've forgotten, this "edition" will be available to all those who already own the game as DLC on the PSN or XBLM and if you click the link above, you'll see two video clips of Chris and Sheva sporting their new looks. Chris is basically bare-chested with slicked-back hair and sunglasses while Sheva has this naughty schoolgirl/Little Red Riding Hood thing going. Like I said, it just carries too many implications; if you were Chris, maybe you'd just say, "meh, we're gonna die anyway, might as well get me some of that while I'm still breathing…and before she's all mangled and un-pretty." The Alternative Edition boasts other things, obviously, but these costumes take center stage for now.  Nothin' wrong with that.

New outfits aren't typically good enough reasons for gamers to revisit an adventure but this time, you might change your mind.

Related Game(s): Resident Evil 5

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15 years ago

LOL @ Chris. Looks like he's out of MadMax.

15 years ago

I'll pass. Alternate costumes are worthless. The game wasn't exactly that great either.

15 years ago

"Alternate costumes are worthless"

Unless, of course, they're for sackboy 🙂

Last edited by swapnilgyani on 12/12/2009 11:56:32 AM

15 years ago

"Unless, of course, they're for sackboy :)"

Still worthless in my opinion. It's just a cosmetic change. No gameplay alterations whatsoever. Now if they make alternate costumes that give you certain abilities, weapons, etc., then it may be worth it. Until then, no.

15 years ago

I laughed pretty hard when she landed on her back, I'll consider picking this up if it hits $20. Looks like now it's going on amazon for around $35.

15 years ago

Lame. What the hell happened to Capcom?

15 years ago

they are making easy money selling crap and a bunch of people are paying for it.

the same thing with the latest activision games(all of them).

15 years ago

These costumes have been available for FREE on PC for well over 3 months.

I know this because my friend was smarter than me and pirated it for PC. I was dumb and bought it for PS3 since RE4 was such a fun game, I gladly sold RE5 on Ebay, what a shitty game.

15 years ago

I was so excited for this game. Turned out to be the biggest turd in 2009 for me.

15 years ago

They need to remake Resident Evil 2HD for PS3!!!!
I'll by that in a New York minute, California second!!!!!!! lol

15 years ago

Resident Evil 5 is a great game but I'm over it. I'm not interested in reliving games I've beaten 9 months ago. Pass.

15 years ago

Great? Oh do share how that's even possible.

15 years ago

It wasn't a terrible game, it just wasn't what it should have been.

I do miss the old days though. Bought the original Resident Evil when it first came out on PS1, before I had even heard or read about it. Didn't surprise me in the least when it started getting rave reviews. Some of the most fun I ever had with a game, especially after plugging in the Gameshark, that really helped when trying to play through the game in under 2 hours 😉

I think people are too quick to throw out labels like "shitty game" or "biggest turd of the year" when it simply didn't meet expectations.

Something like Tony Hawk: Ride, Damnation, or Rogue Warrior are things I agree deserve that label. Nearly broken, totally unplayable games. Resident Evil 5 was not all that it could have been, but it wasn't quite sh*t either.

15 years ago

@ bearbobby

Thanks for the dose of rationality.

fuk u
fuk u
15 years ago

agree brighat1971, im all done with this game plus my copy sits in Gamestop since i traded it in. It was fun threw two plays… they absolutely screwed the scaryness out of RE5, not one time was I scared if ever to come a RE6 they got to get back to the 'dark n scary'

15 years ago

Never thought I'd see RE go down the fleshy route to keep people interested in a waning franchise, but I suppose you could say they already began it with Sheva's first alternate costume. I guess it's okay for the teen guys. Not that I'm against sexy outfits but they should kind of fit with the game, like any fighting game is just bound to have some slutty stuff in it, or an action game like Bayonetta. But a zombie killer? Maybe not so much.

15 years ago

Resident Evil and Silent Hill failed a lot in this gen for the horror genre, the new kings are now Dead Space and Siren.

15 years ago

I was playing RE3 last night for a solid 2hrs on my PSP and loving it yet again. Sure reminds you how far this series has fallen.

15 years ago

I couldn't agree more. Residen EvilCl has lost it's mojo. RE2 and 3 are Classic.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/11/2009 2:15:49 PM

15 years ago

WorldEndsWithMe: Forgotten about Onechanbara? ^^

15 years ago

Onechanbara? That rings a bell but I can't place it.

15 years ago

I actually really liked RE5. I still find people to play it with online.

15 years ago

Too bad, I wanted to like this game after 4 but it's kickass looks aren't enough to counterbalance its horrendous controls and forced babysitting. If I could customize the controls in any decent way and guarantee a buddy over any time I got the urge to play I'd pick it up sure but that's not happening so I'm not wasting my time on it.

15 years ago

Since I've never played RE5 I'm already sold on this.

15 years ago

FAIL!!! FAIL!!!! You heathen!

15 years ago

Second 3rd person best action/advent game after Uncharted 2 for me this year. But I dont think I'll be spending money on DLC.

15 years ago

I think that's the issue people aren't so happy about, RE shouldn't be an action game in many people's opinions. It was supposed to keep the creep factor instead. So I guess it can be a great game and a bad game based on your expectations of it.

15 years ago

RE5 is just a run and gun game without the ability to run and gun.

What kind of game is that?
It's stuck between survival horror and 3rd person shooter, although there's nothing scary anymore, what have you done Capcom…………

15 years ago

I know what you guys are saying but in the end it turned out to be a GAME….. And that's what we're here for……. games, regardless whether the fear factor is gone or exists, its still a playable GAME. Its not some toxic or poison killing everybody on the streets, its entertainment, its a game, you choose to like it or dislike it and me likey….

Last edited by www on 12/11/2009 6:53:40 PM

15 years ago

no because I wanted to play Resident Evil , not a action/shooter game.

15 years ago

www you speak truth. Too many people living in the past. Saying Deadspace was more survivor horror than RE5 is rubbish. Deadspace was an action game like the rest. Just play the game and have fun. Don't get all mad at it just because it's not similar to what you played as a child.

15 years ago

yeah because when FFXVI becomes an action/shooter/online cop game I'm going to live in the past because I don't like it.

I don't care if its a good game I dont like that genre.

Last edited by Oxvial on 12/11/2009 8:31:41 PM

15 years ago

DeadSpace IS survival horror.

Resident Evil 5 IS NOT Survival Horror.

Do you understand the difference Alienange?

Those people "living in the past" remember when RE games were fun. I've been playing RE3 on my PSP and it's already offered me more fun than RE5 could ever offer me.

15 years ago

Well, that makes me 10% more likely to buy it. So we're up to a total of…10% now 🙂

15 years ago

No matter what you think of RE5, DLC costumes fail every time.

15 years ago

Nice ta-tas though.

15 years ago

That outfit can lead to some…assumptions. Capcom what the hell are you doing with your time? Multiplayer unlockable only as priced DLC. What the fu**? I didn't pay for part of a game, I payed for a full game. Utterly ridiculous and unforgivable!

15 years ago

O capcom stuff this crap and give us back the true resident evil game.
ive even been thinking in buying a ps2 just so i can go back and play resi 4.
but that knowing my luck, the day i buy a PS2 is the day sony brings back BC to the ps3.
only if the PSP could emulate ps2 games.

15 years ago

Sooooo, Shiva's showing some sexy skin soon?

Come'on…..Chris could comply consumers contain conditions concerning complete coverall.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/15/2009 9:02:38 PM