It is now official that EA will be producing a sequel to Dead Space and the upcoming issue of Game Informer will provide you with plenty of early details.
But if you can't wait that long, we'll fill you in right now, courtesy of Rely on Horror . The highlights of the feature are that our new space station will be called "Sprawl," the main character Isaac will finally have a voice, and the story is set three years after the original in true sequel form. The space station may feel a little different from the environment we experienced in the first Dead Space ; the Necromorph playground in DS2 is described as an "organic, haphazardly constructed, long-term place that’s built around the remaining shards of one of Saturn’s moon-The first planet-crack ever. Like any real city it is not all built by one person. Some stuff was built up, and some areas, corporate areas, government areas, and public areas." New bosses will test our mettle, space drifting is something we'll have to contend with and yes, there will be multiplayer…where you'll be forced to do to your friends what you do to those Necromorphs. In other words: dismemberment. Feel free to read more about Dead Space 2 and as you read, bear in mind that you could be looking at the establishment of the finest survival/horror series of the generation.
The first really broke new ground in that genre and we expect nothing but an absolute masterpiece with the sequel. Anything less and we'll be disappointed, so don't let us down, Visceral!
Related Game(s): Dead Space 2
oh yeh easily the best survival horror of this generation glad to see that isaac will hopefully make the story even better….i dunno how mp would work though could be pretty cool though if they included the monsters
Hmmmm a voice, its going to be like Resistance's Hale again… I'll wait till further news.
I could see it going either way. Hopefully it'll be for the better. There is something about a playable character that doesn't speak. It makes the player feel as if they really were in the game. But voice acting, when done well, could be a very nice bonus. It's just hard to imagine what Isaac's voice would sound like….
yeh thats true when the player doesnt speak it kinda feels like its actually you
It could go terribly wrong, as with Nathan Hale in Resistance, but I will remain optimistic about it. The talented devs at Visceral made a great game with the first Dead Space, and it is very evident in the dev diaries that these guys care a lot about their games. Who knows? We could be looking at the first survival horror to reach storyline/gameplay nirvana like we saw with Uncharted 2.
Here's hoping. . . .
@Ultimadream; I was thinking the same. Developers love to take risks when making the second game in a successful series and 50% of the time they fail miserably. So let's pray they don't eff this one up!
And the same goes for movies. Ala Transformers 2. (I actually liked the first, but the second was just BAD!). I wanted to like it tho, because the film is set in my hometown for the first few minutes of the movie, but oh well..
Last edited by Daedusian on 12/10/2009 12:21:59 PM
They have to add a voice. Everyone else is dead.
I personally prefer my character to speak, and not be a deaf, dumb mute.
hmm. I rather prefer a silent protagonist. Especially in a horror shooter. Takes the ambience to a new level, plus it feels more like you're the dude in the game.
DS2 is going to be better then the first, for what they achieved in DS1 I can just imagine DS2 being better. In DS1 Isaac feels like a Gofer when all you get is told what to do and have no response and hope you dont die around the next corner- now with more aggresion and a voice this will gave the game a fresh feeling not the same ol' same.
Good point. One of my few complaints about Dead Space was that the story was a bit weak – "Fix this or we'll die!" "Okay, fixed." "Oh, now we need this other thing fixed, or we'll die!" "Okay, I'm on it." Taking a more proactive approach with the main character might be a great change.
Well damn. That's what I've been saying. First game was a bit shallow.
Sounds really awesome. Even if it was exactly like the first, but set in a different ship, I'd still put my money down on it.
While I have every confidence in Visceral we must not take into account the DVD gimp effect because the Multiplayer is gonna be taking up that precious space. I will get it, but will probably not even touch the multiplayer.
er, must take into account, 🙂
Really? You wouldn't try it out? That seems so close-minded. You're not paying anything extra. I can't stand it when people say they won't buy a game because something is included without adding to the cost. Now, if you tried it out and it is the biggest piece of crap, I could understand you not playing it anymore. Just don't say stuff to try and sound like you "don't care" and you're such a "bada**". That's dumb. There is no way you would buy the game and not try out everything it has to offer at least once. (Unless it offended you for some reason. IE, the airport mission in MW2.)
"organic, haphazardly constructed, long-term place… Like any real city it is not all built by one person. Some stuff was built up, and some areas, corporate areas, government areas, and public areas."
Is it me, or does this sound like it's going to be Bioshock in space?
I remember the developers saying they wanted to add some mutiplayer in hopes of keeping the game out of GameStops.
I remember reading how Dead Space was played by way more people than it actually sold new. People would finish it and quickly trade it in to GameStop. They're adding MP this time in hopes of getting people to hang on to it longer, and create more new sales… opposed to it being recycled over and over again at GameStop.
Last edited by Hezzron on 12/10/2009 1:50:52 PM
This is true. I bought my copy for around $15 long after it came out and beat it within a week to get my money back. It's hard to justify spending $60 on a game you are not attached to when it will be dramatically cheaper a few months later. Now that DS2 has multiplayer, this might sway me to purchase it new so that I can play with friends.
[This is stupid but] Thumb me up for Multiplayer dismemberment!
Absolutely! So many appendages… where to start… where to start…
I suggest starting with the crotch area. I know I wouldn't wanna f*ck with anyone that just castrated me.
Boy, if they can really get it right the DS multiplayer could be truly awesome.
…btw, what happens if you've got an arm off?
I'll hold my opinion for mp until I can get my hands on it, U2 has set the bar so high. I'm just happy that DS2 is on it's way.
while multiplayer sounds kinda cool, this just pisses me off.
not every game needs MP to be awesome damnit!!!
its the "thing" in the gaming world right now, just like every thing else is going "green".
so anyone doesn't misunderstand, i do care about the environment, i just hate how companies are just jumping the bandwagon now that its the thing to be "green".
MMMMM, shades of "pitch black & blood red"
I like it!
and another one bites the dust.
this is shaping up to be the disappointment of the century.
ive got all the faith in the world for visceral games, but its not looking good.
please guys, one resident evil 5 was enough for me.
WTF does a survival horror game need MP?
i dunno, maybe im jumping the gun a little, but every thing i hear about this destroys the confidence in me.
i really want this to be good because its the only survival horror game left.
this blows it, than what do we have left?
In this case multiplayer just helps add to the longevity of the game…as opposed to where multiplayer actually drives the sales…like modern warfare 2(i'm not coughing this one up). Dead Space will still be an awesome single player experience. Don't know how Isaac actually speaking will affect the game but hey, it can't be that bad right? The only time we ever heard him utter anything was when he was overexerting himself stomping his foot or swinging around his arm and gun half-assedly. As long as they add more guns, more dialogue (well…maybe mostly monologues), more scares, the same game mechanics, not to mention multiplayer, what else can we ask for. Maybe a flashlight?