You know, back in 1995, I didn't wake up and suddenly say to myself, "I pledge now to have the largest collection of PlayStation games during each generation from here on out." Hell, I had only just seen the first PlayStation at a friend's house, and I was immensely skeptical that it could survive against the Nintendo and Sega goliaths. And yet, here we sit, nearly 15 years later, and once again, it has become abundantly clear that my PS3 collection will outstrip that of my Xbox 360 collection.
I've been a multi-console owner for as long as I can remember – probably since the NES; was there another console out at the time? – and I've gone through my phases. There was the ol' IBM Tandy phase (anybody who says anything against Hero's Quest and Earl Weaver's Baseball gets smacked), the GameBoy phase, the SNES vs. Genesis phase (which system do I play today?), etc. But for the past three generations, almost always without my even recognizing it, the number of games I racked up for the PlayStation console has always exceeded that of other machines. At no time did I say, "I want a PS game today;" I've always only cared about the game itself. If it's something I want to play, I really don't care what I have to play it on, and of course, I want the best of the best like any avid gamer. So how can it be possible that for three generations in a row, one manufacturer has provided me with more hours of entertainment than any other?
I was a huge RPG fanatic during the PS1 days so it's no surprise I should prefer that over the N64, which I absolutely detested. After the glory of the SNES, I considered the N64 to be an absolute abomination and the GameCube wasn't much better, although I did like the Xbox. I had that, but the PS2 vastly topped the Xbox's library and it's why I currently have 60+ PS2 games and about 8 Xbox games. I did once have about 18 but I got rid of many when I traded up to the 360. And when this generation began, PlayStation was a year behind so by mid-2007, I had 6 360 games and 3 PS3 games. Now? 28 for the PS3 and 9 for the Xbox 360. I don't own the Wii because I play video games, and let's just leave it at that. But even with the year head-start, everything seems to have stalled on the 360 side, and trust me, it has nothing to do with altering personal preferences. I still just want to play awesome games, and I still know that some PS3 ports aren't what they should be ( Bayonetta , for one).
And yet, it doesn't seem to matter. I'm not a tech geek and I don't have a Facebook page and I don't have a cell phone that can make me a sandwich. Therefore, I've never cared about all the other little features on the new systems, although I do appreciate the PSN a great deal. All I care about are the interactive experiences and for the past 15 years, I've never had to dust off a PlayStation console. Not once. I keep having to do that with other consoles, and I think this proves that despite Sony's constant drive to make the PS3 into an entire home entertainment machine, it's still all about the games. If it wasn't, things would be different for me. That's all I'm saying.
Totally agree Ben. Even my 7 year old son would rather have games for his PS2 over Wii. He told me last night that he wanted the Bakugan game for Christmas but he wanted it for the PS2 because the Wii was for little kids. Ha Ha
lol @ the wii
You speak the truth Ben,Although i weren't as lucky as some people to have every single console for each gen(was only 7 when ps1 came out)But ever since Sony entered gaming i had no need to buy another console with all the games PS1/PS2 had and now the PS3 is doing the exact same thing. Along with my PC it is the ultimate combo for games :)(my ps2 is still up and running but my ps1 is anything issue )
Last edited by huh1678 on 12/9/2009 10:17:20 PM
I Agree w/ you, I recently bought a PS3, actually one of the reasons I choose it over 360 was, 360's Exclusive games have chance to release on PC like Halo…(Thanks to Microsoft lol), So PS3 + a Good PC = Enough "Probably". When Wii drop to US$100 I will probably get it.. IT still have some games that are good to play w/ friends lol..
Im a Really fan of Zelda… But well I have a friend w/ a wii… I just can get it from him since He almost or dont play it at all if a new Zelda For wii release..
I was 1 when it first came out =(
yeah, i never liked the idea of playing a zelda game by means of waggle. Zelda is epic as it is and i dont want it dumbed down to waggle controls. I played twilight princess but i got one of the few gamecube releases they had. I even bought a strategy guide if i ever i get stuck, which i didnt. In my opinion, getting the game and strategy guide is my collectors edition. Its funny though, i couldnt find a gamecube guide and the people at gamestop said the wii guide is the same. The only difference was that the maps in the guide were the mirrored versions of the gamecube games.
That's why there needs to be full B/C. So there is no need for numerous PS systems unless you just like to own them. I actually had the same thoughts on the PS1 and started the 32bit gen with a 32X and then a Saturn. My current list:
Xbox1 (modded for Nes, Snes, Master system, Genesis, N64 emulation)
Dreamcast x2
Wish I never sold my Jaguar 😉
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/9/2009 10:10:46 PM
PS3 with PS2/PS1 compatibility. The one PlayStation to rule them all….
I love my launch system. The day it dies is the day I cry a little and scour the net for a refurb with a warranty.
My PS3 has the software compatibility, which does pretty well but anything too intense sets it on edge.
Wonder if I'm the only one who likes having the ps2 and ps1 around? With the inteded TVs for each (ps3: HDTV, ps2: Standard, ps1: small standard)
@TheHighlander My brother's B/C 60GB died two months ago.He sent in his PS3 with 150 dollars and Sony sent him a replacement B/C 60GB with a new warranty.I don't know if that's always the case,but I sure hope when my launch model dies I get the same treatment.
Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 12/10/2009 9:11:31 AM
Oh indeed, Sony will likely be my first call for a possible repair/replacement.
Yeah my 80gb B/C Motorstorm died last weekend. I was thinking of sending it to sony for 150 bucks. Then I tried the heat gun method. It is now back up and running, and the fan is a lot quieter then it was before now that I've cleared all the dust out of the system. I'm just curious as to how long it will last.
Just to be on the safe side though I did go out and pick up a slim as well. Nice system, but there's a few glitches about it that I don't like it as much as the bigger systems.
Last edited by CH1N00K on 12/10/2009 2:49:14 PM
yeah, sony charges 150 to repair your ps3 and i think the warranty for your refurbished system is 3 months. I'll never get rid of my premium ps3(60gb). I'll just repair/ get a refurbished system as much as i can. i got mine repaired before the price drop. they should lower repair costs when they lower the retail price. As a precaution IF, and its a big if, my refurb ps3 fails. Ohhh, and screw copy protection. I dont feel like replaying a game like dragonball z burst limit or naruto ultimate ninja storm just to unlock characters again. Unlocking all characters are supposed to be done once because doing that a second time is just a pain.
Yeah this is absolutely true, no weird gimmics no awkward phases the playstation consoles were always solid gaming…
I don't really have a history of multiple console owning because of financial strain but when I had to empty my wallet better believe playstation got the attention.
Overtime im glad to admit there was always maybe one or two games I was displeased appeared only on other consoles but the playstation always had enough to keep me content ^_^
Here's to sony may its track record keep on the rise ^_^
Man I know what you mean, I have played games since I was about five (Crash Bandicoot on PS1 was AWESOME!)and I have played every console since then and even some old consoles like the SNES (I'm 15 years old). I currently have a PS2, Xbox and PS3 and i'm not counting my laptop because it struggles with less demanding games. Anyway I have always gone back to Playstation because their games are unique, I love a good FPS or racing game but I sometimes I have a special itch I need to scratch, Xbox doesn't do it for me. I mean look at the 2010 release date for games on PS3: Heavy Rain, GOW III, GT5, Final Fantasy (i've lost count haha) and so much more. The range is amazing, then you have the games which are multiplatform such as: Mafia II, Red Dead Redemption, Just Cause 2 etc. I am not a fanboy and I see each console for what it is. No matter what, my wallet goes to my PS3.
ps: if you read all this, have a cookie
Im gonna have to steal that 'pants on head retarded' line.
I think it's really sad if anyone thinks that's a lot of text to read. 😉
I can't hate on the Wii, it has some fun games and I'm happy my wife has one. But nothing is replacing my PS3.
Next Generation of PS w/ Full Backwards compatibility (I Wish lol)
SNES still stands as one of the best consoles ever
To shift away from Nintendo in the mid 1990s wasn't easy.
Mario is an icon, better than any Halo crap or Gears. To have passed on the chance to enjoy the Mario games on the N64 was huge for many gamers of that generation
That's how good ps1 was. So good that it was able to surpass Nintendo. Mind you, Nintendo was a big powerhouse for games. But Sony pushed gaming farther than Nintendo with the ps1. They made a culture of experimentation.
You see stuff like Parappa the Rapper, Metal Gear Solid, Crash Bandicoot, Cool Boarders, Twisted Metal, etc.
Their first and second party games lead the way with SO MUCH VARIETY (something that's still true to this day)
It's not variety in one genre, it's variety in ALL genres. Street Fighter Alpha! Final Fantasy IX! Syphon Filter….Ape Escape!
Yup, the only company which could ever dream to match that is Nintendo (they've still got the potential, just not the console)
I'd love Nintendo to come back some day. They can really give Sony a run for their money. Not to mention that it would be fun to see them go up against Sony again.
I'm not sure that Nintendo ever had the sheer variety that the PS brand has enjoyed. Yes, Nintendo was dominant – you can't take that away from them, but how many games?
No, no 16 bit or 8 bit systems had the variety that systems today have, BUT that variety did open up with the invention of Super Mario 64.
Nintendo died with me when the Sega Genesis came out. I eventually bought a SNES, but I had it long enought to play the Mario game that came with it and a couple of football games. I gave it to my girlfriend's little brothers. Nintendo has really held the kiddie/family niche, which is cool, but not for me.
Not saying that you're implying that Mario is of kids (only). But I hope you're not
Mario is for everyone
I know what you mean Ben. I have more games for the PS3 than any platform before, by a wide margin, and I include about a dozen PS2 titles in that since I got them after I got my PS3 with PS2 compatibility. With PS it's always been about the games, the CD, DVD, UMD, BluRay, mp3, digital image and digital video playback was only ever a bonus – a very nice bonus, but, it was about the games and not the rest.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/9/2009 11:08:44 PM
but of coarse its about the games, what else would it be about?
i thought that was the whole point in buying a games console.
thats why i always get upset when sony are wasting time and money releasing other completley unnecessary features.
if i wanted facebook, twitter, or netflix theres this wonderful ground breaking device called a computer.
i did not buy a PS3 so it can do things my 2 laptops and 1 desktop can do.
especially when theres a million and one things they need to fix that are much much much more important than facebook or netflix.
when are they going to fix the trophy and controller syncing issues?
Well, that's two, so can you kindly list the other 999,999 issues you think that they should fix? Thanks!
Last edited by TheHighlander on 12/9/2009 11:18:00 PM
TheHighlander's breaking damage limit, twice!
Oh God I miss Final Fantasy's damage limits. And breaking them.
give me a few days and ill get back to ya 😉
Set'em up, and I'll knock'em down!
How about a spell check? Can we get a PS3 spell check over here?
Brain + eyes = spell checker.
Da' gaims!
Last edited by Banky A on 12/9/2009 11:30:15 PM
Superman 915 my display pic is from a web seies called Zero Punctuation, check it out. Or look it up on Google images. Sorry for the off topic.
I want a cell phone that can make me a sammich. Also there were well over 1000 games for the nes. Lots of variety there highlander.
I've purchased more non-sports game for the PS3 than any other system than probably my colecovision. As my disappointment in the sports genre increases, I've found that I am opening up to more gaming styles. The only two genres that I don't play are RPGs and the music joints.
I agree with the article….but you have to give Nintendo's Wii props. It's done something that hasn't been done by Sony or MS in years, and that's give gaming back to the kids.
You know those fond memories of the NES and SNES? The Wii is creating those now for a new generation. There ARE a number of quality games on there that are good at what they do for kids, and the young at heart.
When you're a kid, you like Saturday morning cartoons. As you get older, your tastes in TV watching mature to more adult programming. "Mature programming" took over the video gaming world. The Wii finally supplied some "cartoons" again, and the result speaks for itself.
Last edited by Hezzron on 12/10/2009 12:05:11 AM
The huge difference between then and now is that the games for kids were ALSO the best games available. They were the cutting edge; they were the best the industry could produce.
The Wii now is like playing the Atari when you had the SNES. I give Nintendo all the props in the world for creating such a massive cash cow, but I still say the Wii needs to be placed in the electronics/cell phone section at the store.
The original Playstation had great games for kids, like Spyro and Crash Bandicoot. Those great developers went on to create more mature title we're all familiar with. Great for us, not so great for the kids.
The old NES and SNES had much more simple controllers too. You could count the buttons on one hand. Today's controllers are intimidating to those that haven't progressed along with them from the start.
The Wii obviously filled a vacuum like void.
Goes to show. Kids don't care about "cutting edge." They care about the games.
@ Ben
So, by the same logic, the PSP and DS aren't gaming systems because they're lower-tech than the consoles.
I'm no apologist for the Wii (don't own one). I never saw the appeal of motion controls and I'm not happy with the quality of most Wii games and the implications for the industry, but it's still a gaming console.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/11/2009 5:44:39 PM
Ben, hope your comment about the Wii was tongue in cheek… cell phone section?
I agree with your article Ben.
Out of my 13 systems, I always wind up giving my Playstation's the most love.
In fact, Playstation is part of the family now too, there's…..
Grand Ole Dad = 60GB PS3
Big Mamma = (fattie PS2
Aunt Twiggy = (Slim)PS2
Uncle Ralph = PS
And my rainbow coalition of kids…..
J.J.Dyn-O-Mite=PSP 2000 (Black)
Coach =PSP 2000(Madden09,Metallic Blue)
Darth Vader= PSP 2000(Star Wars,White)
Bender PSP 3000 (Metallic "Robot" Silver)
But it's also good once in a while t ogo & show some love towards all my in-laws too….
Panasonic 3DO
Atari Jaguar
NES – 8 games
Mega Drive (Genesis) – 14 games
Playstation – 32 games
PS2 – 42 games
PS3 – 34 games and climbing
360 – 10 games and currently stalled
Wii – 10 games and currently stalled
Honestly, does Wii or 360 have anything good lined up for the first half of 2010? I haven't seen anything! Halo Reach is a ways off, so is Gears 3. Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M and Zelda aren't coming any time soon either.
Wait!! Wait… Alan Wake and Splinter Cell Conviction, but those are PC too so they don't count as 360 exclusives.
Is it just me or has MS just given up and put all their efforts into Natal? Are they ignoring their fellow gamers? I feel like Sony are the only ones doing something for 2010, the others have seemed to have given up.
It's not just you, Microsoft haven't give up…..yet, they're just giving their all for Natal knowing that the limit of DVD can't provide them with games like KZ2 and Uncharted 2.
Natal is a double edged sword though, if it's succesful then Sony will have a hard time.
But on the other hand, they're neglecting games for Natal which I find very stupid, Microsoft doesn't give a damn about us gamers.
awesome post, very very similar here in terms of the love of the games, and love of the RPGs
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 12/10/2009 4:22:56 AM
I feel so outa it, I was part of the SEGA movement in the 90's with the genesis, saturn and dreamcast. I felt like we represented a balance and motivational trend to Nintendo's domination. Those were great times…
That was me too my brother.
Sega were my childhood.