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Woo On Stranglehold: “We’re Making That Into A Movie”

John Woo's Stranglehold was a highly anticipated game that was quite entertaining for a while, but had its fair share of flaws and was over much too quickly. For those of you hoping for a sequel, though, you'll have to settle for a movie adaptation…which might actually be better.

According to a recent Cinematical interview with John Woo, we learn that the director isn't necessarily interested in making another game, but he certainly plans to turn Stranglehold into a film. Lest we forget, Woo made the aforementioned game as an interactive sequel to the cult classic movie, "Hard Boiled," featuring Chow Yun Fat. And when Cinematical asked Woo about the game, Woo quickly replied, "We're going to make that into a movie." He went on to say that he doesn't currently have any plans to make another game, citing a lack of time as he's in the process of producing two movies (one in Taiwan, one in Shanghai). Maybe the somewhat lukewarm critical reception Stranglehold received is keeping Woo from returning to the video game world for the time being, or maybe he just thinks a movie would make more sense as a sequel. As it was, the game certainly felt a lot like a hardcore action flick, so it should make an easy transition to the big screen. Besides, with Woo at the helm, we should probably be encouraged.

All these films based on video games are starting to pile up; we're going to have to be selective when we head to the theaters. …well, only if there's at least one or two decent productions in the mess of mediocrity.

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15 years ago

Well hard boiled was epic, and it almost got me to buy the game. But I saved my money so I can hopefully enjoy the movie without giving up the plot

15 years ago

yeh hard boiled is brilliant so this wont be so bad even thought the games wasnt that great

15 years ago

I own the game and I love it (even though the difficulty at times can frusterate the hell out of me). I bought the Collector's Edition so I could also enjoy a Blu-ray copy of Hard Boiled. =)

15 years ago

I've passed on Stranglehold more times than I can remember. Even at a killer budget price, there's always been another game at a budget price that I've wanted more.

15 years ago

Shame, he's not doing another one right now.
I have the CE & liked both the movie & the game(although I got stuck numerous times trying to kill all the baddies while blowing up their floating junks).

15 years ago

Played the demo a long time back, was fun if a bit over the top. Was 10 time better than the demo for WET though. Easily.

Don't see the need to make a movie out of it cause I got the impression it's based on several of his movies to begin with, so basically the film's already made. But whatever, he is the Woo. And the Woo does, as the Woo wills.

15 years ago

I bought Stranglehold for less than $10 new and never finished it. It's not a bad game, but you do feel overwhelmed with enemies a few times.

15 years ago

Woo cares… ;0)

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 12/9/2009 5:11:35 PM

15 years ago

I wonder what the edit was.

15 years ago

You don't wanna know…

15 years ago

His movies are great…
A wise decision I THINK
The demo didn't do much for me
The movies I do enjoy though

15 years ago

Funny thing about the game is the online doesn't work anymore, but Sony is still charging like 15 bucks for a multiplayer add on pack.

Last edited by Xbox_Killer on 12/9/2009 8:15:29 PM

15 years ago

fukng lames news ever

15 years ago

The game is a lot of fun to play. My problem was The story doesn't grab you and the cutscene graphics are horrible. Rarely when there's a lot going on onscreen the picture will cut up something terrible. When I tried Multiplayer no one was online.

Anyway I wouldn't mind an action packed movie of Stranglehold.

15 years ago

i really liked stranglehold, mainly because it promised nothing and delivered so much.
i love cop based action games, and well were lacking them big time.
this and max payne are more or less our choices, use to have james bond but thats gone down the sh*tter and so has mission impossible.
o and id love a sequel to swat 4.
loved playing that on my PC, kinda like rainbow six vegas but more strategic and more gadgets to play with.

15 years ago

SWAT 4 ruled for it's time.

15 years ago

tis it was, shame my PC was not powerful enough to play it properly.
kept freezing and had lag galore because neither my CPU or GPU were fast enough.
and only had 256MBs of RAM.
still got the old beast too.
comps are not built like they use to be, my father has a really old toshiba suit case thats how old his laptop is.
besides the dead battery its in perfect working order.
the laptop im using now has gone through 4 chargers.
one day i plugged it in and a flame and smoke started poring out of the DC port.
than i jumped back and said "hmmmmmm thats peculiar"
when your laptop catches fire thats when you know you have a problem 😉

15 years ago

The game was fun for a litle while. But eventually it just made me want to watch Hard Boiled again.

15 years ago

Wonder if the film will have a crap framerate too.