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Smithsonian To Unveil The Art Of Video Games Exhibit

There was a time when Pong could fascinate the hell out of a family. There was also a time not long after that when the industry all but disappeared forever (look up the Big Video Game Crash on Wiki, if you need to).

But things have changed a great deal and nowadays, video games are ingrained in our culture and are enjoying a huge surge of popularity. It's also gaining ground in terms of legitimacy amongst the mainstream crowds and more experts are recognizing gaming for what it is: an artistic medium. If you need proof, there's no better evidence than the exhibit that will run between March 16, 2012 and September 9, 2012 at the Smithsonian American Art Museum : The Art of Video Games, inspired by over three decades of growing creativity, imagination and innovation. The description of the exhibit is as follows:

"Many museums have explored art inspired by video games, but this exhibition will be the first to examine comprehensively the evolution of video games themselves as an artistic medium. From the Atari VCS to the Playstation 3, The Art of Video Games will show the development of visual effects and aesthetics during four decades, the emergence of games as a means for storytelling, the influence of world events and popular culture on game development, and the impact that the games can have on society. It will include multimedia presentations of game footage, video interviews with developers and artists, large prints of in-game screen shots, historic game consoles, and a selection of working game systems for visitors to play. In addition, the public will be asked to assist with the selection of materials for the show by choosing the games that they feel best represent particular moments in the overall timeline."

That right there ought to make you feel proud and in some ways, a little vindicated. How many times have you tried to tell the disbelieving parent that gaming was more than what they think it is? How many times have you heard conversations concerning movies and music at get-togethers, only to think, "why can't video games be included in the discussion?" It's still over two years away but the announcement of this exhibit really is like a beacon for veteran gamers.

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15 years ago

Haha Pong still facinates me!

15 years ago

Interesting story, I'd like to see that exhibit. Maybe it will take us a step further into social acceptance of games as an art form.

15 years ago

But… This might be the most amazing thing I won't see before December 21st 😛

Kiwi of DOOM
Kiwi of DOOM
15 years ago


15 years ago

Hopefully it turns into an exhibit that can be moved around to different museums so more people can check it out.

15 years ago

Bout time!
I've given up trying to impress my dad though; I had him take a look at Uncharted 2 and he said, "well you can still tell it's a game by lookin at it." They just don't understand us gamers! :,(

15 years ago

Did you mention to him that you can tell it's just music by listening to it?

15 years ago

Lol, he meant it still looked "cartoony." He tries to humor me, at least.

15 years ago

unless your pops is a techno geek, i doubt he'll be too impressed by Nathan Drake running around. Show him a sports game if you really wanna impress him. I showed my dad the FIFA 10 demo and his jaw dropped.

15 years ago

My dad thought Tomb Raider looked amazing back in 1996, I've had it easy.

15 years ago

You should hear my dad. He thinks PS1 games look like PS3 games.

15 years ago

my mom robbed my SEGA bout ten years ago. Found it plugged in yesterday. Most annoying sound of 'Columns' back on the tv again.. Yet she wont play a single game on the ps3 feeling they are 'too complicated looking'!!

15 years ago

You brought up a good point there Ben when, in speaking about conversations concerning movies or music, you ask "why can't video games be included in the discussion?"

You are absolutely right. I don't even squirm any more when video games are just left by the wayside in conversations. But you know what I DO see more and more of? Someone ELSE is squirming. Someone ELSE in the group wants to talk games. The numbers are growing Ben. The numbers are growing… and soon, we will have our day.

15 years ago

Insert Visari-esque gamer speech here.

"They will know, that Earth belongs to the Gamers…"

15 years ago

and then Nuclear bomb goes off? and all the gamers know what to do but everyone has no idea? LOL

15 years ago

Yep… get ready for fallout 3! 😀

15 years ago

One day it's going to be "Hey did you see this movie?" and six people are going to say "the movie sucked compared to the game."

Can I get a Booyah! ?

15 years ago


Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
15 years ago

I think this is a good move. I can see the gaming community gathering some more positive interest from the outsiders of video games with this addition to the Smithsonion. I look forward to it. Maybe someday We'll all be teaching video game history like it was a major.

15 years ago

i really cant see it happening.
i really cant.
i went to the laser clinic today, and was chatting up one of the ladies there.
and she asked me what i was studying at tafe, i told her programming.
and her instant response isent that a little geeky?
im sorry but this stereotype of games will never go away.
i told my parents what i want to study next year, i told them i want to do a game development class and my father almost bit my head off..
i really cant see this going away, it would be nice if it did but i really cant see that happening.

15 years ago

Do your best!!!
Make your dream game in the future and share with us all!!

15 years ago

Don't encourage him, please.

15 years ago

Unfortunately our society is dominated by dullards who believe that science is full of BS and that they can understand physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, Computer Science, climatology, biology, medicine and just about every other field of scientific endeavor just as well as those who have spent decades working in the field. They believe that they are equipped to make judgments and decisions regarding the accuracy or value of scientific work, because they 'understand' it.

Forget for the moment that the number of numerate degrees is shrinking in most western countries and that belief in the para-normal is rampant. Forget that more Americans than ever before believe in a literal 7 days of creation. Forget that the previous president thought that climate change was what happened in May when spring gave way to summer.

We live in an odd time when technology and science have never been more important to our society, and yet the understanding and trust in science is at a low point.

So yes, let the dullards call your programming course geeky, and celebrate the fact that you are gaining a technical education.

15 years ago

Highlander, we all know it took 7 days, come on!

15 years ago

I thought it was 6 days and 1 day of rest.

15 years ago

o please i dont understand how people can believe in that crap!
one thing that completley freaked me out, like nothing has scared me this much in my entire life.
i remember when my grandfather was really sick, i went to ask him if he wanted a coffee than left the room.
turned arround had no idea why, looked at him for what felt like a eternity than the words "goodbye grandpa" slipped out.
never did i think or never was i intending of doing that, it just slipped out.
and that was the last time i ever saw him.
not saying i believe in ghosts and such, but how do you explain that?
its like i knew it was the last time i was going to see him.

15 years ago

Yeah, I agree there are certain things you can't grasp from reading a book, or from being told, and you can only learn by living life. It's like trying to show sight to a blind person, or explaining sound to a deaf person. They won't be able to relate unless they had experienced it at some time.

And no sweat about your Dad. That's common behavior among a lot of fathers. He's more concerned about you paying your bills than living your dreams, because you'd be doing the latter on his expense while he'd be doing the former. And he'd probably blame everything that's wrong with his son on games, but if you show daily that your responsible with your life, he'd change his stance sooner or later.

15 years ago


6 + 1 = 7

…speaking literally of course…

15 years ago

You can learn anything from a good book or from being told by someone who knows better than you. You just have to pay attention.

Also, willful ignorance is not limited to rejection of science.

On topic: suck it, Roger Ebert.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 12/11/2009 4:30:43 PM

15 years ago

so this will kinda be like the credits to modern warfare 2?

15 years ago

I never got to see them 🙁

15 years ago

I love it. Finally gaming will get a place in history. Every other major cultural influence in the last century has a mark in the history texts, it's time for gaming to get it's place.

15 years ago

Hitomi, from Real Bout High School?


15 years ago

Mizuho Kazami from Please Teacher.

Somewhere I have a much different picture of her that I will pair up with my old Kos-mos one. That should make for a great avatar.

15 years ago

And only an hour drive for me. The kid will be the perfect age then. Awesome. I see a pilgrimage happening.

15 years ago

It'll take me about 21/2 hours(if I don't go easing up on my leadfoot).

15 years ago

Oh snap….I already have a mini-sized Smithsonian collection in my own living room.

15 years ago

is this in New York, Manhattan to be exact? I swear I've been there on a 6th grade school trip.

15 years ago

Washington DC.

Not to be confused with the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Central Park,
or the MoMA,
or the Guggenheim,
or the Whitney Museum of American Art….

Hey, maybe we can take a psxextreme field trip.
Good times.

15 years ago

Yay Field Trip!! Bust out the permission slips Ben! 😉

15 years ago

"The Art of Video Games, inspired by over three decades of growing creativity, imagination and innovation."

Just three little decades… we are all noobs! What wonders does the future hold?

Thrill Kill
Thrill Kill
15 years ago

yoshitaka amano….hell yes

15 years ago

What the heck? Did someone go and down-vote everyone? What a dork. Must be mad because he lives too far away.

15 years ago

PSX Extreme seems to have had a nasty case of the 'Trolls' lately. Hmmm, maybe they don't have any good exclusives to play?

15 years ago

it's just a tiny pea-sized 8 year troll with a really giant set of 18 inch thumbs.

That's why he has so much trouble holding them in any of the more natural up-right positions.

15 years ago

i will be going and finding my favorite NES games to be displayed and played by mordern day gamers. so much fonded memories

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 12/9/2009 2:03:52 PM

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

The 'thumbs down' police is here =]

15 years ago

Please place your beard against the wall and your thumbs where we can see them!