If you were a fan of the original Dead Space – and really, who wasn't? – you're going to want to check out the next Game Informer issue.
To tease you a bit, here's a scan taken from that issue; it shows off the main character's new, somewhat sleeker and meaner armor . Perhaps the reason for this cosmetic alteration is due to the fact that EA really wants to push Isaac this time around: rather than just lumbering around, hoping to survive the onslaught of nasties, this dude is out to kick some serious ass in the sequel. In other words, it seems the team wanted to take him from defender to aggressor and this pic speaks volumes in that respect. We also appear to be looking at a new Necromorph, although it's a little difficult to tell at that angle… While some embrace the idea of a regular person who is simply trying to make it out alive ('glances in the direction of Silent Hill '), the more robust, alpha-male type has resonated with the newer generation. Kratos and Dante were examples last generation of an industry looking to add more flash and panache to their heroes and in all honesty, I think we were all a little sick of those whiny, "oh, I'll do it because I have to" heroes.
Dante and Kratos rule because they'll beat you to death and then spit on your corpse with a big smile on their faces. Maybe we'll get a little of that superiority attitude with Isaac in Dead Space 2 …and it should work nicely.
Related Game(s): Dead Space 2
Cant waiiiiiit!!
I dunno I gotta say Dead Space played up the human weakness to great survival/horror acclaim. I don't mind Isaac getting a little pissed but he should not feel the need to behave like Duke Nukem.
I have to agree with you 'World'. I really loved the first game and part of that was because he was an 'everyday joe' trying to survive. I think they might ruin some of the appeal if they take this too far and make him some beefed-up bada**. If I want bada**, I will pick up GOW.
A lot of the "everyman effect" in the original was from the fact that he was an engineer using what were really just mining tools. Isaacs melée attacks were a bit clumsy and erratic, the way most people would fight under such stress. I don't think they'll remove that element from the next game; I predict that there will still be limited ammo, claustrophobic, gripping fear and a sense that you are all-too-vulnerable.
Isaac has learned a lot and this time he's playing for keeps.
Well anyone who played the first game knows I'm a badass, and now the more visual learners will know it right off the bat in my second go-around.. Oh, excuse me. *kills an approaching necromorph.*
What was I saying?
Last edited by Kowhoho on 12/8/2009 10:26:50 PM
I thought Dead Space was good, but a little simplistic. All the flash, none of the depth. Go here, blow these things away, pull switch. Go there, blow these things away, open door. The bosses were fun but not scary. I mean honestly, shooting a slug from the safety of a cockpit? Not scary. Still looking forward to part 2 though because one thing DS did have, was a very cool concept and story.
edit: If Isaac IS Duke Nukem in part 2, then I'll pass for sure.
Last edited by Alienange on 12/8/2009 10:44:11 PM
It was all about the atmosphere man.
Which was very good. At $15 this game is a fantastic buy. I was just expecting the gameplay to be a bit more interesting.
Last edited by Alienange on 12/8/2009 11:01:47 PM
I bought it Day1 for 60 dollars and still find time to play it. As World said it's all about the atmosphere. The entire game I was scared about what would be behind every door/corner. Sure some of the objectives were the usual "go find this to put in this" but the trip was a blast. Great storyline too, can't wait to find out more.
Gonna have to disagree with you there alienange. I think Dead Space helped define the new generation. Definately on my list of "what games to suggest people to play of the current gen." (Yes, the title of the list is almost as big as the list itself ;P But then again… maybe not)
Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 12/9/2009 2:34:56 AM
Play it at night with headphones, and lights off. Should do the trick.
The whole more agressive taking the fight to them thing makes it sound kinda like what resident evil did. The first two put you in the role of someone who is thrust into a position that looks dire, with the main goal of avoiding the monsters as much as possible to survide, the whole idea of beating a boss not feeling empowering, and instead making you feel like you got lucky is what survival horror is all about. This is what made the original RE games so scary. And when Capcom changed the formula of resident evil games to where you are an agent whose job it is to hunt down the monsters, it took out the fear of it all. The goal of a good horror game is to survive, not to take down the bad guy. I hope EA keeps that in mind when it comes to the story.
I don't really think Isaac will go macho, see his leg?
Probably a booster to fly away from enemies or to high up places.
O NO!!!!!!
please dont tell me there turning issac into a beefed up player.
this is suppose to be a survival horror game your suppose to be weak and cowering in comparison to your enemies.
wheres the suspense if your a supped up bad a$$ with guns to put the BFG to shame.
NO EA NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just take dead space, add a weapon or 2, add some costumes, add new levels and theres your new game.
please dont change the gameplay, dead space had perfect gameplay you dont need to change it.
i really miss the good old survival horror titles of past, the games that filled you with suspense constantly turning around looking for enemies.
walking along a corridor and preying the masked guy with a chainsaw is not there.
the horror genre has gone down the sh*tter.
its either torture porn like SAW and silent hill homecoming.
or its a beefed up action game like resident evil 5.
ive said it once, twice, three times and ill say it again.
PS1 games were the best games, everything of old is better than new.
half life > killzone 2.
crash bandicoot > uncharted 2.
ninja gaiden black > ninja gaiden 2.
ridge racer > GT5P.
fun wise, obviously not tech wise but fun wise nothing can beat the old PS1 games.
no matter what i play i always find myself going back to the PS1 games.
like i downloaded like 20 PS1 classics onto my PSP to play on the go, and last night i was playing the saboteur.
turned it off and had a itch to go back to crash bandicoot 2 and had more fun playing that than anything ive played this year.
i wish sony would remaster all the PS1 classics in HD, and add trophy support.
than i would truly be in gaming heaven.
Stop it!
Haha LimitedV
ugh, so fvcking annoying
stop what?
im not allowed to open my mouth without you bitching am i?
Wasn't it you _______, that 2 days ago was blowing up KZ2 for being just another run and gun like every other FPS?? And how you wished games would evolve and be innovating??
Well here ya go, your survival/horror genre is trying to be innovative and change for you and you slam them saying that they're going down the sh*tter!!
I don't care if you come in here and bash every every article with negative comments….just be CONSISTENT!!
because there 2 different kettle of fish.
i dont want dead space to change.
how many decent horror games have we had this gen?
hell from the PS2 to the ps3 how many decent horror games have we had?
how many FPS have we had since then?
so something a million times it gets boring and tiring.
the horror genre is not bored out yet, hell its just starting dont change it now.
and you seriously did not read what i said did you?
the whole objection was there turning it into a action game.
ill say it again.
get it now?
change whatever the hell you want, along as it keeps the game in the genre.
making issac a beefed up really strong guy like kratos would be changing the game from a survival horror game to a action game.
I kinda like that thre trying to make him a bad a$$ he knows how to kill them now so why not but i still think they will keep the atmosphere that youre constantly scared about whats around the corner
I really enjoyed the first Dead Space and I'm looking forward to the sequel. I'm sure they won't disappoint with it either.
I don't mind if they make Isaac a bit more aggressive as long as it works with the story. I mean he survived the first time round and he was a rookie at fighting. Maybe now he's a bit more hardened after what he has experienced and I would say pretty p*ssed off because of what happened…
I will get this on day one as well…
Isaac's photo = Supermodel <3
Look at that pose
As long as its scary like the first, it should be great. the first game made RE5 look like crap, but then again, Capcom made RE5 look like crap. Not talking about the graphics either
I don't think Isaac will be all "bad-ass" but I can definately picture a "Ripley" (a la Aliens) character coming from him.
I mean… He gets back knowing what he knows now and I really doubt that everyone is going to believe what happened to him. Not only that but "a certain" group of people including the unitologists will be against him. I mean a guy comes back and explains that Unitology (a religion that seems to be widely accepted and practiced) is actually bad and then explaining why and how he left a famous planet cracker class (multi kabillion dollar) spaceship behind which he was ordered to "fix" just kinda seems farfetch coming from one obviously traumatized man. Therefore no one is going to believe and he gets pissed off. Then enter more necromorphs.
Get where I am going with this? I think it's certainly plausible for Isaac to be more "bad-ass" but I think it will be a good thing and not overly manly nonsense. Visceral seems to have good heads in their company and I think Dead Space is going to be something like a baby to them so I doubt they will screw this up. Credit should also go to EA for growing a pair and taking chances with new IP's. So Kudos.
Last edited by Fatcat3788 on 12/9/2009 2:27:25 AM
Ah Aliens the silly stepchild to the classic ALIEN
I agree with your points. The first game was about stumbling upon the horror and surviving it. I see the second one expanding upon this by putting Issac more on the offensive since he's learned a thing or two.
Well… Alien = horror / Aliens = Suspenseful Thriller. I imagine this might be like that. Not a bad thing in my opinion. I just hope they don't go off into the deep end like alien 3 and alien resurrection did. The point being is that they can make it work. I have high hopes.
If you haven't yet I suggest you check out Alien3 Assembly Cut. It's amazing stuff and shows the vision Fincher had before the assclown Producers at Fox took over.
Thanks I haven't yet but I will check it out!
i mite even buy a SONY HDMI receiver because of this game! just to amp up the sound in glorious hi-def ..screaming necromorphs in 7.1 surround!!!!
The first installment he was in it to survive…but now that he's back, he's coming for blood! Please don't advertise this, PLEASE! LOL! !
Anyone else notice how Issac's suit has upgraded from high tech Medieval armor to Medieval Iron Man armor? I say this because he has boosters now on his legs. My guess is that those will play a part in Zero G areas.
So far I've gotten Dead Space on day 1, Dead Space Downfall(Blu-ray)on day 1, I haven't gotten the on for the Wii but I plan to, and I can assure everyone that I'll pick this up on day 1… Unless It's released while I'm in Marine Boot Camp 🙁
This game still makes we wanna do a sex wee. I cant wait, day 1
Looks cool. Making the protagonist more aggressive certainly worked with Alien and Aliens, I think it will work here as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this game will take everything that was great about Dead Space and make it bigger and better. Considering the quality of the first game, I think chances are good that we'll be very happy!
wooo! really looking forward to this. So that also mean nothing happened to Isaac in the end of DS1. I am looking forward to kill more Necromorphs.
Last edited by Kai200X on 12/9/2009 10:09:48 AM
So I have to admit that I haven't played Dead Space yet.
But I just picked it up for $15, so now I'm good to go!
im surprised that alot of people are picking this game up for 15$ and just starting to play it… im one of them lol.
Dead Space scares the crap out of me….
Sometimes I have to take a break from Dead Space because I'm so scared….
Yes, I get scared easily…
Best survival horror game since the RE remake for GameCube. Can't wait.
I haven't read much about the game or what the story is going to be like… but seeing Isaac with an aggressive look throws me off a bit.
Part of what made the games story so great, for me anyway, was that Isaac was out of his element. The team was supposed to be there answering a distress call and to help with repairs to the ship.
Seeing the aggressive look looks like Isaac is more prepared this time around… I guess after the experiences of the first Dead Space, you may be a little weary of those deep space distress calls…
I just hope they get a good story on par or better than the previous one.
I loved Dead Space and I have high hopes for Dead Space 2.
I think you all should stop crying over how aggresive Isaac would be.
Think about it.
-They killed his girlfriend
-Messed up his mind
-Killed his friends
-Tried to Slaughter him countless times
-Forced people to try and kill him
-Scared the crap out of him, alot
-Put him in a horrifieing situation
-And above all, totally ruined his life.
Would'nt you be a little mad at those assholes?