We had all assumed the PlayStation 3 would have a decent Black Friday, what with all the amazing software available and those bundle deals found at most every major retailer.
Well, the day that marks the official start to the holiday season – for retailers, anyway – was better than "decent" for Sony's flagship console. According to a statement recently released by Sony Senior Director of Corporate Communications and Social Media, Patrick Seybold, PS3 demand "was at an all time high." He said that "all key retailers" showed a definite increase in sales for PS3 and PSP titles, and for the week ending November 29, the PS3 sold over 440,000 units. …that's in just one week, remember. Added Seybold:
"In today's economy, consumers are drawn to items that offer the most value for their money, making the PS3 an ideal choice for those who want a comprehensive gaming and entertainment system all in one package. Combine that with exclusive holiday bundles and an extensive software line-up, one that many analysts are calling the best in the industry, with titles such as Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time, UNCHARTED 2:Among Thieves, and LittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year, we have no doubt the momentum and demand will continue and consumers will prove that entertainment this holiday season is going to be defined by PlayStation."
You know, I said something similar in my Week in Review : consumers aren't stupid, and they're going to want the most bang for their buck. If that's the case, what would make any of them purchase something like the Xbox 360? In direct comparison, it's tough to argue what appears to be the plain choice… Ah, but the holiday season has just begun and it's always a battle until the end. Kinda fun, honestly.
Sony has never had (nor needed) "system sellers". They just produce tons of great, varied games.
I'll take Sony's lineup of many million-sellers over lonely blockbusters Halo or Mario any day.
I hope this results to more third party exclusives.
Last edited by Andysw on 12/1/2009 3:06:33 PM
I think the most we can hope for is third party games that run equally well on both PS3 and 360 systems, perhaps more games being developed on PS3 and then ported over.
yeah but then they might make too much stuff in the game and then remeber they need to dumb it down for the xbox 😛
Now that the 360's days of being ahead are numbered, maybe Sony will be in a position to start pushing Activision around next……a little payback.
haha yeah! " Now activision, your products are SH*T!"
end of conversation.
You bet, time for Activision to bend over. And here in Seattle, I spotted Gabe Newell at Best Buy purchasing a PS3. J/K. (could happen though, I'll keep a look out up here)
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 12/1/2009 4:06:41 PM
he wouldn't be easy to miss.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/1/2009 4:13:30 PM
I've seen Microsoft's ads and they are all lame. Just lies, deceit, phoniness and BS. Xbox 360, now starting at $199!
Yeah, a gimped console for $199. You still have to buy a hard drive and XBL Gold. Sony's 120 GB console, which only does everything, is always the better choice. Even the $299 Elite is still a rip off because you still have to buy a battery charger and XBL Gold.
Xbox starts at 199 because they're not counting the 299 it costs to actually buy a PS3 to have the best games, free online and BD player.
I went out and bought a 250GB PS3, $50 more for another 130GB sounded good to me.
Cheers to a quality console!
Free online, quality games, and quality hardware
Lucky bastards, 2009 will greet them with so much great hardware and then 2010 gets even more ridiculous
In 2010.
They would be so overwhelmed that they wish it was 2007.
The more the merrier, I can actually see PS3 reach the 30 million mark this year, this together with holiday and FFXIII being ps3 exclusive in Japan which would at least boost 500,000.
And by the way, anyone has any idea when the next firmware update is coming?
I'm not very sure about updating to 3.10 because there's this freezing issue.
Updated my 40 gig. No problems so far. (knocks on wood in case)
Glad to see Sony doing good. I've been playing my ps3 constantly since I bought it from WalMart on Black Friday.
best day ever.
well besides completley flunking my programming exam, my psp decided its time to stop reading memory sticks AFTER 2 weeks!
(i cant believe that, how can something break after 2 weeks of purchase, its only been on a hour if that).
owell, got a brand new one, the saboteur and the avatar for the princely sum of 150 bucks.
not bad, not bad at all.
the saboteur is actually quite a good game, the platforming bits are retarded, you climb like someone who has had a few bottles of sambuca.
the only thing i dont like is the black and white missions.
but the explosions O MY FU***NG GOD!
now this naughty dog.
THIS! is how you do a explosion.
in U2 where they blow up the building i had my speakers set to max, and it was like a balloon popping.
the saboteur a petrol tank explodes and jesus christ the sound, im going to be deaf for months.
my chest is still vibrating, it was like being at a rock concert.
the fireball the debree.
never thought i would say this, but pandemic are the masters of explosions.
they actually did something well, hell, not well, better than anyone has ever done.
someone get me a icy towel im going to faint.
Saboteur is out already?
tis here, was not suppose to be out till the 3rd but apparently its not street dated so EB sold me a copy once they got it in.
same as the avatar.
Avatar, MX Vs. ATV Reflex, and Rogue Soldier are all out on Dec. 1 in the U.S.
The Saboteur has a Dec. 8 release date here in the U.S.
I meant Rogue Warrior.
you mean AU actually got something before the US?
*cries* i thought the day would never come.
Good to hear the PS3 is selling well – 440,000 in one week is pretty sweet!