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PS3 Version Of The Last Remnant Remains In Doubt

You know, while we never like to hear that an anticipated title might not make it to the PlayStation 3, we may have reached a point where many people simply respond with, "who cares ?"

According to Andriasang , the latest issue of the "Square-Enix Magazine" doesn't list The Last Remnant amongst their upcoming releases. Issue No. 13 puts Final Fantasy XIII on the cover (big surprise there) but there doesn't seem to be any mention of the long-awaited PS3 version of the strat/RPG that received a lukewarm reception from critics and gamers. However, the title in question does still appear on the PS3 release calendar over at Square-Enix's official website, and the Weekly Famitsu publication also hasn't dropped the game from its pages. Even so, the release remains in doubt and as mentioned in the intro, PS3 owners are likely beyond the point of caring. There was a time when we really wanted – and even needed – just about every major release possible but these days, we're getting a little spoiled. Really, in my eyes, I only care about FFXIII, which isn't too far off as far as I'm concerned. And I never wanted The Last Remnant in the first place.

But perhaps saying that is unfair to those who played it and enjoyed in on the Xbox 360, and to those PS3 owners who like the concept and have been waiting for an announcement. Personal preferences are wonderful things and I'm not about to step on them. But I believe it's worth pointing out the drastic differences between now and when we first heard about The Last Remnant a couple years back…

Related Game(s): The Last Remnant

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Mr Bitey
Mr Bitey
15 years ago

Wadda is almost like a Japanese equivalent to Kottick, but nowhere near as bad.

15 years ago

The he wouldn't be his equivalent.

15 years ago

In all honesty I had completely forgotten this game existed. I didn't play it on the 360, I picked up the demo from S-E on PC and was wholly unimpressed, and since I deleted it from my PC I have never given it a second thought.

I say this falls into the category of "Meh, who cares…"

15 years ago

Hmm… this was based on the Unreal Engine. For whatever reason that engine has not been kind to the PS3, or is it that the PS3 hasn't been kind to it? Since Star Ocean The Last Hope is coming to PS3 and we've known about that for a while, the fact that we still have no word on TLR kinda says something. Of course it wasn't a well received game on the 360 and doesn't have an established fan base like Star Ocean does.

I have a feeling that TLR will remain lost…

15 years ago

Unreal doesn't seem any kinder to the 360 either. =P

15 years ago

Jawknee, Apparently not with this game for certain. Though others seem to run well on it.

15 years ago

dont understand why people keep saying that.
when done properly the UE3 runs better on ps3.
unreal tournament came out on PS3 like 8 months before the 360 AND it runs better on ps3.
not to mention batman AA runs better on ps3 and thats also running on UE 3.5

reason why people keep saying it runs worse on ps3 is because its a easy engine to get a hold of and work with.
so 99.999999% of the time when a games being ported from the 360 to the ps3, when the developers dont give a 2 hoots about quality they use that engine as its easy and put no work into optimizing it.
if developers sit down and run through their code and optimize it through UE3 on ps3, the engine works fine if not better than on the 360.
99.9999999999% of budget titles run of UE3 thats why it looks like it runs worse on ps3, perfect example of this roge warrior is THE WORST! game i have ever played.
what engine is it running?
you guessed it UE3.

15 years ago

You're right. The PS3 version of the engine isn't bad, really. A lot of work went into optimizing it for the PS3, and as a result I think it may be a better engine than the 360 one. However for whatever reason it's not been a highlight of the PS3 library, perhaps for the very reasons you point out.

Still The Last Remnant was an exercise in suckitude.

15 years ago

I'd rather pay $60 for Final Fantasy VI (yes I meant 6, not VII(7) ) than this garbage known as "The Last Remnant."

15 years ago

Yeh but tbh you should pay that amount for FFVI over most games.

As for TLR, I'd pay for this game to NOT be available on the PS3. By doing this I'd be saving many disappointed faces.

15 years ago

I like more 6 than 7.

but yeah I would pay 60 bucks for FF VI over The Last Remnan.

15 years ago

I didn't think there was any doubt left at this point…it's not coming. By the time the PC version came out S-E had already just stopped talking about the PS3 version…fortunately it doesn't look like we're missing much.

15 years ago

Meh, the game sparked no interest in me to begin with so…oh well.

15 years ago

who gives a crap about this game anymore, honestly? I dont, with Demon's Souls and Dragon Age this year we've been off to a good start for rpg's. next year will be the greatest.

So square quit bsing and announce what we already know, that it's canceled.

15 years ago

Meh, I want some news on WKC for cris' sakes. Level 5 needs to quit poopin the bed and git de puck. I mean a lil mystery is cool 'n all but come on I'm almost gonna give WKC a meh.

15 years ago

really? my interest in WKC has gone waaaaaaaaay up.

Looks to be PS3's finest Rpg with all those extras we are getting. Febuary cant come fast enough.

15 years ago

february, the info will be pouring in soon

15 years ago


15 years ago

As long as we don't have to wait so long that one of those "extras" is enhanced graphics to meet up with today's standards.

15 years ago

LOL are you kidding me? I could never give WKC a "meh". I reeeaaly need to stop trying to be sarcastic online.

15 years ago

I'll be the optimist here, if they fix every single problem it had on the 360 and release it at $30-$40 I will give it a look.

15 years ago

If the damn game runs off of UT3 engine, and we all know UT3 engine works on the PS3, but they decided not to put it on the PS3, then stick to your friggin guns! Don't come over to the PS3 owners looking for a handout like some lost beggar. You didn't want us then so don't pretend we're all friends now. Beat it scram! Wait! Gimme FFXIII then you can go.

15 years ago

i was very passionate about this game last year this time, but now, after playing it for like 10 hours, i never touched it, i mean, the characters simply look ugly, like the main one, wuts the problem with the black eyes? and wuts with the group attack? the fighting mechanism simply is not fun, and wuts the problem with exploring, u cant fully explore, just from point to point, any the worst yet, graphic flow so choppy… with all that said, this is the only JRPG released on 360 i dont really care and embrace, even Infinite Undiscovery, I had some real fun with it altho the story and fighting system is a bit shallow.

p.s. i really look forward to the Star Ocean Last hope PS3 version tho.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 11/30/2009 2:21:29 PM

15 years ago

seems like a lot of ps3 owners are having the sour grape syndrome when it comes to The Last Remnant. however i'm kinda enjoying this game on the pc. the gfx looks good do when we ramp up the settings. the only problem with it is the group attack thingy (where we cannot set attacks for individual party members but for the party as a whole). imo anyone who says this game doesn't look good is just a blind fanboy. hmmm but who knows mebbe it looks better on pc than consoles.

15 years ago

SquEnix has been setting itself up for a huge case of sour grapes from PS3 owners since this generation began. Is it really a surprise that PS3 owners are skeptical about a SquEnix product?

15 years ago

@ Highlander
Thank youp.

15 years ago

Who would have ever thought 3-4 years ago that Squeenix would have released (essentially) ZERO games for the PS3 three years into its life-cycle?

I wouldn't even have believed it about the 360, much less the PS3.

Is there a game I'm overlooking? I can't think of any besides Crystal Defenders.


A 66 rating on metacritic suggests it's not sour grapes.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 11/30/2009 6:29:05 PM

15 years ago

I never really cared for anything that Square did before besides the Final Fantasy and the Kingdom Hearts series. Vagrant Story was cool as is DragonQuest, even though that's an Enix game and I'm a fan of Akira Toriyama. but just about every other game besides the ones list by Square have always been dissapointments. No reason to believe this would be any different. When it comes to Square I just stick with their trided and proven.

But I do agree it is pretty pathetic that we are only now getting games the Xbox has had. Highlander is right. They did it to them selves.

Last edited by Jawknee on 11/30/2009 7:45:13 PM

15 years ago

SE lost s lot of fans from them backstabing sony on FFXIII
to the fact they made 3 or so games for the 360 only
i am at the point were i will NOT get FFXIII day one
let me find out if its the same as japan and if its good
i realy fear that the US copy will be downgraded

15 years ago

now they want to give us rpg's that should have been on ps3 in the first place. where was square/enix when ps3 wasn't doing so well? now that the ps3 is steam rolling the 360 they want to jump on the bandwagon. gtfoh. this pisses me off. i refuse to support this game and star ocean. our exclusive line up blow all contenders out of the water.

15 years ago

Just another reason why I have a PC. For instances such as this. Picked it up back in April. Was fun but nowhere near Final Fantasy fun.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 11/30/2009 4:00:01 PM

15 years ago

I'll pass on this, honestly I forgot this game was out they shouldn't bother porting it, FFXIII is almost here i'll wait

15 years ago

I actually really liked the game ^_^ mind you I only got to play the first few hours but I couldn't wait to get into bigger battles with more characters, I understand its reception wasn't very good but to those out there that liked it im sure it didn't make a difference and im one of those people. I sold my copy on principle when I found out they were making it for the PS3 but now the news seems to be fading fast… well if anything at least Ben has a point we really aren't in desperate need of more titles especially since were being flooded with RPG's very soon ^_^

Thanks for the update I was wondering what was going to happen.

15 years ago

was curious about this game, then i saw how it looked on 360 lost interest right away. played it at a friend's house eventually…

long story short it sucks don't care for it.

and as for FF13
kinda lost intere4st but will get it anyway
SE just hurry up with versus 13 already

15 years ago

Before the game was actually released I thought it was a sure purchase for me…However, after a summary of the battle mechanics, I sort of lost interest. I've watched some gameplay and you should if you are pondering purchasing this title, I just don't agree with it. It is just plain odd. Everybody has their own opinion but WHAT THE H***! It looked like it had the makings of a good game before the combat mechanics. One less RPG to pick up if it even gets released for the PS3.

15 years ago

"Before the game was actually released I thought it was a sure purchase for me"…. yeah me too

i actually tried it on the Pc and i got to admit it was pretty much the worst hours of my life i mean the game just sucks

it was the first square enix rpg that felt so wrong
i have to agree with some ppl in here i would pay 60$ for a ffVI,… or even ffI over this

Ps3 release pls No! it would just bring bad reputation to the console
just seeing that screenshot reminds me a lot of hours of Odd gameplay with no individual level up i still dont understand that battle system "it was all about pressing ENTER" and voila random attacks till the enemy drops (dont even get me started on how he runs, thats just silly)

so much nice rpgs coming soon it would be more then a miracle if The last remnant were to sell more than 250 copies

15 years ago

but this game was a fail

15 years ago

for once i could not care less, so SE can shove it where the sun dont shine for all i care.
im sick of their BS, im never ever buying another one of their games again.
except just cause 2,why eidos why did you have to sell your soul to the devil?

publishers have to much power over developers these days.
perfect example of publishers holding back developers would be IW with activision, DICE with EA, visceral games with EA, Avalanche studios with Eidos.
50 bucks says these developers would be turning out better games faster if these grubbing publishers did not have their grubby hands on them.