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Ubisoft Confident 3D Gaming Will Become The Standard

It's easy to remember a time when high definition seemed like a pipe dream but these days, no gamer wants to play without it. And if Ubisoft is correct, we'll eventually feel the same way about 3D gaming.

Now, just to be clear, not only do you need the software to support true 3D, but you also need the glasses and a TV that supports the option…and that's the kicker. Not many TVs do, although Sony has revealed that fully 3D-compatible Bravias will be on store shelves by the end of next year. However, if you're lucky enough to have a 3D-enabled TV right now, you might want to pick up Avatar: The Game on December 1. Believe it or not, you'll be able to play it in 3D if you have the option, which is a big surprise. Furthermore, according to what Ubisoft Montreal boss Yannis Mallat told the Financial Post , 3D won't just be a passing fad (like it kinda has been in movies); it's going to be quite common in games. "3D is to pictures what Dolby Stereo is to sound," he said. "No one wants to go back to mono." It may be hard to believe at this point in time, but it's always hard to believe…and then, in the future, things happen.

Personally, I find it slightly ironic that in an industry that has advanced so quickly, we're suddenly turning to an idea films had several decades ago. But the whole "interactive" part makes the concept so much more appealing, doesn't it?

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15 years ago

yea…Only on PlaystatioN…

15 years ago

I hope they plan on keeping a 2d option. Those 3d glasses always give me a blinding headache.

15 years ago

no kidding, I can't imagine that will change just because they are a new fangled kind.

15 years ago

No doubt games will go the way of Avatar: the game and offer 3D as an option that you just switch on and off. I'll take the option over one or the other any day.

15 years ago

I don't mind the option being there, but I don't see it being a popular option that most people will want so much that they are willing to throw their brand new HD tvs out the window in order to spend more money and don a pair of silly glasses. Not to mention the headaches and motion sickness. Many companies will simply not waste the time to make the game also work in 3D, especially anything multiplat.

15 years ago

it doesnt give me a headache, its just i dont like the idea of having 3d become the standard

its fine for some things

but i dont know about every single game

idk, but i dont need the image to jump out of the screen to immerse me in the experience

just give me 3 things:

great story

sweet gameplay

and good graphics (i'm not obsessed about graphics for those who dont know)

that is all i need to make my gaming experience perfect 🙂

15 years ago

I almost blew chunks in toystory 3d. I might have to pass on this one.

15 years ago

What about people who can't see 3D? My mother is blind in one eye, so she can't see 3D. Neither can my Girlfriend or my sister see 3D. I think it's interesting, but it kind of loses my interest if I can't enjoy it with some of the people around me that mean the most. The glasses aren't the traditional Blue and Red, so I'm guessing maybe this willrule out needing both eyes to see the 3D or maybe it will improve the whole thing that 3D is based upon. I mean, it's the PS3, it's bound to make things better, lol.

15 years ago

I wish they'd hurry up with this, late next year? For the first couple fully-compatible models?
That means they won't be a decent price til like 2020.
Why is this still so far away when I've been hearing talk of this jump for years now?
And it's not even that advanced a technology or movies wouldn't have had it decades ago, isn't it pretty much just having alternate shutter speeds?

15 years ago

Ubisoft fails, this will always be a niche tech. There's a REASON I wear contact lenses.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/27/2009 10:13:58 PM

15 years ago

Apart from Assassins Creed, I don't really like anything from Ubisoft, they kinda fail every now and then cause they release too many damn games.

Last edited by www on 11/28/2009 5:57:40 AM

15 years ago

Well just maybe Ubisoft thinks they have something here. It's hard enough to sell a console with a great game, never mind a new tech TV and 3d glasses. Sounds kinda niche unless we're about to get our socks blown off with Avatar. But then… you'd have to already have the tech to be blown away by it, no?

15 years ago

I don't think it's niche. Imagine if they released Monsters vs Aliens or Avatar the movie on blu ray with real 3D instead of that crappy red and green or red and blue glasses. If some tv shows and movies take advantage of the tech, I would be more than happy to give it a go.

Plus, I checked out Avatar in 3D at the Ubisoft convention in Sydney for EB Games, and I assure you, it is the real deal. In fact, many, myself included, think 3D gaming looks and plays better than its 2D hi def version.

Don't comment until you've tried it. I have and it is fan-bloody-tastic. Have you seen 3D games in action Ben?

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 11/27/2009 11:58:02 PM

15 years ago

imagine dead space or alien V predator in 3D
now that would scare the sh*t out of me.
walking through a corridor than boom a alien leaps on top of you snapping at your face.
thanks, im not going to be able to sleep now 🙁

15 years ago

@ Dancemachine55 – Hey thanks for telling me not to comment. I appreciate your high and mighty stance on 3d gaming.

15 years ago

All I was saying was give it a go and see what you think before praising it or slandering it. My apologies if I offended you in any way. I love reading these comments sections because people like yourself have reasonable and interesting opinions.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
15 years ago

Ah crap, I don't want to have to buy a new TV already.

15 years ago

I asked one of the representatives at the convention when Ubisoft showed off Avatar in 3D. They showed it on a JVC HD 3D ready tv and it looked fantastic.

Apparently, the tv's themselves will obly be about 2-300 bucks more than its 2D HD counterpart. So if you're looking at a $1500 tv, you'll only pay about $1700 to get a fancy pants 3D model.

For those who haven't bought a new HD TV yet, just wait til the end of next year and get a 3D one by then, the cost difference might not be much if my sources are correct.

I may be wrong though. Ben, feel free to correct me if 3D tv's are going to be ridiculously more expensive than current HD tv's.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

Samsung had 720P, 3D-ready sets out at the beginning of 2008 and they were very low priced. They didn't sell too well, even though they were affordable because people weren't informed? I'm looking forward to 3D gaming. Bring it on.

15 years ago

I will never accept 3D as a viable format until they find a way to eliminate the glasses. Why would I pay extra for a 3D TV only to have to wear a those glasses to get any real use out of it? I already were prescription glasses, a second pair is an extraordinary inconvenience. I feel that 3D will always be a niche/novelty.

15 years ago

Argh, typos.

15 years ago

how about some real 3d hologram type stuff like from star wars!

now thats 3d!!

but i dont really need 3d

15 years ago

No kidding. I don't know about you guys but I don't always play games alone. Sometimes someone watches me and sometimes I watch them. The person with the glasses going "oh wow look at that" and the other person wishing they had a book to read.

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
15 years ago

I don't like that idea. Seems like it will epicly fail. Oh well you nevr know.

15 years ago

Until houses are built with a holodeck-type room in them, I'll never be excited about 3D gaming.

15 years ago

Sounds like Ubisoft aren't the only ones aboard the 3D TV train. Many film, television and game companies want in. I think this is the beginning of a new tech trend, like going from video cassette to DVD, now going from flat screen to 3D screen.

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 11/28/2009 12:06:51 AM

15 years ago

sony are making a massive mistake NO ONE has enough money to spend on a new TV.
most people just did or are in the process of buying a new tv now.
i cant think of anyone who is going to buy a TV than in 2 years time or so, will buy another TV.
my TV is 2 years old and im not getting another for at least another 4 years.

also the price every single time new tech comes out its At least 1500 bucks more than normal tech.
for example once LCDs came out and CRTs were being phased out, my father bought a 32 inch full HD CRT toshiba the equivalent LCD tv was 1700 bucks more.

now have a look at LED tvs exactly the same thing.
40 inch full HD sony bravia LCD TV 1900 bucks.
40 inch full HD sony bravia LED TV 2300 bucks.

LCDs have been out how many years and there JUST starting to come down to a reasonable price now, and only because of the recession.
50 bucks says 3D TVs will take much longer to come down in price than LCDs have.

sony are jumping the gun, because they have lost billions of dollars there running around like headless chickens trying to scrummage there money back with new tech.
there just forgetting 1 thing.
there not the only company that has lost a sh*t load of money.
go down to a job agency you will sh*t your pants when you see the amount of people out of work at the moment.
my father went for a job interview for a small crappy company, had very bad pay and conditions.
guess how many people applied for the job.
thats right 90 just for 1 job, thats with a small no name company with poor wages and conditions.
imagine how many applicants big companys are getting.
sorry sony but your not the only ones trying to scrummage your money back, it will happen just takes time.

15 years ago

I've seen 40 inch LCD TVs from quality brands listed as low as $699 Canadian at retail.

Prices have dropped more than threefold since we bought our Bravia three years ago.

They're still not down to the level where you can buy one without saving for it, but it's no longer a luxury purchase like a car or a boat.

15 years ago
15 years ago

3d tech without the glasses would be awesome if not exaggerated to the limit where motion sickness occurs. I'm all for the idea, of course with the option of still playing 2d as well. I always like an option…Hehe.

15 years ago

well I guess it's a good thing that I haven't upgraded to an HD tv yet, now when I finally have enough money to I can have the only 3d tv on the block

15 years ago

I have a hard time understanding how gaming will be improved by 3D. I can't think of a single movie which has been improved by the jump to 3D. It seems to me that 3D is the feature that gets thrown in whenever they can't think of new ideas anymore.

"Hmm, how can we put a new spin A Christmas Carol? I know, lets do the same exact thing thats been done a million times already and just add 3D! YAY!"

Maybe I'm just not grasping how 3D will be a good thing for the gaming industry but I'd just as soon go without it.

15 years ago

That's the ironic part Ben was talking about. Movies fail with the 3d concept and it'll take gaming, the new breed of influential entertainment, to get this tech off the ground.

Still, I'm skeptical about it for much the same reasons you are. It's going to be a hard sell because of the bad name movies have given 3d.

15 years ago

coraline was pretty cool in 3d, but I had a friend with me who was on shrooms so I had something to laugh at though

15 years ago


I think Ben's point was that it's ironic we need to go back to an old technology in order to move forward with gaming technology.

My point is that it has never been more than a gimmick in the first place and I don't see how it will amount to more when applied to gaming.

I see it being the same as the Wii. Sure, its something that has never been done before and everybody will want to check it out, but it'll never become the new standard.

15 years ago

Actually I have seen 3D without glasses. Its a special TV that displays 2 images 1 for each eye. (thats how in real life we see in 3D)
Its superb… sooo much detail and the quality is amazing.
Thats next generation gaming for sure…
I want this soo badly

15 years ago

How many of your games have even utilized the blu-ray to the max and your already talking about 3D, please!

15 years ago

Its just gonna be a gimmick, WipEout would be insane though.

15 years ago

Thanks but no thanks, I rather everything be focus on the game instead of bringing it to 3D.

15 years ago

But will they delay GT5 to add 3d or will we have to wait five years for the next one?

15 years ago

I dunno it would seem gimmicky in games in my opinion… I mean what purpose besides a more "interactive" experience would it bring? For and FPS the 3-D might hurt your accuracy considering how things move when in 3-D perspective. When playing a Raceing game im not to sure how'd I feel about corners burst off my screen as I try to turn them… maybe I don't know enough about the tech for 3-D (if not please correct me) but unless they perfect some type of panoramic television that they can get into every home 3-D will be very niche, if not just a secondary option to consider when playing with the eyetoy lol ^_^

15 years ago

Nothing pleases me like seeing developers come up with these ambitious things only for it or them fail.

15 years ago

Nothing pleases me like seeing developers come up with these ambitious things only for it or them fail.

15 years ago


15 years ago


15 years ago

I think you should have put Yawns before Snores.