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BioWare’s Future: “We’re Definitely Doing The PS3”

BioWare just doesn't do PlayStation. Well, they never did up until Dragon Age: Origins , so one could consider that experience to be an experiment of sorts.

And although we still say the frame rate in the PS3 version could've been better, BioWare certainly succeeded (mostly because the game rules in the first place). And the best part is that PS3 owners will see more from the RPG masters in the future, because the developers have said they will do in-house PS3 development from here on out. In a recent Joystiq interview with BioWare head man Greg Zeschuck, it's clear the studio thinks Sony's machine "is one of the key platforms" and because of the positive experience they had with Origins , they'll "definitely be doing the PS3" in the future. Said Zeschuk:

"It was great going through the experience of making Dragon Age, getting familiar with and understanding the PS3. Again, every platform is different, but now I think we're at the position where future PS3 stuff will be really solid."

Yeah, you can say they're a little behind the times on this but we shouldn't quibble at this point. Having BioWare on the PS3's side is a great thing, although Zeschuk wouldn't say whether or not this decision means Mass Effect 2 would indeed be coming to Sony's console. He basically said exactly what BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka said not long ago; i.e., "We're not saying anything about Mass Effect for PS3." Except this time around, Zeschuk must've said it in more of a joking fashion; "That's crazy talk. I don't know anything about that," he said. …m'kay.

BioWare and EA's policy of refusing to comment on this question (rather than simply giving a flat-out "no" answer), combined with this news that BioWare will no longer ignore Sony…well, let's just say we have an idea of what's going to happen.

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15 years ago

It's a good thing Bioware didn't read your review since you actually recommended the xbox version to be bought instead of the PS3.

I checked Mass Effect 2's site just the other day to hopefully see a little PS3 symbol, but no love yet. I'm sure you guys will be on top of it when it happens.

15 years ago

do you really have 42 platinums? that's awesome!

but back on subject it's fun to see bioware dipping their toes into sony's waters. can't wait for the future.

15 years ago

Wow I never noticed!
Yea, do you really have 42 platinums and are you REALLY on level 18 ???!!!

15 years ago

Thanks, It's actually 43 now, but I must admit some are just plain whoring…

Last edited by JPBooch on 11/27/2009 2:05:21 PM

15 years ago

If I find Hannah Montana on your trophy list, heads are gonna roll! 😛

15 years ago

I guess it is a matter of opinion.

GameSpot preferred the PS3 version over the 360 version, rating it a half point higher:

PC 9.5
PS3 9.0 The Bad: Various visual hiccups, Some glitches and interface irritations.
360 8.5 The Bad: Drab, underwhelming visuals, some glitches and interface irritations

"On the flip side, the Xbox 360 version looks positively disappointing. Textures are highly compressed and colors are washed out, though the upside is that this version maintains a smoother frame rate than on the PlayStation 3, where things might get jittery when swiveling the camera around. The PlayStation 3 version features higher-quality textures than those on the Xbox 360, better color saturation, smoother facial animations, and shorter load times. Minor visual hiccups, like corpses that disappear and reappear, are a bit more common on the PS3, however. The PC version is the superior experience, but if you're choosing between the two console releases, the PlayStation 3 has the upper hand."

15 years ago

well i find it funny that on the back of the ps3 version of DA:O it says "from the makers of Mass Effect"

….its coming guys.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 11/27/2009 11:07:08 AM

15 years ago

good point Prince.

15 years ago

The same wording probably exists on both systems' versions…hardly an indicator of anything.

15 years ago

On the back of Mass Effect 1&2 combo package for the PS3, it will say "From the makers of Dragon Age: Origins"

They'll have their work covered from all angles.

15 years ago

well, actually it does mean something. Why would you advertise a game not on PS3? and why would Sony also allow that?


15 years ago

I really want Dragon Age, but I have to wait until I take care of Christmas. I don't want to scrooge anybody over for a game.

It's nice to have another developer for ps3 to compete for our money.

15 years ago

ME2 = Timed exclusive.

15 years ago

I concur, that's the only explanation for their cryptic comments. Just saying "no" would shut people up, the only reason to dance around the question is because of Microsoft paying for timed exclusivity. I say we'll either see word or even the game itself by June/July.

15 years ago

*after only reading the title*

Last edited by SnipeySnake on 11/27/2009 12:12:13 PM

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
15 years ago

Yeah I kinda thought the title could be taken way out of context.

15 years ago

thought the same thing.

mike rlz
mike rlz
15 years ago

frame rates aside, i think origins still scored better than the 360 version, dont quote me… but if so it would be interesting to see them try their hand at an exclusive or something

15 years ago

Ya know, it's funny..but most major sites said get the PS3 version of DA:O over the 360 version. I remember being one of them.

15 years ago

I'm on my second play through as of today. I kinda wish I could have played the pc version. Watching the youtube videos, there seems to be a huge difference. Still not complaining. Just hoping that BioWare gets serious about learning my fav system.

15 years ago

Im not sure what this framerate problem everyone talking about is. My gameplay runs at around 25~ frames, a tiny bit stuttery but its always constant. There are occasionally hiccups during the cinematics, which are annoying but nothing as bad as anyone describes.

in any event, the framerate is constant enough that Ive forgotten about the issue when i play.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

You guys are going to have to get over this Dragon Age thing. You make it sound like we told you NOT to buy the game on the PS3, which was never the case. We merely said that if you had both platforms, you might want the 360 version because the frame rate is definitely steadier.

Pretty sure we made it VERY clear that both versions were pretty damn similar and have we already forgotten that we gave the PS3 version a 9.0? That's higher than Modern Warfare 2…so stop complainin'. 😉

15 years ago

That's it Ben, you go sic em!

15 years ago

I wouldn't have bought it if you hadn't given it such a good score and reminded me how much I miss getting lost in a great RPG. So, I thank you very much. But, man! Those pop-ups after just finishing Uncharted 2 are like coming down off a 2 week crack binge. But I still second the 9.0 rating.

mike rlz
mike rlz
15 years ago

lol, i wasnt attacking i was just pointing out that for them not doing playstation games the ps3 version came out with "higher quality textures than those on the Xbox 360, better color saturation, smoother facial animations, and shorter load times." (wiki) so i just think it would be interesting if they focused on an exclusive, who knows how it could turn out

15 years ago

Well all I can say is welcome aboard. Hopefully the next time they will get that frame rate thing in check, I just think they realized that to maximize sales potential they would release the two versions at the same time. Good to get your toes wet boys but there's much work to be done. And if they bring Mass Effect over (especially as I predicted in with 1&2 on a single blu ray) I'm willing to give it a shot.

15 years ago

So will they ever make an exclusive for the ps3? Dragon's Age is wicket but could the frame rate issue of been eradicated if it was made just for the ps3? Or could they just of done a better job in that particular area? It's my only problem with this game, well that and the fact I can't get to bed before 5am. I got serious red eye's going into work from that game.

15 years ago

yes to your question, yes.

15 years ago

Red eye > pink eye……always.

15 years ago

nice… Sony's gettin all the love

15 years ago

All of the Bioware games I have played have had some kind of frame rate issues. I really would be surprised to play one of their games that didn't.

15 years ago

Only a fool cannot see the inevitable. Bioware has more class than most and would never shut out their future customers over some stupid perceived console war.

15 years ago

(As the sound of a long whistle get's louder & louder)……..WHOOOOO, Whooooowhoooo, Whoooooo…..

Train doors open & the conductors steps off the train & onto the mighty Playstation platform….

Welcome to the PS3 Steam(Roller) Express, boarding now on track 3.


(Train doors close & the mighty engine sounds off as it picks up tremendous earth-shattering horsepower)……..

Chugga, Chuggaaaaa, Chuggaaaaaaaaaaa…..

(As the PS3 "EXPRESS speeds right on past those 2 other aging & ailing platforms, it's whistle becomes fainter & fainter to the ears of those other platform's fanboys).

I guess they've gonna have pay for another expensive 1-way taxi ride, oh well.
(Hey kids, don't forget your extra baggage….
I mean,……..luggage).


Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/27/2009 8:29:19 PM

15 years ago

"Steam" roller indeed! Hahaha!

15 years ago

id love to see bioware make a spy open world RPG.
sorta like alpha protocol but im not really confident in that being any good, id rather bioware handle it.
and well, the more espionage RPGs the better, so 2 cant hurt.
O and another fallout game would be nice.

15 years ago

An awesome game, that is highly addictive. I have already purchased one of the DLC packs and plan on purchasing the other very soon.

15 years ago

For all who might be interested, Future Shop is selling Dragon Age for $40 Canadian this week (cheaper than the PC version!). I'm not sure when the sale price ends.