Far Cry 2 marked a definite removal from the more standard, linear adventure depicted in the original and we may once again see a significant difference when the third installment arrives.
The second was set in Africa and allowed the player to go just about anywhere at any given time, giving it more of an open-world sandbox feel and catering to those who enjoyed their freedom. But if you were hoping for a direct sequel and a return to that same environment, you might be disappointed: according to IncGamers , an "inside source at Ubisoft Montreal" has said the game will be set somewhere "outside of Africa and will take advantage of a new setting." Said the source:
"We're still in very early development and we have no idea where it's going to be set, but I'm pretty sure that it won't be in Africa."
As of now, things are pretty well up in the air for Far Cry 3 as "nothing has been set in store," so all sorts of new ideas might be implemented into this future series entry. IncGamers believes the game will actually be set in outer space, which would certainly be a big change but that's only a theory. Where would you like to go in Far Cry 3 ? If they decide to keep the freedom and wide-sweeping exploration, the environment and landscape will be crucial to our entertainment, right? Maybe a futuristic underwater world, like Bioshock …that'd be kinda cool.
Some people didn't get Far Cry 2 and found it boring but like AC it takes the right mind set to get into it. I want it to be set in war torn Middle East.
AC was one of the coolest games to come out at its time, even a giant like infamous learned from AC.
AC franchise FTW
This game is going to fail epicly, FC2 was one of the worst games i have ever played and to this day i feel sick for paying out the full price for a load of kack.
Thats a bit harsh. I personally like FC2. A little repetitive at times but a good game over all, although I'm yet to finish it.
with the underwater thing, they could have like an underwater city that is enclosed so that your surrounded by air and u go on underwater missions outside the city
This game was so repetitive and thus boring just like first AC (didn't play AC2 yet..) Ican't say that I'm looing foreward to next one…
The only things that I didn't like about FC2 were the story (what the hell WAS that?) and the insane speed at which enemies re-spawned. Other than that I really enjoyed it. I loved having safe houses with all my guns. I loved the realistic guns and how they wore out with use. Loved the sniping. It was fun for sure, but then… I only spent $20 for it. I could see being mad at it if you spent more.
My interest in this series is a far cry from being piqued.
Whooooo, I see what you did there. Play on words…. nothing, and I mean nothing gets past me. The masked Tom Cruise ninja strikes again.
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/25/2009 2:50:40 PM
lol, damn I thought I could sneak it by you.
World you're a Ninja, what happened?
You know what should be set in stone? They should make it good. Not like FarCry 2 where they took a few steps back.
well if they are not going to africa again, china is a good choice. The area is filled with slums next to brand new cities and long streching rice fields next to mountains and jungles. Perfect place for a free roam shooter.
When you put it that way, I reckon it would be a fantastic setting for Farcry 3. 'Specially if the scenery looked as good as Uncharted 2's scenery. Damn! That was one sexy looking game!
yeah uncharted 2 really did do india justice
ahh far cry 2 is the most lightly used game i've ever had.. maybe guitar hero 4
As long as the fire effects are the same. Thats the reason i purchased the game in the first place, and I never went anywhere without my flamethrower just incase I wanted to burn things
I wish the fire went farther. I never really used it in battle because the fire stopped spreading after like 3 meters. And i think on the back of the box says that you can make enemies run from cover but as i said, it doesn't travel very far. It just didn't really work for me.
I'm guessing I'm probably in the minority here, but I loved Far Cry 2!
Besides MGS4, it's the only game I keep thinking about while I'm actually playing another game.
I think I've played more(and enjoyed it more) on this game than any other in all my gaming collections. And that's saying a lot because I've got 1,481 games(so far)that spanning 13 different systems since the Snes(I'm a gaming collector).
Sure, it wasn't the greatest game out there, but I loved how you could upgrade your weapons, cars & trucks, and boats, and how you could also get out & repair them ASAP. I loved how you could use the hang-glider (although I really, really sucked at it).
And how the GPS tracker could lead you to the hidden diamond stashes, how all the guns that would degraded over time/usage, all the safe house's where you could stash fresh weapons, or plotting strategy by changing the hours of the day or even night, before heading back out, or to even save your game.
I loved how you could use the flame thrower to light up the fields & the wildfire would spread to "crispy critter" any close by hidden enemies.
I loved using that physical map they also included in the game to help plot out my next move & destination. I loved the side missions to go & help out the Priest & those villagers hiding from the warring factions. And getting Mararia & then having to hunt down the pills was, to me, a stroke of genius.
And I loved how I could keep plotting one faction against the other faction. And also being able to unlock buddies, & hunting down weapon shops, underground shops, and also bus stops to transport you to other destinations.
Overall, with all the different missions(story, factions, underground, side-quests, convoy, and assination missions, the story kept me more than engrossed & well intrigued.
And most of all, I loved the huge plot twist on the real reasons of why & who you're doing what you've been doing.
So far, I've spent 97 hours just to finish this game, and I've only got 51% of the trophies.
So I plan on going back real soon and get my "Far Cry2" on & go get the remaining 49%.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/25/2009 2:38:17 PM
Wow, that is a lot of games. I broke out the trusty original NES last night to play a few games with my 6 year old son. He had never played it before.
We played Super Mario Brothers, Xevious, Double Dribble, Zelda, Mike Tyson's Punchout. Only had to pull the cartridges out and blow on the back of them a few times to get it to work. Not sure he was too impressed by the ghraphics or the controller with only 2 red buttons, but I think he had fun. It was rather nostalgic on my part, made me wheepy eyed. =)
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/25/2009 2:58:57 PM
Hey I'm with you on this one man. FC2 was brilliant. I hated the learning curve at first, but once I started figuring things out, I got straight-up hooked. The most immersive experience in a game in a looong time.
It took me 50 hours to finish the game. Got the DLC pack and will play it again with the Crossbow Granade launcher in my kit!
People didn't realize that this was an open-world, survival FPS. Stealth and surprise, setting traps (firestorms) were key elements of gameplay. If you got rushed suddenly by a jeep or enemies were shooting you up from a mile away, you were playing it wrong.
The atmosphere was incredible too..
btw. controls had an option to enable sixaxis when driving vehicles. 35-40% sensitivity made driving a blast..
Last edited by Nick Maim on 11/25/2009 3:47:06 PM
As far as the next location goes, South America in such locals as the Amazon, Chile, Rio etc. Can't see the FarCry franchise going into space or underwarer lol. They'd have to call it Far Gurgle or Far___
Well BikerSaint, let us be in the minority then. That game was a really good time and I had an experience with it similar to yours. It was like a beast that needed to be tamed. Probably the best use of sniping in a game I've ever experienced. Don't let the naysayers get to you,, the game was fun.
@ Nick Main,
Glad to see someone enjoy Far Cry 2 for what it was, as much as I did.
Like I said earlier, I put 97 hours into the game in only 3 weeks time. I got so hooked on the game that when I thought I'd go play for only an hour or two, I'd wind up looking at the clock later to find out it was the next morning with less than 1 hour till I had to get to work.
I'm guessing that the reason I didn't do better with the trophies yet, was that I spent so much time just deviating from the normal plan and went investigating the whole layout of the land to find out where & what I could or couldn't do.
I spent hours & hours taking my technical well off the beaten paths to explore the hidden wilderness.
One time I followed a pack of zebra deep through the brush just to see what & where they would go, and where it would lead me.
Another time while deep in the bush, a hidden rhino came out of nowhere & ran across the front of my jeep causing me to run over it, thereby an instant kill without usage of any big-game rifle.
I also encountered 1 gangly looking wilderbeast that came out suddenly from the hidden brush, stopping to graze right near the front of my jeep. So, just for sh*** & giggles, I tapped it on it's ass with my front bumper & it actually head-butted my truck before it ran off.
I'd also ride through the deep brush to try & cross the 1/4 of the map to where I could sneak up close behind an enemy post. Sometimes there were no major obstacles in my way, but other times there would be a gully so I'd have to plot out a entirely new course.
Two other times I ran the inner bush & didn't see a deep hidden crevice until I plowed into it, thereby losing that jeep for good. So then I would have to hoof it to some small guard to attack so I could steal their jeep & continue on my previously intended route.
Also I had a lot of fun taking my technical up onto the train track & riding the rails instead of the roads.
I found I could sneak up on some of the enemy sometimes, and a lot easier that way.
But, while on the tracks, you have to stay alert because every now & then one side of the track rail had already been blown up, causing you to hang up on that broken rail & lose that truck for good.
Oh, another thing I liked in FarCry2 was the desert scenes where if you stayed out there too long everything would start going fuzzy & you'd lose concience from heatstroke & lack of water. And when you finally came to, the game made you actually feel lost & disoriented by re-spawning you elsewhere, God only who knew where, LOL.
I haven't got the DL pack yet, but once I'm done all the trophies, I will get it.
I don't know where all these other FarCry games fall into the order of the FarCry series, but I just picked up a couple of cheap used copies of Farcry Instincts(for Xbox) & FarCry Instincts & Predator(for 360) too. I haven't been able to find these done on the PS3).
I also want the first FarCry, & I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I've been told that it's only on PC like Fallout 1 & 2 was. But I WILL get it, no matter what device it is on.
And now that I've been able to pick up 4 PSP's for my gaming collection last week(3 PSP 2000 slims, 1 black, 1 Madden 09 metallic blue, 1 Star Wars Darth Vader white, plus 1 silver 3000) I'd love to see some new FarCry games coming over to the PSP too.
BTW, didn't notice you could use the sixaxis for driving, I will definitely have to try it when I get back to the game(I've been playing Bioshock since I got back home).
Good luck with the FC2 online trophies. As far as I'm concerned, I'll never get them.
another PERFECT! example of ubisofts gimp effect.
they take a perfect game and completley destroy it.
i loved this game.
absolutely loved it, i was amazed by how you can light up a single leaf than slowly it builds into a massive Forrest fire.
but jesus christ whats with everyone trying to kill you?
you cant go for a drive and look at the animals without someone trying to blow your head off.
look daddie a zebra.
not now sweetie im trying to keep our heads in tact.
just take far cry 2 and remove the constant killing for no reason and you have a perfect game.
simple no?
You won't like Borderlands then. The NPCs might as well be cardboard cut outs and everything else, is trying to kill you.
Well, the game's true to form.
It's all about the warlords and & you know what happens when you step foot into any of their territories, all hell breaks loose.
If you could get the kiddies into the game< I'd advise just keep them in one of the safehouses, or just hang out at the neutral territory in center of the two major cities, Leoa-Sako in the northern district, or in the southern district city of Bowa-Seko.
And don't go trying to assassinate anyone while there or all bets are off & it's every kid for themself. LMFAO