There's a definite action battle taking place early next year and in my opinion, it's not getting anywhere near enough attention.
Most of you know that Bayonetta launches on January 5 but not enough of you action aficionados realize you may have to make a difficult choice on that day: THQ's Darksiders also launches on the 5th, and based on what we've seen thus far, it could be one of the bloodiest, most entertaining games of the generation. While Bayonetta features slick, super-fast action combos (most reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry ), Darksiders looks more like Gears of War …only with swords and other massive instruments of pain and torture. And now, we've learned of some bad-ass extras: anyone who wishes to pre-order the game at GameStop will get an exclusive 100-page Guide to the Underworld, which includes:
That Harvester just sounds plain nasty; even the explanation in the press release made me cringe: they say it's a crazy powerful weapon "that can cleave through flesh, bone, and most importantly – the demons of Hell." Talk about a guilty pleasure… We have high hopes for Darksiders and we'll definitely be playing the two action games in question for very different reasons.
Related Game(s): Darksiders
This "Pre-order = get free content" BS is getting out of hand.
yeah it's all DLC abuse.
They should include all DLC in the game on release.
Take DA:O.
2 DLC on release? That is ridiculous.
If I pre-order Darksiders, will I get a good game?
this is looking like dragon age meets dantes inferno meets GOW.
so yea im willing to bet this will be the first big hitter of next year.
watch some previews the combat is brutally epic!
Hmmm still on the fence because I've been let down way to much lately plus this game isn't getting a lot of hype… but if a game reviewer thinks its worth a look im defenitley willing to take a closer look ^_^ here's hoping your enthusiasm is well placed Ben ^_^ is offering a pre-order bonus for the PS3 version of Darksiders. For those who pre-order the game from, they will receive a Ruin Head Mask and War Costume for their PlayStation Home avatar.
Looking forward to the reviews on this one, but I won't be sucked into a preorder for a game that might not be good, though the preview looks insane. The concept sounds sweet, and it sits above Bayonetta in my mind.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/24/2009 11:23:03 PM
cant wait for this, my first purchase for 2010.
fingers crossed i win the lottery by then but i wont hold my breath.
hows this for bad luck.
i imported the latest OPM UK mag and inside there was a scratchie for 200000 pounds which is close to 350000 AUD.
i said to myself since you have to be a UK citizen i bet you ill win the 200000 pounds.
and guess what?
i did.
im sure a uk gamer here would help u out
nah i threw it in the bin.
i know that was stupid i did not really think that through.
as u probably noticed i have a short fuse 😉
Sounds like the old saying…….
If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all"
where u been biker?
hey! good to see u again dude!
Still gonna pass on this game, for various personal life reasons with one of the employees. Anyway, Bayonetta sounds like a much better action oriented game, and besides, Im patient enough waiting it our for the real meaty God of War 3.
Darksider, Bayonneta, Dante's Inferno and God of War 3.
Can the first quarter of 2010 get any better?
Oh wait, it can, FFXIII and GT5.
And can 2010 can any better???!??!
It still can, there's more games coming……damn I better start saving, instant noodle time!!!
Last edited by Snaaaake on 11/25/2009 3:31:33 AM
I havn't heard a lot about this game.
It's a crying shame that the more high profile a game is, the more coverage it gets.
Sleeper hits shouldn't be sleeper hits, goddamnit!
the concept of this game has potential … I see it like Zelda + the Spawn comics.