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SCEA, Sackboy Sign Up To Assist Obama’s New Campaign

Sony Computer Entertainment America has joined President Obama's bid to assist our children in becoming more interested in the areas of education and invention/innovation.

The president's "Educate to Innovate" Campaign for Excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (Stem) Education seeks to open the minds of youngsters in new and improved ways, so the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation have decided to launch a $2 million open competition for any ideas that will help us "transform learning using digital media." SCEA, together with the ESA and Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, will team up with MacArthur to support Game Changers, "a new component of the competition." Basically, they're going to utilize the one game that always rewards innovation and creativity – the stellar LittleBigPlanet – and reward the best efforts in the area of level creation. SCEA will donate 1,000 PlayStation 3 machines, along with copies of the game to libraries and low-income communities. Said President and CEO of SCEA, Jack Tretton:

"We're thrilled by the opportunity to participate and support the Game Changer Challenge announced today. It casts a huge spotlight on the innovative medium that is video games and digital entertainment. It also embodies for us what we see everyday – – that amazing things can happen when you provide the right tools and environment, combine it with great technology, and put it in the hands of really creative people. More than 3 million unique users are actively playing, creating, and sharing user-generated levels in our LittleBigPlanet community and to date, more than 1.4 million unique levels have been uploaded to PlayStation Network. This sheer magnitude of imagination and shared learning is truly unprecedented. We’re extremely excited to have LittleBigPlanet and PS3 serve as the vehicle for this national competition and we greatly look forward to all the new innovations that will come out of this as a result."

You said it, Jack. This is a damn good idea, as far too many kids are left behind when it comes to science and math, and LBP can really help to get those "innovative" juices flowing. However, as I believe we're far more deficient in the arts these days, I'm kinda hoping Obama addresses that lacking at some point, too. Seriously, seniors in high school who can't spell ?

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15 years ago

Hey tes37,
Thanks for the welcome back!

I had to leave on a small government-induced…er….vacation at the Gray Bar Hotel for a about 3 months at the end of late July.

It seem's that I didn't have a merchantile license to fully practice my "attitude adjustment techniques" on a silly f*cking trash-talker.

But no worries, it was well worth the 3 hot's-&-a-cot, cause shutting his piehole up was a truly satisfying reward just in itself.

BTW, the hardest part of the whole dealio was that even though I've been back here on the PSXExtreme for about three weeks now, I just spent all that time readingevery article & comments going all the way back when I left on July 27 & up to this very article right now.(and damn, my eyeball's are hurting).

15 years ago

As bad as that rabid pooch's eyeballs?

15 years ago

the obama hate is staggering. he's only been in few months give the man time please ugh.

15 years ago

Just wait. It'll get a whole lot worse.

15 years ago

Yeah, my eyeballs are now the same red as Demon Dog's evil hot-lava X-ray vision.
(hoping to find a 35 degree nicely chilled, 55 gallon drum of Visine for my peepers though)

15 years ago

It's only been almost a year and he's taken over the banks, the American auto industry, trying to take over American medicine,raising our taxes and shrinking our freedom in the process, he's spent more money then bush did in 8 years, and he's dithering on the "good war" as he explained in his run pres. Doing all this while American is hemoraging jobs do to th weakening economy that's only getting worse due to his spending. You can print money with out consequences and that's making is poorer. Once were poor, our security in the world follows.

Like bikersaint said, how long? He's already a worse pres then bush ever was. He's done. Bet you he's loses or doesn't run in 2012.

15 years ago

*you can't print money with out consequences.


mike rlz
mike rlz
15 years ago

i agree about over spending, thats why i wrote in ron paul… he's the only republican left LOL…sound money, gold standard, get rid of The Fed, and our economic problems will QUICKLY be reversed.

15 years ago

Agreed. Spending money to get out of debt is insane.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Dammit' there's always a political debate from the smart cookies in PSXE isn't there?

Arrr' lol

15 years ago

@mike rlz,

I also voted for Ron Paul.

And I liked all of his platform as well.

Besides that, he was the "ONLY" candidate willing to roll back the scariest law in America that's being used illegally to spy against all of our own nation's citizenship, and that law is the f*cking so-called….
"patriot act".

BTW, Had this great man decided to run, I also think Colin Powell would've been a good secondary choice too.
At least he's the most honest of the bunch, & that's probably why the ass-clowns in power made him their scapegoat at the end & pushed him off to the side as a non-factor.

mike rlz
mike rlz
15 years ago

yeah. i dont think a lot of people realize obama voted for the patriot act as well. it's funny, at one point of the debates ron paul had 30% support among republicans, and it sort of just went away. although it didnt help that he was being televised to not be taken seriously. as a sidenote…. *something* would be legal right now 😉

15 years ago

How much more time should we give him????
In the 10 or so months he's been in office, he's already given most of America away with his "lets-spend-what-we don't-have,-and-then some more" mentality.

If this keeps up, America will be solely owned & run by foreign banks.

I dread the hard times ahead for my grandchildren, their children, and their children's childen, etc, etc, who are going to have to grow up in famine, just trying to survive the poverty due to the damage he's doing to America right now, as he continues to chip away at America's future.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/24/2009 10:51:35 PM

15 years ago

Generational theft.

15 years ago

Obama sounds like a bit of a gamer at heart if he supports this.


15 years ago

BTW, I'm glad that Sony's doing it's part to help the lil kiddies out!

But, I'll lay 100 to 1 odds that Sony won't make a big publicity stunt out of it, while the top Bozo in office will have a field day with the extra press on it.

I'm sure he'll f*cking milk this more than the owners of a 1-teated single-cow dairy farm

And who else besides myself, also thinks that this smells like the very same thing that Anti-vision's Kotex is trying doing with his new Veteran's program.

My thought's are that both our own chief Bozo in office, & Anti-vision's chief Bozo in office are only doing this to garner some good publicity after all the negative sh*t they've been saying or doing.

Maybe kotex can also give our residentlial White House Commanding "Happy DeClown" a DJ Hero game, and that way he can seen more accurately for what he really is, a …..
MasterDJ-SnakeOil SpinDoctor

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/24/2009 11:19:56 PM

15 years ago


BTW, "Lil Demon Dog" says "HI".
(Just don't try to pet him while he's aiming that "Liquid Drano" syringe at any of the shit-mongers)

15 years ago

LOL BikerSaint

Otis sounds like he could use a drano injection

15 years ago

Bush, Limbaugh, and Palin could use one too.

15 years ago

You would think that 'injections' of any kind would be the last thing someone that just came out of the clink would want to talk about.

15 years ago

Video games should stay out of politics. We don't need video game character telling us what to think and who to vote for!!!

15 years ago


15 years ago

"its time to put away the xbox"
oh the irony is killing me.

Thrill Kill
Thrill Kill
15 years ago

You people just don't get it do you. Obama is only a puppet doing the bidding of all the loonie crazy socialist radicals that surround him. They want to fundamentally change our country into a european style socialist society…this isn't just obama, it's every branch of our government is controlled at the moment by the loonie left and they are destroying our beloved country. they are trying to spend us into unsustainable debt so that they can break our system and make everybody depend on government. i can count 10 times where they have said they want to spread the wealth. 2010 cant come fast enough..things will change. oh and all you kids who think obama is some great person, ecspecially foriegners…do some will serve you well.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Once again, if Bush didn't do such a terrible job Obama wouldn't be here. Go complain somewhere else.

15 years ago

And he's history so get over it.

15 years ago

OtisFeelgood. Get over Bush. I blame Obama for his policies, not Bush. Should we go picket in front of Bush's Crawford Texas ranch because he sucked so bad that we now have Obama?

Should I blame Bill Clinton that he sucked so bad, that he is the reason we got Bush, so Bill Clinton is to blame for us getting Obama?

No matter how bad Obama is, should he not suffer our scorn…ever?

15 years ago

Understood & agree 100%!

We should be totally aware of what & who the hidden powers are, that are out to f*ck America for their own agenda, that being of personal greed wealth, and superpower.

Powerful groups like the Illuminati, the Tri-lateral Commission, & the Branenberger(sp?)

Also, the Federal Reserve Bank, which isn't any federal, or government agency at all, but is actually a group of 12 world super-bankers), the secret Owl Society at Yale(I think???), plus a few other super-secret-society groups scattered around that I can't recall at this very moment.

And you better start watching FEMA right now too. I believe they are also getting into the act, doing shady behind the scenes crap to further the agenda fo those groups above too.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/25/2009 3:47:40 PM

15 years ago

Same people pulling the strings, just a different puppet.

We get screwed no matter what, the system is broke, simple as.

15 years ago

@ OtisFeelgood,

HMMMMM, about your "how about No Child Left Behind…oh wait…" remark.

Like in your avatar????

15 years ago

It's not a bad idea teaching youngsters, whatever way possible, it's just too bad Obama never learned to not be a douchebag who ruins a nation, moving it towards socialism……

15 years ago

no child behind is impossible, let's face it, some kids just aren't smart, sounds rude, but it's true…there's a blue collar class, and as less and less parents understand the value of good parenting, it'll continue to increase….