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Sega, Maxim Select Bayonetta Look-Alike Winner

Bayonetta ain't real, but this girl is…and she's got that whole hot witch thing down pat.

Sega of America partnered up with Maxim in order to find the best Bayonetta look-alike, and nine women entered the drool-worthy contest . Judges were asked to select the one who "best captures the essence, personality, style and appeal of the heroine of Platinum Games' upcoming action game," and that lovely lady would receive an Xbox 360, a 50-inch Panasonic TC-P50X1 HDTV Plasma TV and of course, a copy of Bayonetta for the 360. The winner? You're looking at her; it's Andrea Bonaccorso, who claims to be a big-time Sega fanatic since the age of 9:

"When I was 9 years old I begged my mom for a SEGA Genesis for Christmas. When I opened it, I screamed for about 20 minutes. For about 5 years after that, I was obsessed with all the Sonic The Hedgehog games, Toe Jam & Earl, and Rolo To The Rescue (a baby elephant in search of his mother). I didn't return to my game playing days until about 2 years ago, and now, I'm STILL obsessed with those old games. When I was little I would stay up way past my bedtime and if I died (in the game), I would be crushed. I'd be so mad that I'd beg to stay up and try again. And of course, I'd get my way and continue playing until my eyeballs were burning from not blinking. Yay Sega! Thanks for contributing to my lack of doing homework!! I recently was searching for a Maxim contest, and when I saw what this contest was for, I thought I'd be perfect for it. Had the glasses, the 'goth' costume, and the sexy look! haha!"

…okay, wow. We'll just leave it at that. You can check out the other 8 contestants and decide for yourself if the right woman won, but for our part, we're satisfied with the choice. All these hot women need to stop coming out of the closet as hardcore gamers, or my head's gonna explode.

Related Game(s): Bayonetta

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15 years ago

that Jennifer chick should have won

15 years ago

i lol'd at the head explode part. tehe.

15 years ago

She was recently searching for a Maxim contest? Do people do that? Just search for a contest to enter, or as her statement makes out, more specifically one in Maxim? Sounds like she did her research and knows to say all the right things to win. Fair dues to her, she does look a tad like Bayonetta.

15 years ago

probably looking for modeling gigs. exposure is good when looking for a modeling job, just to get your face out there.

15 years ago

This woman should have won instead.

15 years ago

Its pretty funny that only 3 of the candidates were dressed like bayonetta while the others are just going with their own theme/setting. and behold, none of the bayonetta clad contestants won.

sydney's picture was too far, cant really get a good look. and at first glance at lauras pic, i thought it was jennifer love hewitt.

Last edited by johnld on 11/23/2009 10:10:38 PM

15 years ago

Good on her, hope that 360 comes with a warranty.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


15 years ago

Little does she know she's been given a Trojan horse lol that 360 is gonna unleash a whole mess of hell on that unsuspecting woman ^_^

Here's hoping we find out her opinion on Bayonetta after she gets through it ^_^

15 years ago

Sarah Palin shoulda entered… would have a better chance of winning this then a V.P. spot!

15 years ago

no she wouldn't

15 years ago

I should be overjoyed. As an Italian she does our nation proud… Her name is Italian I think; from her surname anyway; I stand to be corrected if not. She is gorgeous…


"i am home"

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago


Maybe she could enter a Chloe look-alike contest, too. Just because.

15 years ago

I second that Ben 🙂


"i am home"

King James
King James
15 years ago

Cool. I voted for her too. She looks like Bayonetta naturally. Most of the other girls were just naked, striking poses.

Too bad her productivity is gonna decline with that new TV and 360. Just imagine if they gave her a PS3? She really wouldn't get anything done.

Last edited by King James on 11/23/2009 11:24:17 PM

15 years ago

Nice,They should do more Game look alike contests. Harley Quinn comes to mind and that would be Hotttttt!

15 years ago

A good looking brunette, nice one, now how about getting us a Bayonetta lookalike.

15 years ago

Andrea (and Paloma) is more attractive, to me, but Sidney and Ashley obviously paid more attention to the Bayonetta theme. I would say Sidney to be the winner in the costume/character contest, but I guess it was more of a Maxim beauty pageant. I also think Andrea's lying about her age!

15 years ago

It's so funny how we totally shortcut each and every time we hear, read, or even sense that a good looking girl (or any girl ,really) is playing video games. How wonderfully geeky of us. Hillarious!

15 years ago

Frankly, I couldn't care less if she played video games or not. I just thought she was hot.

15 years ago

All this hot chicks talk makes me want to hear another Dutka dating scene update! Give us the dirt, Ben! 😉

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Eh, don't think so.

15 years ago

That lady in the picture looks like Allison Fiori, the woman who presents the prizes on Let's Make A Deal.

15 years ago

Well, I'm am glad a gamer won it. But IMO, I think Ashley was the most Bayonetta looking of the group.

BTW, I think the sponser's were way too cheap with their gaming prize package.
Since the game's going to be multi-platform, then Sega should have also awarded Andrea a PS3 to go with that 360.

And….Maxim should've stepped up and chipped in for a Wii too.
That way Andrea would've had the best of all worlds playing whatever she liked to her heart's content.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yeah, they're cheap like that.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

I just can't help it:

…I'll give her a PRIZE.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Nice lady ^_-