If you don't have a Japanese account, you haven't been able to sample the slice 'n dice goodness of Bayonetta just yet. But don't you worry none.
Sega has announced that the playable demo will make its way to North America and Europe on December 3. I know some of you have already tested the demo – and we're assuming this US/EU demo is the same as the Japanese demo – and most of you have come away mightily impressed. The game has received a bit of flak for running poorly on the PlayStation 3, but many of those claims appear to be a little blown out of proportion. First of all, most say it's difficult to spot the slower frame rate in the demo and secondly, Sega America has already stated that they're working hard to make the PS3 version as good as humanly possible before its January 5 release. This includes shortening the lengthy load times that evidently plague the PS3 version, as well as addressing any lingering frame rate issues. For our part, because we're not getting a new Devil May Cry any time soon, we just can't wait to tear things up with the slender witch. It just might be the very first great game of 2010…
But you'll be able to decide for yourself come December 3. That demo should be enough to allow you to say "yay" or "nay" in regards to an eventual purchase.
Related Game(s): Bayonetta
I see sarah palin enough on TV. Why would I want to see her on my PS3 in a subpar transfer?
palinetta ha ha
she doesn't look like sarah parlin to me. she looks like…bayonetta 😛
Both are pretty hot.
i'm still not buyin this game. screw sub-par multiplats
ok ill at least try it
damn the model in the pic above is so hot.
I played the Japanese demo a few weeks back. I wasn't very impressed.
The demo has to be different from the Japanese one to get me to download it again. That level that was absent from the Japanese PS3 demo has to be added, for example.
Shut the PORT up.
sorry this comment was suppose to be replyed to the one under this one. Lol
If the demo is not the same as the Japanese demo I will give it another download.
I actually like the demo on the Japanese store so I will probably be picking this game up.
I feel it has gotten so much undeserved bad recognition for the simple fact that it was ported over by Sega instead of being directly handled by the original dev team. The demo didn't feel gimped, it had a slight framerate hiccup but nothing denoting a horrible game. I mean in all honesty Dragon Age has horrid framerate issues but that is a very solid and enjoyable game.
the whole problem is that word you used. ported. it is like a swear word. nothing should be ported TO the PS3 only from it. only damn idiots start with the weak machine and try to port up. now that i think about it, i may rent this but im not supporting any game that is ported to the ps3.
either build the game from the ground up on the ps3 seperate from any other system or lose my money.
lol that's true coverton, I'm loving Dragon Age and the frame rate is abysmal, I kinda wish they had just waited on releasing it to clean that up rather than make the deadline.
@frylock, port is literally a four letter word.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/23/2009 12:29:11 PM
ha ha world you bring a good point. i didnt even realize that. now when i die in a game and it pisses me off i dont have to yell the f word any more i can yell the p word.
"i died again!! PORT!!" *throws controller* ha ha
A game with a plot as deep as Paris hilton and as original as a halo game…i'll get my wallet
So even after they address the issues on this port, is it still gonna be 5 bones cheaper than the 360 version?
I have played the Japanese Demo and I instantly became so excited about this title. The action is intense, satisfying, the soundtrack is in accordance with action pacing, also the artistic desing is very atractive.
This game is my latest addition to must-haves titles in 2010 (besides Heavy Rain, Mafia 2, God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, Final Fantasy XIII, Castlevania: Lords of shadows, MGS Peace Walker, that is)
Great!!!! I'll mark it down on my calender and will eagerly await it's arrival.
killzone 2 had framerate issues and that was amazingly well recieved
what are these framerate issues everyone gripes about? I played Killzone 2 and found nothing wrong
Same here.
KZ2 was solid the only time it dipped away from 30FPS was at the beginning cut scene and that was only down to like 25.
otherwise it was smooth as silk.
Ben, can you tell me what you think of the demo? If you played it that is.
were not getting a new DMC anytime soon?
come on i need my demon slaying fix.
why not just import bayonetta?
1 its cheaper.
2 you get to play the game 2 months early.
3 its fully in english, audio, subtitles even the menu selections, trophies all in english.
4 the story about framrate issues is a load of bull the game runs fine, and the loading issues?
this game takes less time to load than assassins creed 2.
theres no loading issues.
Some people spit nonsense which helps to discredit and tarnish a solid game. I just don't get it. Anyhow, I'll try the demo at the very least. Then wait for the review on this site. But from the many early Q1 game releases next year, I'll have to make some difficult decisions. A few titles will have to sink into the abyss for the sake of the greater goods. Which are (to name a few personal favorites) Heavy Rain, GOW3, Dante's Inferno and also the recently added FF13. One heck of a Q1. Hehe.
Though it was already a guaranteed buy for me and a friend of mine, we played the demo… we both liked it, and we'll both get it as soon as we can.
The load times should b quicker, thats the whole point of an install on ur h.d isnt it?