We were interested to see how our readers view the state of online gaming and for the most part, it seems it's typically an enjoyable experience although the jerks and creeps are usually unavoidable.
The majority of you clearly think it's well worth your time to log on and have a few rounds of Modern Warfare 2 or some other game, but a good number do have significant problems with the level of stupidity frequently displayed during online matches. We've heard complaints in the past about all sorts of verbal abuse – even racism and sexism – in addition to those who simply wish to act like dopes and ruin everyone's good time. For whatever reason, you just can't do much about this problem but there is a fairly obvious solution: stick with playing with Friends or at least those you've played with before. Many say this is the best and easiest way to have a blast online without suffering through the verbal trough of disgusting insults and ignorant rants. Personally, I rarely play online anyway but when I do, it's almost always with people I know; the one time I played against strangers in the past few months revealed a certain sickness amongst those people that was just downright depressing.
Anyway, on to the topic at hand: that ultra-controversial terrorist scene in the aforementioned MW2. If you're not familiar, the level has you playing as an undercover agent when terrorists open fire on civilians in an airport lobby. The question is, do you see this as art, so we shouldn't question Infinity Ward's vision? Or do you simply say that it fits the storyline, despite the questionable material? For my part, I found it tasteless and just plain unnecessary; you can't hide behind the "realistic" comment because there isn't an undercover agent from any government that would just start slaughtering innocents so as not to blow his cover. Yeah, I think not. And as for the story, you could've shown it to us in a cinema; having us do it was a bad call. I have yet to meet someone who didn't feel uncomfortable when playing through that, and if you don't , I would suggest seeking help.
So what's your take on the matter? And do me a favor and keep the Comments civil; this is the kind of topic that can breed a lot of bad feelings, so take it easy.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVDw_t5IPis i'm sure people have seen this but it is funny LOL
Very uncomfortable when I first played it. I didn't shoot a single person until I hit the police.
My friends were disgusted by the realism and brutality of it too. One of them suggested that had it been real, the undercover agent would have shot the terrorists upon first getting hands on a gun.
A cutscene would still have been effective for conveying the story. It appears to me Infinity Ward and Activision are looking at shock value to gain attention, but heres the thing…
They didn't need any more attention!!! It's the sequel to the biggest game of all time!!!
Very wrong, and totally unnecessary. Nothing fun about it.
And now we've got Kane and Lynch 2 going for the whole shock thing. It is just not necessary and will only further give video games a bad image to the public. If anything fortunate comes from this, its that video games will be seen as a mature entertianment platform for adults, not as a children's toy anymore. (No thanks to the Wii for that view)
Kinda tastes like evil
so it does have a taste
tasteless as in its repulsive nature, not literally
Though I knew someone was gonna point that out lol
Anyway, I'll rephrase it, tastes like pure evil. With the sole intent of making 12 year olds go "yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah!"
Last edited by Scarecrow on 11/22/2009 11:12:56 PM
Have a couple of kids with the mindset of Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold playing that mission and it could be a pretty dangerous outcome xD.
Harris and Klebold were both crazy to begin with. Harris was a psychopath, and Klebold was a controllable depressive mess. Many movies are way worse, as are other video games. If someone plays this level and then murders innocent people, they obviously have something wrong with them already, and if this game doesn't set them off, something else will at some point.
Of course. It's why I said if there are kids with the same mindset.
Modern warfare 2 is an M rated game, So 12 year olds shouldnt even be allowed to play it. The reality is that they always find a way.
As for the stupidity online, on psn at least. As the price for the system went down, behaviors like these start to rise. I never had that much problems before the price cut and now those kids just keep ruining my online experience. That damn voice changer just amplifies it even more.
"I have yet to meet someone who didn't feel uncomfortable when playing through that, "
Kind of the entire point. Though you do have the option of shooting the terrorists. Or not shooting at all. They'll kill you anyways.
"and if you don't, I would suggest seeking help."
I didn't have any sort of problem with it. Seems the anti-videogame activists can suck it since I tend to like happy games like platformers and cartoony RPGS. If I was desensitized it wasn't from the games.
It isn't too different from killing a hooker or some random passerby in the latest bloody GTA. The fact that a videogame could get a different response from a change in context is pretty amazing. It might not have worked with me but the fact that it worked with most people is pretty amazing.
Last edited by TGG on 11/22/2009 10:42:11 PM
I actually just went through that level without knowing that i dont have to fire the gun. I never really felt uncomfortable because i knew that it was just a game. Even shot the terrorists accidentally and he looked back and killed me. I agree with that part about being a cutscene but from a certain standpoint, it wont be as effective or have more shock value than actually playing the part. As we all know, controversy equals free publicity, but in modern warfare 2, any publicity is good publicity and most people will just eat it up.
To me, it really didn't effect me too much, things I've seen on the internet are way worse than playing a make-believe video game. Desensitization I believe really is hitting this generation harder than any other thanks to the internet.
"you can't hide behind the "realistic" comment because there isn't an undercover agent from any government that would just start slaughtering innocents so as not to blow his cover. Yeah, I think not."
In complete honestly, I'm about 100% sure, the military could indeed find someone or already have people that have absolutely no problem killing innocent civilians, there are people in this world who really just don't care, though I don't believe I'm that desensitized.
Also I don't think irrelevant at all, I still stand behind the fact that if this scene didn't happen then the main plot of the story would just be taken away. Unless you mean actually playing the part was irrelevant, not just having it in but as a cutscene. And then again let's also no forget you CAN just skip the part and never play it or view it, though of course people would probably look anywayz.
I thought it was great. Honestly, it showed Makarov's brutality and how far he was willing to go. It was also a perfect way to start the war between the US and Russia. You can call me sadistic because I enjoyed the scene, you can call me heartless, or say I need help, but remember…they are not real people. They don't have hopes and dreams, or lives and families and jobs. They are pixels on a screen. They are Zeros and Ones.
It's all about how far you can "imagine" them as real people. It's how, as a little kid, you can imagine a teddy bear as a real animal to snuggle up against. It's how we all could empathize with characters in the PS1 era despite all the characters looking like puppets made out of blocks. If you don't see the little cloud of 1s and 0's that way then you aren't some freak if you didn't mind "killing" them.
I never said the word "freak". Also I believe it is realistic when these people have beating hearts. Then I won't pull the trigger.
I wasn't contradicting your statement, I was adding to it. In other words, I agree.
I respect your opinion B Dukats, but I would say to each his own on this one. I found nothing wrong with this level. I would like to believe that I am a decent and respectful human being who strives to do the right thing.
With that said, am I sick, murderous, psychopath because I mowed down a bunch of people made of binary code and pixels? If so, then I've been killing people since the Atari 2600 playing the tank game. Would it made you feel different if it were a bunch of funny-looking aliens in a space-themed game?
I guess I have a problem when people project their morals and values on the actions of others. And this game has brought out a lot of comments to me from people whose lives aren't any more pure than mine nor the hundreds of thousands of sane MW2 gamers who realize that they are "killing" pixels.
It was a cool level as far as I'm concerned, AND I don't EVER expect to have the want to try the same in real life.
Last edited by jaybiv on 11/22/2009 10:57:10 PM
I just have to add, theres a big difference between civilians and enemies. when they are actually shooting back at you, it doesnt matter good or bad as long as its on the opposite side/faction, its not as disturbing as mowing down unarmed civilians.
It's pretend.
Well said. If someone knew that these were real lives that they were ending, would they still pull the trigger?
at least there were no children, that would have made it bad. The only thing I didn't really like about the thing is that there was no other option than to shoot civi's, except for skiping it and who would want to do that
as i have learned, you dont need to shoot the civilians, only the security who are actually shooting back.
cops are still civilians to me
you dont want to hear some of the sh*t i had to put up with while playing the mag beta.
thats why every single time i go online the very first thing i do is mute everyone.
99% of people online either are 10 year old immature brats.
or di** heads with their sh*tty leb music turned up to 11.
part of the reason i stopped playing the mag beta, and why i wont be buying it on release.
the whole reason i stopped playing the MAG beta is because i had to wait a long time to find a game. Maybe because its the gamestop exclusive access but i couldnt get a game started at all.
I blame this behavior on the ps3 price drop. Before that, i barely witnessed any of this stupidity online on killzone 2, MGS4, and even COD4
i had no problems with MAG it took me literally seconds to find a game and get started.
stability wise the MAG beta for me was perfect, enjoyability wise, a different story.
The game did something most people have been desiring from video games, and that is cause an emotional response out of the player.
And now we're complaining about it?
Great point there. Spot on. A real emotional response drawn from mature players is exactly what the industry needed.
I guess I was just blinded by the shock of the airport scene to realise that this scene was actually doing something different for the first time. Giving you a real emotional choice as it was happening, no pause, no warning, just stand there, see it and take action, whatever that action is.
today was the first time i have seen the game. not really into getting it but its cool to watch. when my buddy got to the airport scene, he mowed down anything he saw move. he didnt even think anything of it just that it was cool and was crazy.
I hated that part even if i don't have mw2 yet. (saw youtube vid). It's just messed up to kill so many people who are unarmed and don't have anything to do with you. Is there a way to skip that part of the game?
Dang i saw a couple people crawling for survival and just end up getting shot.
yes you can completely skip it. it tells you before hand you may not want to play it.
That whole scene is basically a cut-scene albeit an interactive one. The fact that you have to walk through the whole thing pretty much tells you that. Like tons of other scenes in the CoD franchise, you're seeing things first hand, in first person. Yeah, what it's conveying is ugly, but that's the story. Who the hell buys a warfare game for flowers and kittens? You pick up war game you're going to see what nasty terrorists are all about. And let's face it, the whole time you're wondering why the hell they're doing this in the first place… and then it hits you.
I had no problem with it. It's nice to see the evil guys actually being evil for once.
Anyone who has played and enjoyed a Grand Theft Auto game has already done the worst. In order to progress in the game you have to kill people. Be they guilty wrongdoers or innocent bystanders.
When we forget this is just pretend as World so simply yet elegantly put, we question a games' most simple yet important state; the imagination part. When imagination starts to merge in our minds with reality, we start to doubt our own morals and mental state. We start to feel evil in reality for advancing toward the "dark side" in a virtual world.
But Ben raises a good argument and question, should we feel something during that airport event? That is a good question. I believe it depends on the person. Some people go through games with no understanding and without care. They play, simply, to play and have fun. Whereas others like Ben and myself who carefully approach a story and wonder at the scenes and the complexities of each situation the game unfolds to us. This type of situation affects us "conscious gamers".
So this brings forth yet another question, because everyone plays games for different reasons, are we really able to say that the "unconscious gamer" needs help because they play unaware of the events occurring during their virtual experience?
Or maybe the "conscious" gamer needs to take a chill pill and just have fun?? There is no right or wrong as I see it in this issue. If you enjoyed this level, it doesn't mean you are a cold-hearted psychopath; and if you were repulsed, it doesn't mean you are a lilly-livered sissy.
In several blockbuster action movies of recent memory, terrorists have been blowing up and slaughtering civilians left and right. I don't hear all the commotion with that. So what's the difference?
Having the discussion is cool, up until both sides start to use their moral systems to label the other side.
Why isn't there a "I don't have the game, so I don't really care." option?
Oh, and something really cool to do to deal with those annoying idiots online: (in FPS games that allows damage from friendly fire)
– Annoying Brat (AB) is being annoying, swearing for every step he takes in the game.
– You, the Smart Person (SP), tell AB that he's a really good FPSer, and wish to go on killing the enemy together.
– Let AB walk infront of you a few paces, so that you're behind him, and he can't see you.
– When the enemy shows up on the horizon ( or if they're kinda close, but not too close), shoot AB in the head.
– Mute AB.
HEY! I love playing games online. IF you get a group of friends up to get a SQUAD up in FPS it is fun! You dont actually talk to the enemy in most of them anyways.
But pick up groups you get alot of jerks who call you a dumbA or gay monkey's arse and while I admit that is bad, JOIN THE ARMY and see what they call you. HA!
MW2 is more of a single player game. BF BC 2 is a totally group thing. Both games are great!
End of Line.
Its funny that you say MW2 is a single player game when its main draw is multiplayer. A group game is killzone 2. their squad system is great and online gameplay is amazing with constantly changing objectives.
I'm not big on Online play. I think LBP is the best MP game because it brings the community together to create things and then share them.
I agree with LittleBigMidget. LBP in general is just a breath of creative air. It isn't about brutally killing your opponent. Although some created levels can make that the focus. It's about creativity and community. Honestly, one of the greatest and most creative games I have ever played. And no I am not some 11 year old kid. I'm getting ready to strike 20 next year which just goes to show how wide the range of audience is for the LBP game.
Last edited by just2skillf00l on 11/23/2009 1:18:35 AM
I admitt I rarely play online anymore unless it's coop with a friend, reasons are mainly do to the inmature behavior of most players. what gets me the most is when your playing a game that requires teamwork and know one works as a team they shoot anything and everything. my first game on the ps3 was warhawk and for the first few months it was a great game to play when the ps3 was priced for adults mainly then after first price cut the kids and teenagers arrived and then the racism,cussing,gay slurs and terrorist threats came along. It was then I decided not to play online unless its late at night when the kiddos are in bed and the true gamers can get a good game going. maybe Sony will come up with some censorship software to weed out the rude gamers.. lol doubtful but one can dream.
I'm sure there's a phone number or complaint page on PSN that allows you state which gamers have annoyed you the most and have them banned from the network.
But since I game alone or with friends in the living room, I hardly go online at all, I just see no need for it personally. Like Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2, if the single player is very good, I stick to that. If there's a split screen or local multiplayer option, I go with that too.
Back again.
After reading many of these responses, I agree with Hezzron73. A game finally allows the player to make an emotional choice and really makes a "mature" move for a mature audience.
Great point. That is just a great point.
And who knows what messed up decisions we'll have to make in Heavy Rain based on emotional response? I'm still getting it, and I'm very much looking forward to playing it.
Why are so many people horrified over the Modern Warfare 2 airport terrorist scene?
If we go back to Modern Warfare 1, it featured in what is the largest terrorist act in the history of gaming.
The nuke that kills 30,000 Marines.
To paraphrase Stalin, Ten people dying is a tragedy, 10 thousand people dying is a statistic.
Agrre'd^^ i would understand if it was something like flyin a plane in to a building because then thats just sick!!…but i dont think its tooo bad..i do think its abit over tha top..but then again look at some of the stauff you do in GTA?..Manhunt..etc..its just like shooting randoms on tha streets of GTA.
I really did not have a problem with the airpot scene, its just a video game. Plus its a known fact that their will always be casualties in war. i went threw the level and only shot the police. i have seen worst things in the internet or in movies for example the rap scene in the last house on the left was pretty bad. as a father i found it disturbing but when the bad guys got what they deserved at the end it made me except and even be happy when the guys head exploded in the micro oven. this game is not for kids, its rated M. and it gives us an option if we want to play that level or not. i really wish they would do something about kids acting like asses when you are online. i have no problem with people talking smack while you are online but when you start cursing and acting like a fool it really brings down the enjoyment level of playing online.
Damn, how about putting a "Spoiler Alert" in there for when you're giving part of the ending away.
Did you ever think that just maybe there are those of us who haven't had the chance to play it yet????
As an "early adopter" of the PS3, I can say that there has ALWAYS been a douchebag element on PSN. Try playing FN4. I hope that they will implementa comlaint/rating/player block system soon.
The airport scene is getting WAAAAY too much hype. You have the option to skip it at the beginning of the game and (I believe) you can opt to skip it at any point from the pause screen.
I had no problems with the level. While, you had to progress through the level and watch, you didn't have to shoot any innocents. Graphically and intensity wise I thought it was expertly done actually. Seeing people trying to hide, dragging bodies of loved ones through the halls was pretty intense.
Infamous: you can kill innocents at will and suck the life out of people too.
GTA franchise: do I even have to go there.
If you were appalled to the level, you should be. That was the whole point of it. If you are too squimish to witness something like that, there are warnings so you don't have to play through it.