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Car Reviews on PSXE? What Do You Think?

UPDATE: Just so we're clear, guys, I only intend to do this ONCE a week. This will not replace any of the work I do now, or have an affect on our daily operations at PSXE. -Arnold K.

Howdy, folks. Arnold here. Instead of doing a poll, which I felt is a bit informal. So I decided to poll you guys formally, by using the comments section below. As many of you may know, I'm a gearhead…and sometimes, you've probably seen this in my reviews of racing games, my automotive passion happens to get the best of me. For a long time I've wanted to put my thoughts on cars into writing, and lately I've noticed there's a number of you who also enjoy cars quite a bit, or at least, enjoy racing games. So I figured, why not write car reviews and post them as editorials?

What do you guys think? I have access to a lot of high-end vehicles, so having consistent content shouldn't be a problem. I'd also be able to take requests for reviews, as well, provided you guys don't ask me to review a Ferrari or Bugatti.  Sound off in the comments below.

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15 years ago

LOVE IT, me love imports

mike rlz
mike rlz
15 years ago

as long as you do my shitty 08 pontiac g5

15 years ago

yes do it.

15 years ago

Sounds like fun Arnold, I'd be interested to read your insight into some cars now and then. I know we don't see eye to eye on games, maybe cars would be different. 😉

15 years ago

Absolutely not! Reviewing cars? What's next? Ben going to review gym equipment? No offense guys but I think your time is better spent on what this site is dedicated to. Wouldn't your time be better spent writing more game reviews? Or finding more news stories? Why not have editorials on where we can find bargains on games?

Anyway, not to berate the topic, just want to say my vote is no.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

/sarcasm aside
Ben wouldn't review gym equipment =] There wouldn't be enough people here even remotely interested at all lol but I would benefit.

But a lot of people like cars I would think 😉

15 years ago

Yes, but people don't seem to understand that writing about cars is bad for the same reasons as writing about gym equipment. The only difference is that more people here seem to enjoy cars.

Why not then open it up to politics and sports like Ultimadream suggests?

Of course I understand that Arnold is interested in specifically writing about cars and is looking for a home for such articles but it stands to reason that car articles are as appropriate here as articles about sports, politics, or gym equipment.

Either make a direct tie-in with video games in each article or create a new home as many others have suggested. If the crew behind PSXE created a site dedicated to gamer lifestyle like many others suggested I would bookmark it and check it daily just as I do this one. Just leave this site as it is.

15 years ago

I say go for it… I wonder if you can tell what I like? lol

15 years ago

I think I'd need a sample article before I can tell if it's something I'd continue to read. However, even if I despise the articles, I can just choose not to read them. There are plenty of other articles on this site for my reading pleasure.

What separates this site from others is that you guys give glimpses into who you are, and what you like. These car reviews would be doing exactly that, and I'm all for it.

15 years ago

Get The Stig to give you the thumbs up and I'll go for it too Mr. Katayev

15 years ago

I think it's an awesome Idea honestly and I happen to be a car enthusiast myself… Just make a car section and that's it. Those not interested in cars wouldn't have to click that section if they didn't want to.

If you end up writing the reviews, would it be possible to review the 2010 ZR1 (or even ZO6) Corvette?

15 years ago

I don't mean to be mean or disrespectful, but…THIS IS A VIDEO GAME WEBSITE, NOT A CAR WEBSITE.
Can't you just make your own car site and write all you want? Go work for Polyphony digital then.
I mean honestly, it is disrespectful to people that come to this site for video games. I like games, not crazy cars.
But thanks for letting me voice my opinion about it, I appreciate that.

15 years ago

I personally don't have much interest in it but I also don't see it negatively affecting the site in any way. If anything I think having an alternative writing outlet you enjoy will only make this place an even more positive environment.

15 years ago

Ok the positive response is to abundant here…NEGATIVITY NOW!

Who the hell wants to hear about cars? Four wheels a frame and a vroom vroom stick that's makes the whole mess of metal together! I get along just fine on my scooter on these new york streets and I don't need to see cars all over my gaming news! My 360 CD cases don't have wheels and they get along just fine!

(Your daily dose of flaming from your friendly neighborhood rabbit ^_^)

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yes! And I wouldn't mind at all.

I just hope you don't write so many car reviews that the people who come here for the games will get angry 😉

15 years ago

I'm OK with this as long as you don't review any slow (toyota prius) or stupid (chevy aveo) cars. Maybe you could give us a review on new car technology, such as the Mercedes S-class's ability to apply braking for you if it thinks you're about to hit something. The sky is the limit (no pun intended for sky).

Last edited by Dingodial on 11/20/2009 7:27:20 PM

15 years ago

Ah finally, my two passons could possibly collde on one website…YAY!!

Could request you revew a classic car from tme to time like an austin mini or beetle or…well any car you can get your hands on over 25years old! If not ll be more than happy reading car reviews

15 years ago


15 years ago

First off, i find it disturbing that most people who disagree get thumbed-down. Cmon people, Arnold was trying to get people's take on this.

Personally, it's ok with me so long as Ben, Arnold and the guys don't lose focus and go "drifting" towards non-game stuff too much.

15 years ago

I'm cool with it.

So…. when do we get the first review?

15 years ago

IF u do it im never going to this sight ever again. . . .

LoL. j/p 😛 idc as long as our daily read dont get slowed down 😀

15 years ago

Hmm, I dunno =
Shinji from decided one day to add a Cars section to the site, which was completely unfitting as the site was more dedicated to anime and Asian dramas. Now that Cars section doesn't even exist anymore [but tbh, Crunchyroll sucks nowadays anyway].

As for PSXE, it'll probably work considering it'll all be in editorials. Those interested in the subject will of course take their time to read these articles and those who come here to read about gaming will probably stay within their grounds, whilst also taking a glance from time to time.

Go ahead. It's worth a try and it isn't going to kill the site. As for me, I'm more of a motorcycle person =P

And Top Gear rules.

15 years ago

i love this idea! i absolutely adore cars.
i am currently in the process of buying an infiniti g35.and i don't consistently post here, but this article made it inevitable.

anyways, a car i would like for you to review would be the BMW M3 e92. probably my favorite car right now. hey maybe you can even post videos of your review. yea?

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

An E92 M3 is in the realm of possible cars to review. The M6 will be reviewed soon, as I said. Also, I always believe in helping people out with purchases, so please feel free to email me any questions you may have about the Infiniti G35. I used to own an Infiniti FX35, and I've driven dozens of G35 sedans and coupes, including the newer G37 sedan and coupe. Feel free to use the email in the About Us page.

15 years ago

Thanks a lot. I appreciate you trying to help, but I pretty much have it taken care of. Just curious, how do you drive these cars?

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

Tons and tons of connections, friends, and family who own them. Hahaha. It's like a whole network.

15 years ago

Awesome! I drive high end cars through my dads work. He transports them. Cars like audi's, mercedez benz, bmw's, infinitis, nissans, acuras.

Oh yea, I got my G35 today, great car! I'll post a pic of it here sometime this week.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

Just so we're clear, this will ONLY be a one-time weekly thing and usually only done on weekends. This will NOT have any affect on our day-to-day operations. I will not bombard the site with car reviews, so no worries for those who are…well, worried.

I'm also very happy to see an overwhelming amount of support for this idea. The first two reviews will be sports cars: a Nissan 350Z and a BMW M6. =)

15 years ago

Haha. worried? You've got such a great thing going on with this site. Adding car reviews would only make it better for people like me who love video games and cars.

15 years ago

M6….are you serious?


15 years ago

Aww.. u gonna make ben remember his Z.. 😀

15 years ago

I don't know anything about cars but I do like that we are all part of a COMMUNITY and if cars are something others in this community are into, then I sure as hell have no problem with it. The fact that Arnold wants to share his passion of cars with the people of this site, instead of just going to a dedicated car site, displays to me that he holds the opinions of the members in here with high regard. And as a community, we should encourage more of this. This isn't just a gaming site, it's a place where we all come to share as a collective our common interests, ok mainly and namely that is computer games, but it's nice to have a refreshing break from time to time too.

15 years ago

I dont care if you do it, I just won't read them 😛

15 years ago

just do it-Nike. I have articles i choose not to read, its never BOTHERED me that they are posted. I will read your car reviews, and assume anyone that has no interest can skip over them.

not to mention, its your site! you cant please everyone… go for it

15 years ago

Im always up for something new. I say go for it!

15 years ago

Obviously it is random for a Playstation site, but I believe that both Ben and Arnold would enjoy doing it. Therefore, I think they should do it. I mean they obviously bust their asses getting all these articles, editorials, reviews, previews, etc. up for us that reviewing a car for us could be a nice break for them. Guarantee you all that the happier they are with their work, the happier we will be on the receiving end of their work.

15 years ago

I think at the end of the day, these two passions, Games and Cars, are something most of us can relate to and I would love to read about it.
Go for it Arnold! if anything, this new segment might bring people who are into cars into the hobby of gaming and vice versa. Will bring new readers to our community and strengthen and expand it.
Lets take a vote!!
All in favor say YEA!

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
15 years ago

I'm not overly interested in cars, but I don't see how this could do any harm… So why the hell not.

15 years ago

Holy f*cking f*ckballs did you say you'd be reviewing the Nissan 350Z??? Im a big fan of Nissan's line up and have been dying to hear about the Murano 3.5 and the 350Z!

Lol I can see my carrening through traffic while playing burnout as we speak ^_^

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Of course he'll review the 350Z, seeing as how he OWNS one.

I could chime in because I DID own one, but oh well. 🙂

15 years ago

probably shouldent say this since yous both owned one but what the hell.
Honda S2000 > Nisan 350Z anyway of the week.
although they are a little overpriced.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

An S2000? A stock one?

…are you nuts?

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

Hahaha, an S2000. Excuse me while I laugh myself to death.

15 years ago

never liked the 350Z its ugly and its far to much of a bling bling car, to much of a show off car.
whats wrong with the S2000?
its a popper coupe, something small light and nimble, and has a better ride height and better driving position.
the 350Z is a cross between normal saloon car and a go cart, it does not know what it wants to be.
copes should be low, nimble and compact the 350Z is neither of those.
not me just saying that either, Jeremy from top gear has always said that about them.

ArnoldK PSXE
ArnoldK PSXE
15 years ago

The 350Z is actually the perfect size and has the right focus. It's not tiny like a Miata or an S2000 because neither was the Z32 300ZX (or any Z-car, for that matter), nor the Supras, Mitsu 3000GT, and so forth. The S2000 is a different type of car, it's more for the Miata owner who wants a bit more power.

Ultimately, the S2K is overpriced for a car that offers less of everything. For one, the ugly and barren interior is hard to live with, as are the lack of creature comforts. It's far too small, as my 6'1 frame does not fit into it. Having driven my friend's S20000 a few times, all I did was complain about how cramped the interior was.

And then, I complained about how slow the car was. "Oh, but you have to rev it to 9000, dude" (an exaggeration, I know). So what is this then, a sports car or a Super Saiyan? I shouldn't have to run a car to its limits to get some life out of it. I don't want to wait for the 'V-tack' to kick in. If this is a track car, why didn't Honda design it with a motor that has low-end and mid-end grunt? A flexible powerband is crucial for a car with a chassis like the S2000's – it needs to enter the apex with power on tap, so that it can use that power immediately at the exit. The S2000 is not a car that can do that, you have to constantly string the car, and worry about the rear-end giving out since you're in a lower-gear, spinning near redline for power. Is it balanced? Sure is. And does it have, what in my opinion is the very best 6-speed transmission in the whole world? A bullet proof motor? Yep. Yep. But refined it isn't. Comfortable it isn't. Practical? Even less practical than a 350Z is. And driving it around town is just awful.

As a track car, the S2K is great, but it makes a terrible daily driver. Though, again, it does have the best 6-speed transmission of any car I've ever driven.

Last edited by ArnoldK PSXE on 11/21/2009 12:23:20 PM

15 years ago


GT-R ftw =]

15 years ago

but thats the whole point of Vtech.
revving the guts out of the thing is the S2000s swan song.
could use with a little more power but than what car couldent?
and yea its not a practical car because its a coupe, its to small to fit anything in to.
its not suppose to be a every day car, coupes are not suppose to be every day cars.
there meant for weekends when its just you, no wife, no kids just you and the machine.
though your right about the interior, honda have never been good at interior.
well the only company that is, is alpha romeo those cars are car pornography!
next car i want to get is a 147GTA but thats a long,long,long way off 🙁

15 years ago

swans sound like shit! hahahaha.

i heard a swan make a noise once, i thought someone had stolen my lawn mower.

15 years ago

It should be now lol

sure, why not? would like to see a review every now and then.

on another note. Can some one clarify me what did I do to receive moderation approval? nvm I think it was a bug cause its gone now.

Last edited by randomname on 11/20/2009 11:41:27 PM

15 years ago

you used something that looked like a website name real or not i think its an auto thing so you cant spread a virus through the comments until an admin has checked it our protection