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Car Reviews on PSXE? What Do You Think?

UPDATE: Just so we're clear, guys, I only intend to do this ONCE a week. This will not replace any of the work I do now, or have an affect on our daily operations at PSXE. -Arnold K.

Howdy, folks. Arnold here. Instead of doing a poll, which I felt is a bit informal. So I decided to poll you guys formally, by using the comments section below. As many of you may know, I'm a gearhead…and sometimes, you've probably seen this in my reviews of racing games, my automotive passion happens to get the best of me. For a long time I've wanted to put my thoughts on cars into writing, and lately I've noticed there's a number of you who also enjoy cars quite a bit, or at least, enjoy racing games. So I figured, why not write car reviews and post them as editorials?

What do you guys think? I have access to a lot of high-end vehicles, so having consistent content shouldn't be a problem. I'd also be able to take requests for reviews, as well, provided you guys don't ask me to review a Ferrari or Bugatti.  Sound off in the comments below.

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Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

First of all, I don't appreciate the insults. I haven't done a personal editorial in probably a YEAR, and the ONLY editorials I've done since have always had gaming as a central focus. If you'd like me to point you to pieces from Roger Ebert that were his own opinion on various film topics, I'd be more than happy to do that. That's what EDITORIALS are. DON'T tell me how to do my job again.

Secondly, I don't think all of you are getting what we're asking. You're not going to see car articles mixed with gaming articles. We're talking about a few editorial pieces MAYBE a couple times a month. NOTHING else would change. Furthermore, are we all forgetting that a lot of video games use…um…CARS? Don't you think we'd make that tie-in every now and then?

All these, "no, I don't want a car site" responses are ludicrous. PLEASE understand the concept.

15 years ago

First off, I mean no disrespect Ben.

But, maybe I need a little clarification on the purpose of the car reviews. Arnold only said he'd like to write a weekly car review because of his personal interest. Nowhere in his post does he suggest he's going to write a video game related car review. If his reviews have a direct relation to video gaming then it is certainly appropriate content for a video game site.

But if they are just "car reviews", what place do they have on this site? And I truly mean that in a non-confrontational sort of way. How, in your mind, does the concept of car reviews fit into the scope of PSXE?

If you guys have aplan that makes sense I'll support it fully. And please understand all of us who are saying "no, I don't want a car site" are responding to Arnold's post as we understand it because he asked us to and truly have the best interests of PSXE in mind. If we misunderstand the purpose then please excuse us and clarify. Suggesting that I'm being ludicrous is personally offensive.

Last edited by Doosharm on 11/20/2009 9:31:43 PM

15 years ago

@ Ben and Arnold: It seems as if everyone here is only going nuts because you are calling them "car reviews". I bet they wouldn't bat an eye if you just did a few editorials a month on cars. As long as it is an editorial, no one seems to mind, unless they are just assholes. Really, your car reviews will technically be just THAT…editorials. Go for it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

Doosharm: Well, first of all, I was telling JohnnyGold not to insult me. I don't need people lecturing me on how to do my job.

And you have to remember, this isn't a newspaper. It's a website with a fully functional interactive community. It's a very different venue and because we choose to make it feel more like a family, we'd like to think we're capable of talking about different things every once in a great while. Nothing about the game focus will ever change and you won't be seeing less content because of Arnold's occasional car review.

But comments are huge for us. People contributing is huge. The games are here to stay but we'd like the human aspect of the entire endeavor to shine through.

15 years ago

Ben: I know you were aiming at Johnny, but since I agreed with some of his statements wanted to make it clear I wasn't also trying to offend.

But you're right, this isn't a newspaper that covers a wide variety of topics, its a website with a very specific topic:

"PSX Extreme is a video game website that covers Sony Playstation news 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."

It is our mutual interest and enjoyment in all things PS related that brings us all together at this location. It is the basis of the family relationship you talk about.

It's not that I think your game coverage will suffer because of Arnold's car reviews, its just that the topic of cars is so completely unrelated to PS news that the only place it belongs on this website is the "off-topic" section of the forums or on an "About the author" page where you talk about what cars you like.

If you want to have a weekly editorial on cars in games, I'm all for it. If you want to compare a car in GT5 with its real life counterpart, do it. If you want to talk about which was the cooler car: Sweettooth or Spyhunter, go ahead. But if you want to just give a review of a real life car with little or no relation to video gaming it just doesn't fit into the scope of this site as you guys described it.

But Arnold asked for opinions so I gave mine. And the only reason I've been so vocal about it is because I don't understand the reasoning behind it but somehow it makes so much sense to other people, as if a feature about cars was the obvious next move for you guys.

But in the end I don't really care. I don't think it fits in but I'm not going to complain if its there. I don't get it, but whatever. The bottom line is I like this site, I like the writers, and I like the community. When the posts start rolling in I'll politely skip over them and not make a fuss.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

It's entirely up to you. And we certainly won't continue to do it if it doesn't go over well. We'll just have to see.

15 years ago

you guys shoulda just done it without asking.

not give everyone the chance to piss and moan about it.

better to ask forgiveness than permission.

plus if you just did it, if people didnt want to read it, they have the COMPLETE option of NOT clicking that link.

people need to stop crying, in the end it IS their site, not ours, if you think doing these editorials will improve the value of your site, and the enjoyment of your readers, then who are we to stop you?

people are forgetting this IS a NEWS site after all, not an open forum.

15 years ago

Arnold I would read it even though im not that into cars lol.
I did ask that I would like to see you post more. I dont mind the fact that it is about cars as I dont mind racing games.
I am sure the game reviews and news would continue just as much. 🙂

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

It's your site , run it on your terms . As long as the reviews and editorials maintain their quality , I don't care if you post cooking recipes too .

Detroyer 1250
Detroyer 1250
15 years ago

I would live it! I don't know much about cars, but having a editorial every once in a while would be great. It would be a perfect way to help me learn. Do it Arnold!

15 years ago

I think it would be nice to have reviews about cars. Like most here I would most likely never drive most of the cars reviewed but would be interested what Arnold would have to say 🙂

15 years ago

I think that you can, and should, try your hand at car reviews. You're good at writing your articles, and say you have the resources to do this.

(huh, huh, I wrote "But", huh, huh…)

Besides the point that this website seems best left to revolve around gaming, I've JUST taken on a new little 2010 "Bundle of Joy". Knowing how I feel about that car gets me thinking of this:

Cars can be a VERY personal thing. Games, sure, okay, but CARS, cars are like "the other woman". Their about: your method of transportation, racing for pinkslips, car shows, cruisin' at night, gettin' lucky, having a responsibilty.

What seems more "moving"? A girl in a bikini holding a copy of God Of War, or the same girl in front of a car (any car) that's been waxed, taken care of, and blaring a great song…(we're talking the car, not the girl).

Again, I think you should try it, but keep in mind the crap you might have to endure from people, as well as irate automaker publicists, if you give negative comments on their "Bundle of Joy"…

15 years ago

I'm going to be honest, that's not what people came here for, however id rather that then 360 articles *cough* *cough*.

I remembered when they said that adding 360 content wouldn't create a divide in their focus, user base, and feel of the site, but it did, and now they are nothing but a bunch of pretentious @ssh0les.

I think that if one would like to do car reviews then they should do it in the proper channels, not piggybacking off of the success of another community.

I do encourage much success and growth in writing car reviews and if you did put that content in the right places with your writing talents I know you will prosper well from it.

That's my honest opinion, its your site, but a site is nothing without users.

15 years ago

Ben and Arnold,

i think you have the respect of enough people that frequent this site to write what you want.
hell, you guys allow us to go pretty off topic in our postings to completly unrelated to the topic at hand. have some fun post whatever the hell you guys want most of us will probably respond to it.

i say do it.

make it a sunday thing.

there really only is usually the week in review so add something to sunday. i mean its not like you have to write it sunday just post it up for us. who can complain about it being on sunday anyway its not like there is any game news on sunday anyway.

15 years ago

Not something that would interest me much as its only game news i come for, but not fussed either way. If the majority of people want it then go for it.

15 years ago

Hmm.. Interesting! I'm also a fellow gearhead. I think car reviews are OK.. What would you decide to do with these reviews? I wouldn't imagine you'll be posting any performance figures achieved first-hand, correct? I think a lot of what car reviews offer are massively redundant. There's a very fine line between a narrative car review and a enticingly exciting car review. I ran a car site waaaay back when I was young and bored. I used it as an excuse to script and brag about my html/dhtml skills that were strictly scripted through notepad.. haha.. I'd say be aware of what you're getting yourself involved into. It's easy to overlook the content.

Just some feedback!

15 years ago

I think some are just bitter they can't drive those awesome cars XD

jk jk guys

But seriously, if you love cars you'd love this kind of editorial.

God I'd love to hear what a Viper in real life feels/drives like. I mean GT gives you a great feel, but that's going at 100+ mph most of the time. Would be cool to know what it's like INSIDE, outside, how the car takes corners in every day life, how it compares to other cars of its class, etc.

Anyway, It'd be awesome!

15 years ago

I've spent quite a bit of time working on fellow road racers cars and doing my share of it when the money bags swell with enough to spare for hobbies.. You'll be surprised! People are willing to let you at least hitch a ride with them! You don't need to have a car, but it helps to gain a respectful reputation with fellow racers or to show up with a car club if you have friends/family/relatives who are into racing.

15 years ago

I love cars I love video games so combining the two would be a plus for me, since I come here like everyday. Don't think about any more just do it look at me do it lol.

15 years ago

It is your site. Do what you want.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
15 years ago

Video games and cars are two of my favorite hobbies.I subscribe to AutoWeek,Car & Driver,GameInformer,and PlayStation The Official Magazine it would be asinine for me to support car reviews on PSXExtreme.Good call Arnold!

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 11/20/2009 3:21:08 PM

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
15 years ago

Video games and cars are two of my favorite hobbies.I subscribe to AutoWeek,Car & Driver,GameInformer,and PlayStation The Official Magazine it would be asinine for me "NOT" to support car reviews on PSXExtreme.Good call Arnold!

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 11/20/2009 3:37:13 PM

15 years ago

Why every other week have a little section about cars?…rather some film reviews/previews

15 years ago


15 years ago

if youve got a car that your stoked about or one that hits you the wrong way, i dont see why not. Just saying "i feel like reviewing this car" seems a bit, idk, a little unfocused for a videogame site.

i think itd be cool if you would do "Arnolds Weekly Car Review" alongside bens, and just choose two or three and tell us what you like, what you didnt like, and what we should stay away from, in brief. might be the best format to pursue.

15 years ago

Prolly right down the middle. I don't really read the "personal insight" articles with the dating stuff and all that. While I do like fast cars, not sure I would like them mixed up with my gaming news. Maybe a seperate "lifestyle" section with life thoughts about gaming and dating and car rreviews. As it is this is a gaming site.

But either way I don't think it's a big deal.

15 years ago

It's your site mate, I wouldn't mind something extra to read. Just have a clear label for the headline so those less interested can simply pass by.

However, if by "access to a lot of high-end vehicles" is code for you doing some kind of Gone in 60 Seconds carjacking exploits, I think this site should immediately shift focus to coverage of said exploits. That'd be sweet 🙂

15 years ago

while I have no interest in cars and find it a bit unussual to put on a site dedicated to playstation, I say go for it. I can always skip over those articles the same way I skip the ones that do concern video games but doesn't interest me. now maybe I would suggest keeping it seperate from the playstation articles, but it's your website man. I'll still stop by here daily for the well written articles that interest me.

15 years ago

Well, when i first saw this i didnt like the idea. I have the same feeling as this site is a gaming-focused webs no other content could fit.
However, after reading other's thoughts, I believe now this can be a great opportunity to learn about it. yes, to learn about cars!

So, please Arnold proceed with it.

There will be some people that not only can enjoy it but also learn from it.

15 years ago

Well I've been visiting this site since the holidays in 2007 I believe?? and I wouldn't really mind a car review would be a good read!!

15 years ago

I wouldn't read them, but go for it if you want to.

15 years ago

I wanna see a new car review at least once a week!

Advent Child
Advent Child
15 years ago

I don't think you should put them up on the main page. Why not just make a spin off page like Xbox nerds that you can link to at the top of the page. I would rather it be more formal and stick to the true gaming content on the gaming site.

15 years ago

I'm not a gearhead and I'm not into racing games all that much. So maybe this will be a great way to educated me about cars and maybe even buy Gran Turismo 5. I'm all for it. Out of curiosity, how do get to have access to high-end vehicle Arnold? Car salesman?

Last edited by Poor_boy on 11/20/2009 4:00:41 PM

15 years ago

I couldn't care less about car reviews, but an article here or there wouldn't bother me any. As long as my RSS feed isn't filling up with them. Good luck.

15 years ago

I wouldn't stop coming here if you did. You guys are the only gaming news site I go to, maybe you could just go down the Gran Turismo 5 car list if you need ideas. 🙂

15 years ago

While I feel you certainly have a right to write about whatever you wish here at PSXE, I don't feel that subject matter unrelated to games is appropriate.

I agree with JohnnyGold that you guys should give yourselves each a blog page within this site where you are free to discuss any subjects you wish. Clearly there is an existing audience for it (lots of positive replies here and lots of feedback to Ben's personal posts.) But I typically skip over such posts as they are very rarely related to why I come here. You could still write them, still make the accessible to the readers of this site, and still get feedback on them, al while keeping a nice gap between the actual content of this site and a blog. In that way those of us in the PSXE community who aren't gear heads won't have to worry about a sudden rush of new members who are only interested in the car articles. Its our love of games that bring us together here… I don't want people who don't give a crap about games getting mixed in and ruining that.

So, If you want to do it, I support you. I would just prefer if it was kept distinctly separate.

But another part of me wants to say, "Why oh why would you be writing about cars when there is so much more PS content to write about?" How about updates on the best stuff available on the PSN? I mean they update it every week with a ton of stuff that never gets mentioned here. Or what about guides written by you guys for certain games? Not like entire walk-throughs, but just let us know how you did it. I know that may help people with RPGs, like how did you build your team, etc. Or even do the same thing with Gran Turismo… "Here's how I customized X car for Y race and I get first place every time." Those are the kind of features I'd like to see come before general real-life car information.

But again, it's your site so you can do whatever you want. The only way I would get upset about it is if it changed the community for the worse. Which, I hope, you guys would notice and fix yourselves before it ever became a problem anyway.

15 years ago

Not a bad idea at all Arnold ^_^ fact is a lot of us here are adults and a nice little distraction like car info would be a nice change of pace for people like me who have to consider buying one soon anyway ^_^

Think you can talk about what tech works best when installing Tvs and game consoles into said cars? Lol pushing it I know ^_^

15 years ago

bring it on… i love diversity..
Ben, Arnold and the entire psx team thanks for your continuous and ever exciting informative news, and infos

15 years ago

I agree that it's your site, so you should do whatever you want, but since you asked for input…

Personally, I have no interest in car reviews, even if they're connected to games in some way, and won't be reading them.

I'm with those who would prefer that psxextreme only contain content about gaming, and only PlayStation gaming at that. FWIW, I voted against expanding to include the XboxNerds site when you asked, but I simply ignored it when it appeared and can do the same for any car content.

If Arnold has an itch he needs to scratch, he should scratch it and see what the response is.

15 years ago

Review blu's.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Not interested, but as long as it doesn't start cluttering my rss feed I'm not opposed to it.

15 years ago

bring them on i love games but i love cars more!! would there be your own pics of the cars or would they be promo shots? personally i think your own pics would give ur reviews of cars more authiticity!!

15 years ago

Do it up Arnold, do it up.

15 years ago

Sounds cool!!! I love cars and games, so that would make this like the best website… Ever!

15 years ago

Maybe a section of the website. It sounds a good idea though as a game and car lover myself. (Great pic of J Clarkson BTW) Yeh go for it 🙂

15 years ago

I have no problem with it.

15 years ago

Sorry, no time to read all the comments above so if someone said this I apologize, how about reviewing your cars and then comparing them to the cars in GT5? Marry the two into a game-meets-life special feature. Or open a section for personal hobbies aside from games and just call it your "go nuts" section. Or that gamer lifestyle thing Johnny mentioned.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/20/2009 5:13:01 PM

photo K
photo K
15 years ago

I agree, something along the lines of comparing them or relating them to videogames somehow. I'm not sure how often you could do this, but just thinking about rating cars on this site might bring negative backlash like "this score is unreliable, how can a VG site provide realistic reviews on cars?" type of response. I think PSXE members would agree that the reviews are real and objective but "others" may not.

were you thinking of implementing the same rating system? 10/10?