UPDATE: Just so we're clear, guys, I only intend to do this ONCE a week. This will not replace any of the work I do now, or have an affect on our daily operations at PSXE. -Arnold K.
Howdy, folks. Arnold here. Instead of doing a poll, which I felt is a bit informal. So I decided to poll you guys formally, by using the comments section below. As many of you may know, I'm a gearhead…and sometimes, you've probably seen this in my reviews of racing games, my automotive passion happens to get the best of me. For a long time I've wanted to put my thoughts on cars into writing, and lately I've noticed there's a number of you who also enjoy cars quite a bit, or at least, enjoy racing games. So I figured, why not write car reviews and post them as editorials?
What do you guys think? I have access to a lot of high-end vehicles, so having consistent content shouldn't be a problem. I'd also be able to take requests for reviews, as well, provided you guys don't ask me to review a Ferrari or Bugatti. Sound off in the comments below.
Kind of a random subject matter for a Playstation site, but it wouldn't bother me seeing them on here from time to time.
Cool, good to hear. =)
Can you test the Nissan GTR for us?
obviously, yes.
If you throw some hot chicks in with it, I'm cool. Otherwise it's gonna be a big, testosterone- filled, sausage fest on here. You might as well throw in weightlifting supplement and fishing/ hunting reviews and we can all circle jerk together.
i replied, in saying, yh, i come here for games, but too see some stuff on cars aswell wud be great. especially cars that i'll probably drive. like u sed, u wont be doing ferraris, and by the time it comes to me affording one, i doubt i'll be playing ps3.
Sorry Arnold but that would be a little awkward.
People on this site can barely afford all the new games coming out how can we afford a brand new 370Z or my dream car a DeLorean, and possibly the new Camaro, of course.
I too am a gearhead and car enthusiast but I come here for games, and go to car sites for car stuff.
Don't ruin this site.
I'm not going to ruin it. But to counter your point, a lot of people who read car mags and sites can't afford 90% of the cars in them – they're just fun to read. These reviews would be once a week, at most, and I'd even find ways to tie them into videogames.
LMAO! Camaro has a point though, I can't even get all the games let alone A car.
Last edited by www on 11/20/2009 2:09:02 PM
Are you two retarded??? He's isn't reviewing the high-end cars for you to go out and buy! He's a car fanatic and just wants you to read insightful reviews of bad-ass cars so you know more about them and how they drive. Pretty simple to understand that. Gees. Some people look way too much into things.
Jiggy you look stupid for not realizing by now that we were just joking around. OF COURSE Arnold doesn't expect us to buy the cars he'll be reviewing, I hate teens who don't get nothing.
Look down at my next post and you clearly see I support this.
But it'll be cool I think. I love cars too and I'd love to see reviews, even if I can't buy it, at least I can comment 😉
i think this would be cool, i mean i know its a game website but if you can then y not?
I think we should clarify that the focus of the site certainly wouldn't change. This would just be a personal piece from Arnold that would pop up once every other week or something.
It'd be similar to personal editorials I've done in the past that got such a huge amount of attention. But games, of course, will always remain the primary focus. We're not going to start posting car news, for instance. 🙂
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 11/20/2009 2:16:19 PM
I have no problem with it, personally. As far as I can see it's your site (as in Ben, Arnold, John et al @PSX). But as you pointed out Ben, you have always had personal editorial pieces as well as specifically targeted editorials, so why not. On the other hand I do understand the sensitivity after all we don't really want PSX showing up in google searches made by petrol heads, it could lead to a misconception that PSX has changed focus.
Then again if you're even half as funny as Clarkson is, then I say get to reviewing…
I know that Ben will give all the Infiniti cars at least a 9.5
@ highlander, mate ya have to get it right when ya talk about 1 of the best personalities on tv………. its SIR Clarkson!!!
I am In!!! I love cars!
Your kidding?
We get to read about Bens life allllllll the time, and Arnold just wants to do Car reviews once a week?
Dude i say go for it, it IS you guys site after all.
2 questions though….
1) How does one get access to those 'high-end' cars you talked about =]
2) Can you pleeeaaasse review the Nissan GT-R '09
"Just seems strange to have car reviews on a playstation site to me"
Your avatar is stranger!
until Sony reads this and starts manufactoring or sponsoring cars LOL
What the hell is going on in your avatar?
I wouldn't care either way as long as the Sony news kept coming.
i think the main point should just be games
anything else might be nice, but not really needed
hey i would not mind it at all, Cars and Video games are a passion of mines so i can get my fix for both here. sounds good to me. Like to request a review of Ford GT40. I dont want to die till i drive on of these cars.
whose the guy in the pic?
That is Jeremy Clarkson he is one of the presenters on a show in the UK called Top Gear 🙂
Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear… one of the best shows ever
THE best program ever
I agree 😀
Car reviews would certainly be welcome. Also it would be a nice little insight into the cars in GT5.
Ohhh OK, now i remember. I seen his show before, very cool.
top gear rocks!
I personally won't like this. But if the majority of population on this site then I think w/e.
For starters, I love this website. Now while I do not agree with everything written, this place provides me all that I want for my PS3 news, reviews, and speculations. I would go as far to say that I wouldn't mind seeing even more content (Yes, Ben and Arnold. I want more postings!!).
Which brings me to my point.
I would welcome car reviews without any second thoughts. Why? I love cars. Gran Turismo is my favorite game. Heck, take a look at my name, that will tell you where my loyalties lie. I still go to Joystiq/Autoblog from time to time to read up on gaming and cars.
PSXE became my PS3 home when PS3fanboy went away, so all your auto reviews would do is take another step in becoming my one stop website for gaming and cars.
Last edited by maxpontiac on 11/20/2009 2:37:12 PM
I think its fine, I might check out the reviews and it shouldn't bother anyone if the Car reviews were in its own "section." Please don't mix them with PS3 reviews and news.
I wouldn't mind a 'car of the week' article informing us of the pros/cons of a vehicle.
People have a choice within each article whether they want to read it or not, so if cars isn't their taste then they should just skip the article.
I like that. Alot.
add in some top gear humor and i wouldnt mind reading them
Seconded, thirded and fourthed.
Go for it. If people don't like it once it is here, then we can see what the reactions are and why. I'll read them.
bah! if Sony can put us Facebook on the Ps3, Arnold can review cars.
personally I would read those reviews.
If there is one thing that I love more than ps3 games, it is driving fast cars. So please go for it I would love to see your take on some of todays sports cars.
And since you would be taking requests, I say test a 2002 WS6 Trans Am. I would love to get your take on it
Last edited by BTNwarrior on 11/20/2009 2:42:03 PM
I would be cool with it, but yeah. a car review section would be ideal. Either way, I would read it. I am sure my car would never be there, but I like it.
'06 elemenet lovingly referred to as the orange toaster.
Oh for goodness sake, Why not slap a sports section along wit ha politics section too…..
absolutely, unequivocally, without question: no.
in fact, ben, id go so far as to say you should dead any and all op ed pieces on the system, and insights into your personal life.
a) start a blog, and sign off on your NEWS posts with a link to it
b) tweet, facebook, something along those lines
c) open up a sister site to this… maybe a gamer lifestyle site. something along those lines. review cars, music, women, etc.
i mean, damn ben. for a guy that pisses and moans about the lack of respect afforded to video game journalists, you don't do much to further the cause.
shoot me a link to the last self-penned roger ebert article in a chicago paper about his dating life.
This is Arnold asking, not Ben.
You have some good points, but there is no need to be so condescending.
Last edited by maxpontiac on 11/20/2009 2:54:51 PM
Gamer lifestyle site? So what's the big difference if they don't add that stuff here? Do you suffer from some psychological malaise forcing you to impulsively click on every article you don't want to hear about, read through it, and then continue to dwell on it, until everyone's life is as miserable as yours? And if it's a conscientious decision, do you actually think you will win any hearts or consideration by your tone? And if not, what the hell are you even doing here?
You have apoint Aftab, we all have a choice in what we read on this site. But you miss Gold's point.
The point is that this is a site dedicated to the single topic of video games. That is why we're all here. I'm sure we all make the decision every day which articles we choose to read and which we pass over. But, aside from the editorials, they are all well within the subject matter this site is dedicated to.
By adding in articles about cars, you're fundamentally changing the purpose of the site from the sharing of information and discussion on video games to the sharing of information and discussion of video game AND cars.
Once you begin to include other off-topic information you are fundamentally changing not only the content, but the functionality and the community of this site.