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Square-Enix Says: “Too Much IP Use Is Not Good”

While some will say Square-Enix has often milked certain franchises with halfhearted installments and spin-offs, the developers remain committed to excellence and freshness.

So says Square-Enix CEO and president Yoichi Wada, who recently gave a keynote address at the Montreal International Game Summit. According to Final Fantasy Union , Wada was addressing the possibility of Final Fantasy XIII becoming "exhausted," primarily because it's built around the Fabula Nova Crystallis compilation, which is a back story that seen the light of day in other games. Essentially, we're all wondering how long Square-Enix can go with this new story series. Replied Wada:

"Too much IP use is not good. Having memorable characters and back story is crucial to having a powerful IP. As long as there is a world with enough content and story, players will feel comfortable being in the same world for extended periods of time."

Wada further emphasized the importance of having a well-written story in order to keep everything fresh and appealing in the Fabula Nova Crystallis series. He was very clear in saying that such a series hasn't become "exhausted" yet and certainly won't even with the release of FFXIII, and we're all expecting something very special. Besides, if the games continue to feel different when playing, the fact that they take place within the same universe seems to become much less obvious, and thus, doesn't pose much of a problem.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII

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15 years ago


Well said!

15 years ago

Especially when Lightning doesn't approve of the relationship between Serah and Snow.

15 years ago

Im yet to see anything interesting about FFXIII besides graphics…..put simply.

15 years ago

Heres one of the best reasons to buy ffxiii: Chocobos.

15 years ago

this article let me to think about one thing: Has anyone ever thought about how far can the FF series go? will there be a FF15, 16,… 20 or on? ever thought about what happens if the FF series stops, my dear JRPG fellow gamers?

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 11/17/2009 8:11:21 PM

15 years ago

There's still Persona and White Knight Chronicles.
Though I really wonder what would happen if FF were to stop, is there any other RPG would come and take it's place?
Or will SE make a new IP as a successor to FF.

15 years ago

The Final Fantasy series will stop shortly after DC stops publishing Batman comics.

15 years ago

Wada is an idiot and I'm still boycotting the game 😉

15 years ago

For what?
You're missing something big.

15 years ago

You should play games like normal people. Play the game that is good/fun. It's like watching a movie that is good, not because the director of the movie himself.

Normal casual gamers are more simple. Hardcore gamers are making gaming really complicated.

15 years ago

So that's what it is. "Too much IP use is not good." Thaaaaat's why it takes forever to get new FF and Zelda games. I thought they were just lazy. Give FF series to EA and we'll see one every year I guarantee you that.

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Wait.. emm, what?

15 years ago

so soon FF is going to become the new COD or GH?
please stray away from the devil.
new IPs are good, normally if a games a new ip i instantly put it on my buy list.
like darksiders or dantes inferno or mirrors edge or deadspace.
sequels are ok but they can only change so much otherwise the game feels like something completley different and they end up upsetting their fans.
thats why new IPs are important.
unless its from ID though.
stuff RAGE i want me my new DOOM NOW!
i need my horror fix, no game has scared me this gen, no game.
doom 3 was the last game i played that actually scared me.

15 years ago

Will someone tell me what an IP is?

15 years ago

Intellectual Property


15 years ago

Too much IP use is not good, huh? Does that mean they're finally done with VII?