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Silent Hill 2 Movie Still On Track

Many survival/horror fans say that Silent Hill 2 is still the best installment in the series to date, and those people will be happy to know that the movie is still on track.

This is according to IGN , and should come as good news to those who enjoyed the original "Silent Hill" big screen adaptation. Some thought the sequel wouldn't arrive, though, simply because screenwriter Roger Avary is currently serving time in jail for being involved in a 2008 car accident that killed someone. But the "Pulp Fiction" writer's incarceration may have only delayed proceedings, as the makeup designer for the original movie, Paul Jones, revealed this past weekend that storyboards for "Silent Hill 2" have already been started. Jones says the project is looking "pretty crazy" right now and ideally, they'll start shooting some time next year (right around the time Avary is released). We have no idea how this will turn out but you have to admit, if the screenplay follows the SH2 storyline, there should be plenty of intrigued followers. Hey, are we gonna see Pyramid Head? You wouldn't think that something that simply had a triangle for a head would be frightening, but that sucker scared the snot out of just about everyone. Let's just hope this sequel is good the whole way 'round.

We're not sure how many more games will get the Hollywood treatment, but it almost seems as if every major game release is destined to become a movie. Well, more chances to get it right, I guess.

Related Game(s): Silent Hill 2

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15 years ago

Good news, I thought the SH movie was a solid effort and one of the better game to movie adaptations. And well, it wouldn't be SH without Pyramid Head.

15 years ago

Are you kidding me?

What's SH without pyramid head? I don't know errm, SH 1, 3, 4? pyramid head was not just a character done for trademark effect, he was created to marry the story in Silent Hill 2. Team Silent made their games with such craft, such artistic intention, not for anything else like shock value or money like the crap movie and new games do.

WTF was james's manifestation doing in a horror movie that had nothing to do with James or Silent Hill?

Read my post below.

15 years ago

You have to bear in mind a film must contain the most obvious elements of a series in order to please the fans.

15 years ago

Lotusflow3r, I completely agree with you. I religiously HATED the fact that the Silent Hill movie featured Pyramid Head. Since Pyramid Head was a figment of James' guilt about murdering humans, why did it appear in a film whose protagonist was both not guilty about murder, nor (and this fact is a no-brainer) James.

That was my biggest complaint about the Silent Hill film… which is a somewhat small critique when stacked against Uwe Boll's catastrophes.

15 years ago

Pyramid Head has appeared, in some form or another, in every Silent Hill game except part 1 and 4. Not sure about the remake of the original being made but since he wasn't in that one, chances are he won't be in this one either. We'll find out next month or so I guess lol.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 11/16/2009 3:33:39 PM

15 years ago

Where did Pyramid Head appear in Silent Hill 3? All I remember is being able to hear him in a certain hallway in the mall.

And where, God forbid, did he show up in Homecoming?

15 years ago

Silent Hill 3
Inside the Alternate Hilltop Center, you can find creatures that resemble Pyramid Head but without the pyramid helmet (they are part of the scenery and cannot be fought), hanging by one arm and holding a doll with the other hand. Their heads are completely black, and their vest is exactly the same as the SH2 Pyramid Head.

Many times throughout the game Valtiel can be seen. Since the appearance of Pyramid Head is modeled after Valtiel in Silent Hill lore, the appearance is very similar to him except Valtiel's face is exposed and twitching violently.

Pyramid Head can also be seen in one of the pictures in the church.

Silent Hill: Homecoming
Pyramid Head appears to materialize the guilt of Alex Shepherd's father, Adam Shepherd, for choosing to murder his son. "The Boogeyman", as he is referred to in the game, appears only twice to Alex; once in the Grand Hotel in Silent Hill and again much later in a church where he, like the monsters that represent the other sacrificed children, executes Adam by splitting him in half. He also makes appearances in the game's introductory level, where he first executes the doctor who wheels Alex into the Operation Theater and is then heard in the darkness dragging his knife. Although the game begins (the ending of the first level) with the Great Knife plunging toward Alex before he wakes up, the Boogeyman does not seem to show hostility toward him for the rest of the game. Yet his last, yet surprising, appearance is at the end, or one of the endings, of the game where Alex wakes up in a wheelchair as two Pyramid Heads appear, each with part of a helmet which they use to turn Alex into one of them.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 11/16/2009 6:30:02 PM

15 years ago

I always wondered about the significance of Valtiel, and I never understood what purpose he played in Silent Hill 3. Although, no that you mention it, he does resemble Pyramid Head's physical features.

I forgot that Pyramid Head showed up in Homecoming. That game sucked so much, in my opinion, that I want to forget it ever was associated with the Silent Hill series.

Last edited by The_R0gue_Ninja on 11/17/2009 10:19:44 AM

15 years ago

I like the first one, very creepy movie. However I had never played the first game so it probably wouldn't have been as good if I was a SH purist

15 years ago

and you are right in thinking that.

15 years ago

Well the first movie wasn't spot on but it didn't disappoint me ^_^ it really did feel like a solid Silent Hill experience to me ^_^

15 years ago

Thought the First one was cool until the end. The barbed wire through the old lady privates was a bit much. But I thought this is how the resident evil movies should have been made. I'll probably watch Silent Hill 2.

15 years ago

I can't wait to blow this one off like I did the last XD. I actually watched the first one, and it wasn't that bad. Only problem I had was the story, didn't feel very solid to me. Oh well, this thing will probably get $10 from me anyway, regardless of quality.

Last edited by ExhumeART on 11/15/2009 11:06:09 PM

15 years ago

meh screw the movie i wish they would make another proper game.
silent hill and resident evil were the cream of the crop back on the ps1, now both have turned to utter sh*t.
the horror genre needs to go back to what it was, im getting sick of this torture porn crap!
every horror movie has to be torture porn these days, hostel, the hills have eyes, SAW.
every horror movie contains a killer and some victims its getting old.
well i guess thats not always a bad thing, the zodiac is still one of the best movies i have ever seen i really enjoyed that.
ive always really enjoyed the thriller genre like that movie based on a Stephen king book.
thrillers seem to be the one genre i can go in and be 100% sure ill enjoy it, now someone needs to turn that into a game.
maybe alan wake can be that game, but to be frank im sick of waiting for that.
6 years plus, that thing better blow my socks off.

15 years ago

"that movie based on a Stephen king book."

uh, which one? There's about a million.

15 years ago

cant remember what its called, its about this guy who writes a book and this guy keeps hassling him.
than in the end he finds out he is that guy.
its not IT the movie sucked, though the book is the best thing ive ever read.
cabin fever maybe?

15 years ago

Secret Window

15 years ago

Ahh i loved the Secret Window and btw that torture porn is called Bondage.

15 years ago

Read my post below.

15 years ago

Secret Window was great, Depp players a writer to the T.

15 years ago

The first one was kinda good, but American horror just don't seem to have enough horror in it.
Japanese, Korean and Thai horror are the best though Thai's horror mostly are about an object or curse which is getting old.
But I do however love American thriller, especially SAW.
But for SH2 movie I'm definitely looking forward to it.

15 years ago

I'm not an expert in horror movies but Ring, Ju-on, A Tale of Two Sisters, and (its not an actual horror movie but its listed under Korean horror movies) The Quiet Family were really awsome!

15 years ago

Can you really call Silent Hill an American horror movie? The game was a Japanese take on an American ghost story and the movie was made by a French guy. I tend to think of slasher flicks as being the American norm (Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm St., Halloween, etc.) At least Silent Hill had a more psychological edge to it.

15 years ago

This is good news! One of the things I love about the SH games is the soundtracks. I thought the movie was really solid but I think they kinda played it safe with the movie 'cuz the soundtrack used was kinda recycled from the games. What I think they should do in the next movie is make a score/soundtrack exclusively for the movie. They might as well make new monsters for the movie too 'cuz even the creepingly hot nurses are getting old. The movie will then feel fresh to us gamers that are fans of the series. I loved the first movie but the next movie should maybe try to be more original.

15 years ago

Yerr i agree most horros now are torture porn…but not all of them..Hills have eyes isnt torture porn lol…Theres loads of horror films that come out that aint torture porn BUT i admit theres 2 many and its getting old..hense tha reason im glad they bringing back tha old skool horror icons..Jason..Leatherface.. Mike Myers and most of all Freddy…butabout not fussed on ps1 SH was scary as fuck lol but..horror games got shit now..there not scary now

Last edited by DGo8 on 11/16/2009 4:06:42 AM

15 years ago

You referring to RE5?

15 years ago

Thumbs down to the new Freddy. Unlike Jason and Micheal, he actually had personality, so i think they should just leave him be.

15 years ago

I reallly hope they do this right, dont get me wrong i think the 1st one is the best game/film thats been made so far. But this has HUGE potential.

My Dream SH2 Film:
After the events of the first one, they get Sean Bean back to play the male lead as the protagonist looking for his wife. If they can relate it to SH2 just in that way i'll be so happy.

15 years ago

The first movie was better than I expected it to be. Overall I thought it fit in with the games fairly nicely. And always have the memory of the kid who sat behind me, who spilled his drink on my back because he was scared sh*tless at one point lol.

15 years ago

Cool. I just watched SH again not long ago when I got my big screen. I'm definitely up for a sequel because that was one of the very few VG movies that actually turned out good. Not only did they make a solid movie out of it but they kept it faithful enough to keep fans happy. Did anyone else get all nostalgic when she was staring at the map memorizing the directions? I remember back in the day, sitting on the floor in the dark at 2am staring at the map "left, left, right, down stairs, right, left…"

15 years ago

Keep fans happy? very much the opposite, the movie was an insult to us and the original team.

Even as a stand alone horror movie, it was embarrassingly bad.

Read my post below.

15 years ago

Ah, the elitist gamer rears it's head. Some people are never happy. Oh well, I liked it. If that makes me a fake fan of a game I fell in love with 10 years ago… so be it.

15 years ago

Then you fail to understand SH, simple.

You probably play it for scares and ask questions like "why are they not screaming or reacting to the monsters?".

15 years ago

Yerr i was…i dont think any games this gen av come close to scaryin me like RE 1 did..that bit when tha dogs jumped through them windows fu*ked me up everytime i knew they was coming but it always got me..nank this gen has had the same effect

15 years ago

oh dear god.

No, the true SH peeps are NOT looking forward to this. The 1st movie and certainly this is an absolute shameful piece of work.

I can't believe how people here think the 1st was solid and true to the Hill….are you mental? It turned it into an absolute embarrassment, it turned it into Resi Evil.

SH is an intelligent work of artistic genius, the movie was a money whore, a dumbed down traditional shoddy, embarrassing American horror.

And to the idiots that think the games have gone to shite…does no one read what i say? The original team stopped working on SH in 2004! They intended to stop at SH 3 but Konami had bullied them to do more. SH 4 was originally going to be a new IP by team Silent called The Room but, Konami were being motivated by money and made them make it a new Silent Hill….not long after, team Silent disbanded. SILENT HILL IS NO MORE!

***Please do not support any "Silent Hill" that comes out, game or otherwise. It is hurtfull to watch something that was so intelligent, artistic and extremely well thought out become dumbed down for money by western fools who know nothing but, gore and action, i can't imagine how the original team must feel.***

15 years ago

lol some 5 year old girl goes down this page and marks me down yet fails to actually put forward points as to why…perhaps it's because it is infact a 5 year old girl…

Go back to reading Harry Potter And The Forrest Of Embarrassment

15 years ago

I think it's more the "elitist prick" attitude dripping from your post that is getting the downvotes. The movie wasn't great, but it wasn't sh*t either. It was better than most attempts to adapte an IP from one medium to another, and it has space to grow.

Movie studios make movies to bring in money, the movie gets made in a way that conveys most of the theme while also being appealing to those who haven't played the game or are not gamers in any way. Yes, most likely something will be lost in translation, and someone will take issue with it. I understand it's something you hold close to your heart, but that's life.

For the record, you never actually put forward any points about why the movie was sh*t. You simply called anyone who doesn't agree with you "mental," which is no argument either.

It's okay if you feel the movie was a disappointment, but tone down the anger a bit and people will be more willing to listen to/read what you have to say.

15 years ago

I get angry when art is insulted.

i could argue points all day, especially some in your post, but i am on PS3 with no keyboard and cba, ive said my bit.

The film was an embarrassment.

If this was face to face group discussion, i would talk your ears off with an infinite amount of points as to what should be done, what shouldn't be done and the downfall of each industry due to the lack of artistic vision and too much money thought.

15 years ago

I get Goosebumps when i hear the silent hill siren 🙂

15 years ago

thumbs down..what a dick..tell me why i got thumbs down? if u can put thumbs down say y

15 years ago

Sometimes they just follow you around to give them to you because they don't like your comments, pretty sad.

15 years ago

@Worldendswithme..seems like there are a few people like that on here..

I gave you thumbs up

Last edited by DGo8 on 11/17/2009 7:35:02 AM