"It Only Does Everything." We're going to have to keep repeating that ad slogan because more features keep arriving for the PlayStation 3.
The latest pseudo-confirmation – which is likely 100% accurate; we just don't have an official press release in our inbox just yet – centers on one of the most popular Internet fads: Facebook. Some pics of the virtual social service popped up a few days ago and now, a source close to Eurogamer has said Facebook is indeed coming to the PS3's XMB (not just through the system's browser) at some point in the near future. Not surprisingly, Facebook is also coming to the Xbox 360 (competitors have to keep pace with one another, no?), which means that before long, these video game consoles will provide users with a very full online experience. As this generation progresses, we see more examples of the systems becoming PC-like in just about every way but the interesting part is how developers sometimes use this to their advantage. For example, you may have noticed the connection between Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Twitter; this is the type of innovative thinking that can add a little spice to the gaming world.
Personally, I simply don't get the appeal of things like Twitter and Facebook (an online stalking venue, as far as I can see), but million love 'em, and that's what matters in Sony's eyes. So here they come!
it's had the entire internet since day 1.
I just don't get why they would do it through the XMB. I think they forgot the PS3 has a web browser, or theyre just too lazy to fix this crappy browser.
Exactly. Patch the browser to make it more efficient and more compatible. I don't want a facebook icon in the XMB.
i agree that the browser should be updated
Last edited by Soultaker on 11/12/2009 11:37:56 AM
full FLASH support for the browser please
They should get together with Mozilla and make a FireStation browser, haha.
or even Opera Browser!!, like in wii or cellphones
OK I am reall glad u guys agree with me because I talked to a Sony Rep on Monday, and she told me that if enough people call about, the WB issues that they would do work on it, she also confimed CTC but couldn't give me a date. This woman was cool, she actually knew something about games, unlike most of the male reps Ive talked to… "duhhh whats MAG", "duhhh who's Zipper Interactive". duuhh gee george, duuuhh ok george. lol those are q's Sony Reps have asked me.
Sony needs to add a feature where we can be able to remove features that we don't use.
Hey Lowkey, you work in the industry?
No, I don't work in the industry……. Yet. I'm hoping someday soon though. The video game industry is one of the most fascinating industries around. But right now I'm working on becoming a Chef.
If Sony cares what the masses want, lets take a vote… BC? Yes please! Spend the time on a firmware upgrade that makes that happen.
exactly! the rumour of Sony wanting Sega Dreamcast games with exclusive picks and PS2 BC kicks so much ass. We already have e Genesis Collection, I'd love a Saturn and Dreamcast Collection, 2 seperate discs so u can cram a crap load of games on them please, thank you.
I don't even like facebook. Party chat please. If party chat sounds to much like xbox then how about calling it Conference?
that would be a huge plus
lol @ Captain Picard.
I hope this is optional. I don't want a facebook icon in my xmb. It will be useless for me. Social networking on my console? No thanks. I'd eTher be playing games.
i dont want facebook on my xmb either, i hate facebook, am a 21 yr old uni student, and i still hate facebook, but i know this wont be optional like the bbci player wasnt optional, tho i do like that on their, its beside the point, they shud update the browser or add firefox or summin, add party chat, then the ps3 will be complete, they can even take christmas off if they gave us those two things.
We in the states didn't get the BBC intergration and thank God for that.
Social networking=Home
Thinking th same thing world.
Facebook??.. damn the game industry its going down i remember the days when consoles were just about games.
Last edited by Oxvial on 11/12/2009 11:14:20 AM
i don't care about this to be honest. why does the ps3 need facebook? hell, why does the xbox need facebook? all u need to do is hop on a computer and use the website from there. the ps3 has a web browser, so u can access it anyway.
i'm with oxvial on this, what's going on with this industry? it's not about games anymore; it's about making 'the ultimate, all-in-one entertainment system'. i play games more often than i look at photos, music, videos, the store, etc.
Yeah, they should implement a Party System rather that this little stuff that on 5 % of ps3 owners will use.
i hate facebook.
Facebook integration is not the worst thing they could add to the XMB. It's just another option for us to use. I'll reserve my opinion until it launches.
i'm sure millions will enjoy the new feature… i am not one of those… who wants to talk to people you barely talked to in high school anyways? social networking sites are just plain useless to me… the friends i talk to, i talk to on the phone, not a damn website… i too hope it's an optional addition because, i don't want a facebook icon in my XMB either…
the worst is twitter though… who in the hell came up with that one?? what's the purpose of twitter? i have yet to figure that one out…
Yea, Twitter is just BORING, its funny how PSXextreme introduced me to it Lol.
I'm in the same boat www, I signed up for that contest.
Yea world, those were the days.
Those of you worrying about the icons, its no big deal, I don't know the last time I used those Life With PlayStation icons or viewed the What's New for 10 seconds. Heck how about those 2 browsers, the Google one plus the Normal one……..There are far more useless icons on our PS3 already, I don't see how Facebook being on there makes a difference.
I'm okay though I hate FaceBook I keep visiting it, guess its addiction. We have Facebook for iPhone and BlackBerry, bringing it to consoles was inevitable, heck I'd like to update my status one time, so it reads "Updated via Facebook for PlaySation 3" Lol
From what I've seen of the pictures, the Facebook icon isn't on the main section of the XMB. It's located within the Account Management coupled with the text "Adjust settings for features in Facebook. These features are available only for users who have Facebook accounts.â
Ah, thanks. But what pics do you speak of? Link?
link as requested:
My PC is in the same room as my PS3/360 and I can also log onto Facebook while im on whatever console so I do not need this.
I would rather use the PC for stuff like this and leave my console for gaming.
It is good for those of us who does not have a pc with Facebook but how many people have no computers these days ?
i know plenty of people without a computer or internet. i know people who only have internet on their phone and do not own a computer. my cousin is 34 and has never had a computer or internet though he has thought about it he just never got either. i know people that have internet with only a ps3 and people that have a computer and internet but dont use them really at all. not every one in the world is on the internet but if most people could afford it they would.
my mechanic is a guy i went to school with, he is not even 2 months older than me and can fix just about any car. put a computer if front of him and he is lost outside of simple things and clickin on the internet. some people are just not attracted to computers.
Last edited by frylock25 on 11/13/2009 12:48:12 PM
yeah I don't care too much for this either. I have a facebook account but haven't it used it in so long they sent me an email just to tell me that I haven't been on it. So when I did check it out it just a bunch of useless invites for stupid stuff like mafia something or whatnot that I got invited to join from people I don't know. People's obsession with this site is something I'll never understand. Some guy I know assumed I was dead because I don't use it and when I ran into him in the streets he shocked to see I was alive. his reply was "i haven't seen you on facebook so I thought you were dead" so I answered "you're f*$%^& stupid" and walked away.
ugh! i mean i guess this generation is really becoming the "it only does everything" generation. i really just wanna be able to game, and watch movies, and the store s awesome. other than that i dont think stuff like twitter and facebook have an appeal to a gaming console. i could care less about buying a console and it saying u can update facebook with it on the box!
honestly the "it only does everything" ad campaigns are genious! really! and they show what the PS3 does. but right now what the ps3 does great is games and movies! it does everything gamers want, and even the casual family for movie nights, plus some. but everything it does makes a gamer look at it and say wow this thing pushes the industry. adding stuff like facebook, just hinders the gaming console it really is!
facebook wont kill me if its on the xmb, and i could see some people using it. and i guess little extras and stuff like this make useful. but really facebook on a gaming console… really?!?!
Please Sony don't put this on the XMB! The beauty of the XMB is in it's simplicity. You're just adding clutter to what is quickly becoming an unsightly mess.
I'm sick to death of even hearing about Facebook and Twitter. Both are completely useless wastes of time. What little spare time I do have is spent Playing Games on my PS3!
I can only hope that FB goes the way of myspace, and soon!
more than likely, it wont add a new button on the xmb, just add it to a category thats already there, like where you check for downloads and the web browser.
Not sure exactly how this would deter you from gaming
"Sorry chief, I don't do Facebook." – Ben Dutka
Jesus Christ, so much negativity for a feature you aren't forced to use…at all. Like the ps3's crappy web browser ( yes, its crappy if you have a any type of pc with firefox or something similar, you don't have to defend it )
Its great for the people who don't wanna have to use their pc for facebook i guess. i wont use it, since my pc is next to me tv but im not gonna babble on like its the worse idea ever
Well Said!
@ aaronisbla
I use the PS3 browser as my primary browser, since I don't have a PC or Mac at home (and don't plan on getting one), so I know for a fact that the PS3 browser is crappy. 😉
I for one agree with everything you said.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 11/14/2009 6:13:14 PM
seems like a waste of development time if you ask me. i'd rather have them spend the time on something more usefull, or something that people have been wanting, like cross game chat, and when i mean cross game chat i mean ANYTIME, ANYWHERE when signed on PSN.
if i'm browsing the store, i cant chat or text UNLESS i leave the store, thats annoying. what if i wanna chat with someone vocally and I don't own the same game as them, or feel like being confined to a white room? ps3's private chat is what was on the original xbox, in a room, nothing else. a
t least improve on regular chat quality. i hate when i'm talking to somebody and voice cuts in an out, or gets all distorted. I guess to ALOT of people this facebook app is a cool deal, but not to me, considering I can access it from the browser if i was a memeber.
You wanna know something funny? You have to be 18 or older to get Facebook on 360's version.
I hate facebook, it told me every time one of my ex girlfriends got married.