"It Only Does Everything." We're going to have to keep repeating that ad slogan because more features keep arriving for the PlayStation 3.
The latest pseudo-confirmation – which is likely 100% accurate; we just don't have an official press release in our inbox just yet – centers on one of the most popular Internet fads: Facebook. Some pics of the virtual social service popped up a few days ago and now, a source close to Eurogamer has said Facebook is indeed coming to the PS3's XMB (not just through the system's browser) at some point in the near future. Not surprisingly, Facebook is also coming to the Xbox 360 (competitors have to keep pace with one another, no?), which means that before long, these video game consoles will provide users with a very full online experience. As this generation progresses, we see more examples of the systems becoming PC-like in just about every way but the interesting part is how developers sometimes use this to their advantage. For example, you may have noticed the connection between Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Twitter; this is the type of innovative thinking that can add a little spice to the gaming world.
Personally, I simply don't get the appeal of things like Twitter and Facebook (an online stalking venue, as far as I can see), but million love 'em, and that's what matters in Sony's eyes. So here they come!
That reminds me….my wife says "hi".
haha, that was funny sh*t, tell her I said she traded down 😉
She realizes that now. Ninjas beat criminal clowns all the time.
Unless they are insane clowns from the posse.
but world the insane clowns are ninjas 😉
Lol facebook, on the xbox 360 is a laughble joke. It's microsoft's way of trying to counteract againts the ps3's intergrated web browser. facebook on the ps3 ALL THE WAY!!!
I would LOVE to see playfire.com come to PSN. Now that would be awesome!!
This seems like it would only be a driver for purchase to those who don't actually have a PC. I've had my PS3 for almost two years now and have used the web browser maybe once the whole time. That's what my laptop is for as far as I'm concerned. And since it totally sucks as a media player as well (no lossless audio or wav support, no files over 2gb on local hd, etc) i don't use my PS3 for viewing or listening to media either so as far as I'm concerned it's still primarily a game console 😉 My $99 wd media player and $80 500GB no-power-required wd usb hard drive totally destroys the PS3 for media playback capability. the wd media player eats 1080i/ts streams for breakfast, 1080p mkv's for lunch and flac and wav audio format for dinner and the 500gb, NTFS usb drive can hold pretty much any file for the media player to play and it's got an hdmi and optical out. plus it can actually SHUFFLE/RANDOMIZE a playlist! that's one thing that the PS3, which supposedly 'just does everything', actually can't do. simply randomize a music playlist. fairly sad imo but i love the games.
I don't see the point of this. You can access facebook on the playstation 3 anyways.
Last edited by Andysw on 11/12/2009 3:55:24 PM
True, but the broswer doesn't handle the cluttered Facebook pages very well.
Looking forward to this, i am addicted to facecrack. Must…tell…people….whats….on…mind….ahhhhhh. Do the same thing ten min later 😛
Good for those that need it, but facebook is better left for your computer either that or if you have a fat PS3 just put Linux on it.
If you want to use the browser then fine. But, you don't speak for the millions of people who want a XMB version.
That is one F'd up avatar! Even more disturbing than the pedo-bear that Perry Katy is using now.
well if they could connect this to home somehow I bet home would suddenly be much more popular
Facebook… nasty stuff!
"i am home"
I like Facebook. I'm just using an account to be funny, making jokes and putting in false info for friends to see.
Facebook's hilarious ^_^
But sooner or later I will do it properly for real.
my answer= add a new feature that allows you to access your bookmarks that you have added in the browser, directly from the XMB. that way, if people want facebook on their XMB, they get it. If they don't, then they don't have to add it to their bookmarks. Everyone wins.
i think sony need a firm slap to wake them up there starting to go off track completley.
just because M$ copies everyone does not mean sony has to.
i dont know about you, but i bought my ps3 to play games, not watch movies thats what my bluray player is for.
not to surf the web thats what my laptop is for and its MUCH MUCH MUCH faster too.
not to connect to facebook thats what my laptop is for.
the OS on the ps3 is a riddled mess, the XMB is a riddled mess theres much more important things to worry about so what do they do?
give us facebook?
i mean come on the last thing i want on my ps3 is facebook.
there completley loosing track of whats important, there spending money on the wrong things.
they scrap 8 days and the getaway 3 something i will NEVER! forgive them for, for eyepet.
god knows how much cash they spent for that dildo, god knows how much they spent on netflix, got knows how much they spent on facebook.
ill be the first in line to welcome new features along as there relevant to the system.
dont you think the cash spent there would of been better spent on games?
another prime example since the slims launch i have seen so many ps3 adds BUT for kids games.
i dont get it, its like sony australia think only kids play the ps3.
i have seen so many adds for eyepet, ive almost memorized the whole script.
ive also seen so many adds for the new dragon ball game.
but uncharted 2 and R&C ACIT are nowhere to be seen.
its like they only want people to buy other games,like they dont want people to buy sony published games.
AC2 another example, ive been told they spent a ridiculous amount of cash with one HD.
they made a exclusive deal with one HD for the exclusive adds for assassins creed 2.
why the %$#@ did they not do that with uncharted 2, lord knows it needed it, the lady i always go to said theve only sold like 40 copies.
sony really need to go to some priority classes.
and to further prove that theroy lets look at the PS1 classics updated for today.
US got Command & Conquer: Red Alert
what did we get?
WHINNIE THE POOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG its whinnie the poo this is amazing, this is the best day of my life.
its official SCEAU believes every single ps3 owner is a freaking 5 year old.
Yes.. SCE NZ/AU/EU believe every single PS3 owner is a 5 year old. It's official.
Stay beautiful.
BTW Winnie The Pooh frickin' rocks. What are you trying to say?
Last edited by Banky A on 11/13/2009 1:49:11 AM
i seriously hope that was sarcasm.
winnie or hanna montana.
decisions decisions.
So how will "Facebook" be integrated to the PS3.
Oh look check my "Wall"
"Platinum trophie received on Uncharted 2 at 13th Nov, 2009"
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I like facebook for one thing and one thing only farmville 😉 damn addicted but I won't use it on my PS3 since it has so many glitches on the F time.