You're killing me, Wada. You really are.
It's one of those rumors that, as a long time RPG fan and dedicated Final Fantasy lover, is almost too painful to believe. While all the indications have pointed towards an earlier-than-expected launch of Final Fantasy XIII in North America, you don't really start to believe it until you hear a status report from someone like Square-Enix president Yoichi Wada. According to , Wada has confirmed that everything has been "going very steadily" in regards to the US and European versions of the game:
"We’ve completed the master of the Japanese version, and for the US and European versions we’re just adding the final touches. The last stage of development has gone very smoothly this time. It took us a tremendous amount of time to develop the software for this generation, so that’s a lesson for the creators."
The "final touches?" Does that mean what I think it means? Supposedly, we're all in for a very big announcement on November 13 (that's this Friday) and the big rumor is that FFXIII might even have a global simultaneous release on December 17. That's the date for Japan and while I don't want to believe that, I'm willing to believe it could drop as early as February or March of next year…
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII
Thats way too good to be true. An early release in 2010 will do me just fine. (still got Demon's Souls and Dragon Age to play)
Last edited by convergecrew on 11/10/2009 9:54:35 PM
A simultaneous release would be awesome. I say we deserve it just because we're all that and then some.
Color me skeptical again, I've learned not to get my hopes up with SE but still it would be awesome to get early. We have to bear in mind that even if it's done soon that doesn't guarantee it will be released soon. Also why no info on the progress of the 360 version? One would be making an assumption to say that both versions are near completion when Wada didn't clarify. I'd like to get some straight truth out of these people myself, there are too many vagueries
Microsoft has been supporting their development process. They had the game running on the 360 in a month and running smoothly enough in two to show it playable at E3. It's hardly surprising to see the 360 version catch up significantly faster than expected. It certainly would be a nice Christmas Present
Done means nothing
They're top priority is making money
Square-Enix will be like "Um we had to push it back to June because of this and that."
Wouldn't surprise me if they pushed it back to Fall 2010
they have been pushing it back since they announced it.lmao. they really need to give us a firm date!please stop killing our hopes time and time again
I still remember when it was supposed to be out in early 2008.
I remember that, too, World.
And honestly, getting the game out BEFORE Christmas would be the wisest thing, financially speaking.
A December 17 worldwide launch of FFXIII would be all kinds of awesome. Just give me the day SE, I'll be there to get my female protagonist rpg of the decade.
There will be a release data announcement this Friday, but a simultaneous release? Highly doubtful. 'Putting the final touches on' does not mean done. I would expect to see it relatively early in 2010, though. Certainly by April.
GT5 has been done for months now if you listen to the dev.
Nah man, trust me on this one =D
Let's say there is a global release on Dec 17th. Think that the US and Euro copies would also get beta access to FFXIV?
there is absolutely now freakin way it will get a worldwide release date.
would be nice, but thats never going to happen.
February, March ok but not a day before that.
If you think about it, december is one of the good months to launch it since there isnt much competition. The way i see it, january to april is all sony months next year and i dont think they want to release it at the same time as god of war or gt5. Sure its still a big name game but in my opinion, i will chose an exclusive over it. I dont mind that it went multiplatform but at the same time quality went down from what it couldve been.
yea thats true but its got a big enough name to follow through whenever it releases.
just sales alone in japan would be enough, december is the perfect month to release it but i cant see it happening because games normally go gold 1 month before release.
being november 12th they dont have much time if its going to be a worldwide release.
that and has a asian developer ever released a game same time there and in the west?
besides resi 5 i cant think of one.
Interesting that he says it took a tremendous amount of time to develop the software. Could it be they did the translating while they waited for the programmers to finish?
It took a lot of time to make the 360 version
That's what they really meant
now we just have to wait until quarter 4 for them to successfully compress the game on 6 graphically-compromised xbox 360 discs then we will see a US release. don't care all that much b/c my interested has significantly diminished due to western-style (original-style???) RPG. love the dark fantastical worlds of Demon's Souls (aware of origin country, but think style) and Dragon Origins. i think the hype may drive this game into high scores rather than real critical analysis.
Last edited by flux equals rad on 11/10/2009 11:44:01 PM
Simultaneous release????
Damn I gotta make a new holiday list!!!!!!!
Check it twice LOL!
I hope it's a simultaneous release. I have been dying for a quality RPG. I know Ben noticed similarities between Dragon Age and FFXII but there's something about an FF title that just takes the cake.
Unfortunately, my launch PS3 died over the weekend (WITH U2 STUCK IN THE DRIVE! AAAARRRRGGGGG!). I really didn't realize how much I would miss my PS3. Don't know what you got 'til it's gone. Anyway, I do have high hopes for a WWS release but I also have my doubts.
Simultaneous release.
That is so surprising it's almost scary, especially coming from SE. A simultaneous release sounds great but I doubt it. From this statement though I am more willing to believe it will release in March as opposed to June. Whatever the case, this is uplifting news. But that Friday the 13th date is still throwing me off…what exactly is going to happen Friday. I guess we will find out soon enough. Whatever occurs will surely be of epic proportions.
it will suck anyway, its glorified anime porn lol
Just put the english subs and be done with it Square-Enix.
I really don't see the point of the English dub. Not saying that they're bad, but I prefer Final Fantasy presented in it's original form at best.
Oh lord no. Please don't listen to this guy…
Last edited by Alienange on 11/11/2009 2:33:58 PM
and release the english dubs later as dlc
Bro, millions of people love to hear English voices!
It's just that a lot of the hardcore people 'prefer' the original voices (which I both understand and don't understand). But I need English to get into the story. I like subtitles off because they distract me from the cool graphics.
I would like there to be subs. To me it seems like the japanese put more emotion into their voices than the english voice overs but when its usually english first and then dubbed in japanese i'm not sure how it sounds but i'm sure there is a difference as well.
I watch to much anime for subs to even get in the way… I'm not even conscious of them
to good to be true and if it is true i'm screwed i've already bought my hubby most of his christmas gifts
The problem with this coming out before April 2010 is that the market is going to be flooded with games, many of them RPG's and many of them on PS3 (if not exclusively). January has the possible release of White Knight Chronicles, along with Bayonetta and Darksiders, and for those with 360s Mass Effect 2. I am sure S-E doesnt want to go up against Mass Effect, if FF13 was PS3 exclusive sure but launching that month would cripple their 360 ver. Also Resonance of Fate is due in either Jan or Feb. February also has Star Ocean TLH International releasing so I dont think S-E would sabotage their own game, by crushing it with 13. March belongs to God of War 3, and most PS3 owners will be picking that up, if Square wanted to help MS its a good month for that but FF13's PS3 sales would be lower due to GOW3. April is the best month for both platforms and as far as I know is pretty vacant in terms of new releases. I am betting April.
Last edited by Bandit King on 11/11/2009 9:40:37 AM
You give God of War 3 to much credit… if anything FF13 would crush GoW3
FFXIII would easily crush GOWIII but Kratos beats everything 😉
If it is a WWS release will we also get a chance to own a FFXIII Lightning Bundle that includes the 250gb white and pink slim PS3…?
Last edited by Andysw on 11/11/2009 10:58:07 AM
This year, it'll be the shock of shocks! As the poll said omg thAT is a great surprise thanks ben u just maked my day way more brighter lol
you guys are just getting ready for disapointed
I don't know how much longer my bank account can last. It's almost on life support as is, it can't take another hit.
I think is is going to launch in December because of the 250gb PS3 Lightning Bundle that has been talked about for a long time. Also if do some research on the internet you will find out that the PS3 has a bundle everywhere except in the United States. They might just launch the game though……something sounds really fishy about this bundle situation and XMAS just around the corner for the USA and not a 120gb or 250gb bundle anywhere in sight.
There's a SE announcement on the EU PS blog on Sec the 13th which, they say is EU specific but mayeb that will shed light on some of this.
Van't see there being a worldwide release as they'll want the marketing in order ,w on't they? Could still imagine a simultaneoius EU/NA release come feb though.
as World said….there were NO specifics! US version done could mean translation all finished…..there was NO info on the 360 port!
i'll only believe it when i SEE it! FF has gotten to a point where it's taking FAAAAAR too long between games……as someone said "it was supposed to come out in 08"! O.o
How hilarious would it be if FFXIII gets released in the West before the English version of White Knight Chronicles?
And sad for Level-5.