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Assassin’s Creed II: Play Over 20 Years Of Ezio’s Life

We've played games before where the character actually ages during the story, but Ubisoft may be taking that concept to a whole new level in Assassin's Creed II .

In the original, aging wasn't part of the game but all that is changing in the highly anticipated sequel that launches next week. According to IncGamers , it seems we'll witness the birth and very early years of the main character, Ezio, and then we'll actually play through the years between 17 and 40. Game director Benoit Lambert said, "I love the fact that we have this guy going from 17 years old to 40 years old or more." Throughout these eventful years, our protagonist will meet the likes of Leonardo da Vinci (Ezio will actually take advantage of his inventions) and the Pope; remember, we're talking about 14th-century Venice. We highly doubt that Ezio's skills will degrade slightly over time as he gets older (we haven't reached that level of authenticity in this industry just yet), but we'd like to think we'll see the visible changes, and besides, it adds a great deal of depth to the game. The storyline ought to be most intriguing, certainly.

Forgive me for being more interested in Assassin's Creed II than Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 right now. I know, it's some sort of sacrilege but…well, whatever.

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15 years ago

Why should someone care if you're more interested in AC2 than MW2? You enjoy what you enjoy, and I respect people for being up front about their likes and dislikes. If someone can't handle different personal tastes, then they're obviously insecure with themselves and what they like, and need assurance from other people to have a short measure of peace.

15 years ago

The lego ninja dude speaks the truth.

15 years ago

Ninja, agree, everyones tastes are different, not to mention you can like more than one style of game.

Ben, no need to appoligize, you are saying you are looking forward to a very anticipated title (ACII) in lue of another very anticipated title (MW2). It is not like you are saying you can't wait to play some shovelware piece of garbage instead of MW2.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/10/2009 6:32:00 PM

15 years ago

yeah I'm more interested in AC2 than MW2 as well. My brother is buying it when it's released so I'll get to play it when I go home for thanksgiving. I like fps but I'm kinda not interested in MW2. I didn't really see much that appealed to me.

15 years ago

Unless you really enjoyed the first Modern Warfare, I don't recommend Modern Warfare 2. It's pretty much the same thing, just with slightly better graphics and more content.

The Spec-Ops portion will likely be my favorite addition to Modern Warfare 2, simply because I love co-op.

Last edited by The_R0gue_Ninja on 11/10/2009 1:41:32 PM

Troy Powers
Troy Powers
15 years ago

Yeah, I was thinking it would be cool if as the years went by, his skills slowly waned. Especially if at some point in the story you had to re-visit a certain part of the city and jumps that he cleared easily at age 17, he was barely making at age 40. That would be cool.

15 years ago

I am right there with you Ben, definetly more interested in AC2 than MW2. I have no doubt that Infinity Ward has produced a fantastic game and I know I will play it at some point in the near future, but Ubisoft is getting my money first.

15 years ago

It depends, it could play differently but still effectively, you never know. i mean, old snake was still too awesome in mgs4 even tho he is actually 354 years old.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

Can't wait .

King James
King James
15 years ago

Fool me once, shame of you. Fool me twice…

I'm sorry Ubisoft, but I remember the promises you made for AC1. All of these "improvements" to AC2 falls on my deaf ears. I'm still renting this game, before I even consider buying it.

Plus, MW2 is waiting for me at home and by the time this comes out…I'll be buried in delicious CoD multi-player. Now back to class.

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

I thought the core of the game was really strong , the gameplay was a victim of its open ended nature . From what I have seen , the story would be more linear to allow steady pacing and more variety in missions . They have also added a GTA inspired economy structure where you buy property and other stuff , so that should be interesting .

King James
King James
15 years ago

I know I heard about that money thing. But I'm still renting.

15 years ago

MW2 will be completed by many by the time AC2 comes out so all is good in the world. 🙂

Last edited by tlpn99 on 11/10/2009 12:23:40 PM

15 years ago

Spoiler much?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago


15 years ago

spoiler in which way?

15 years ago

Well you obviously gave away the fact that the story would deal with his age and hence let it be known that we may see a tinge of grey coming from under the cowl. If you are extremely observant you can then deduce that you will be going on missions to assassinate the Pope to put a new Pope in the Vatican that is much more in line with the views of the guild of assassins hence the reason we don't have modern day templars.

Also, saying that you talk to Di Vince and utilize his inventions clearly discloses that at the end Desmond dies and you will be playing the ancestors of the girl from the first game in the follow up Assassins Creed III.

Come on Ben you clearly should have seen the error of this article


15 years ago

You are winner Coverton! That was great. 😉

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago


15 years ago

yea… i want ACII more than MW2 for sure as well… i'm just a sucker for the sandbox games :D…

15 years ago

Definitely more interested in ACII than MW2. I've had my fill of FPSs for a while, no matter how well done they may be.

15 years ago

I'm playing inFamous these days (I know, I know, it's a bit late) which I got last week, and I played through R&C:ACIT before that, so I've had my fill of action-adventurer sandbox games, and I might just hold off on AC2 for a while. I haven't yet played U2 multiplayer, so, I'll probably do that before playing MW2.

AC2 is definitely the game to play for an sp experience with a story worth following, but MW2 will monopolize mp for the remaining part of this console generation.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
15 years ago

inFamous ruuuuules.

15 years ago

One of the few games with a story that captures your interest, but with gameplay so fun, that you don't want to rush through the game.

15 years ago

Funny, MW2 even made my local news tonight.

King James
King James
15 years ago

Somebody get beat up over the last copy or something?

Last edited by King James on 11/10/2009 7:40:29 PM

15 years ago

I dunno, the TV was muted 🙂

15 years ago

Why does everyone feel the need to compare everything to MW2?

"I was more interested in going to work today, than playing MW2."

"I would rather eat pizza for supper tonight than MW2."

"I would rather go on a date with Kristen Bell than play MW2."

MW2 keeps interrupting every article, Kanye West style.

15 years ago

Because it is getting all the attention, due to a ridiculous level of marketing and swarming hype from illiterate rabid fanboys all across the globe. It's Psxextreme's way of saying, "yeah, we know what's up, and what the masses want, and what the mass media is focused on, but we don't forget the other great games that make us gamers so happy."

15 years ago

Because the game only lasts for four hours so you have all kinds of time to talk about it after beating it.

15 years ago

4 hours or 4 years, I'm sure it's a great game, and I'll get to it sooner or later. But there are others, too, and gaming sites kind of forget that, but not here.

15 years ago

"MW2 keeps interrupting every article, Kanye West style".

Ha ha! Nice one hezzron73! that had me dieing!

btw MW2 is so awesome, I also go it for free!
I am having an awesome day!

Last edited by MadKatBebop on 11/10/2009 8:51:38 PM

15 years ago

I'm going to let you finish, I just want to say your comment is the funniest comment ever!

Last edited by Alienange on 11/10/2009 10:53:15 PM

15 years ago

Not as funny as how butt-hurt sensitive y'all sound from Ben's couple words about his preference for AC2.

15 years ago

Modern WHAT ??? It's all about the Creed !!

King James
King James
15 years ago

Modern Warfare.

15 years ago

so how long did the first campaign last? i hear six hours, will the second campaign last longer than 10?

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

No, this game will last for more than 20 years.

15 years ago

it takes way, way way more time than 6 to finish AC1.
and AC2, well ubisoft said anywhere between 10-13 hours for the storyline, to find everything closer to the 20.
theres allot of collectibles to find, as well as secret tunnels below Venice.
GONDOLA CHASES FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats gonna be so cool!

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

MW2 will rock. I'm moar interested in it.

15 years ago

Saying you're more interested in one game over the other is nonsense. Just admit you're buying both and be done. MW2 is the biggest entertainment release in history and people think they're too good for it? Makes me laugh.

15 years ago

I'm not an "elitist", but I'll put it this way, my tastes are not always aligned with the majority's. The Wii has sold like hotcakes, but it never really caught my interest. I'm not saying MW2 is the same kind of fad. It's a solid game, and I'll get around to playing it, but implying that "ur lame, cuz MW2 is teh ballz, and every1 and their great grand dog playz it" smells a bit like xbot/rabid fanboy. I know you're not one, since I've been reading your comments for quite a while here, but recently your arguments sound a lot like their's.

15 years ago

I'm just saying that MW2 is the biggest entertainment release ever and I find it nonsense that people jump on the MW2 hate bandwagon just because Ben commented that he's more interested in AC2. Makes me laugh. I believe the majority will buy both because both are great.

15 years ago

stuff MW2, its exactly what i thought it would be.
in one word.
though the graphics have shocked me there much, much, much better than i was expecting that snow level was impressive.
best level, what the hell?
thats the best level in the whole freaking game and it goes for like 10 minutes.
and the snow mobile race got my heart pounding than stopped, it was so short.
and the using ice picks to climb a mountain, something uncharted 2 should of had, only lasted 2 minutes.
what the hell?
its like they asked themselves how can we make the best action based title, than took all of those ideas, cut them down to maximum 2 minutes each and theres your game.
you get into something, start to appreciate it and pick your jaw up and its over.
snow level A+
no russian A+
everything else C-
back on topic, i cant fu***ng wait for assassins creed 2, ive had the black edition preordered for far to long.
its just sitting there teasing me.

Last edited by ___________ on 11/10/2009 11:40:48 PM

15 years ago

I too like many other psx members am looking forward to Assassin's Creed more so than Modern Warfare 2. I'm more into story. I know MW2 will have a story (campaign mode) but like the other COD titles, it won't last as long as I would like it to. So I'll pass on MW2…for the moment.

There are just so many titles both multiplats and exclusives arriving right around that corner which is next year. I can't get everything. I still got love for the guns blazing thing but I'm feeling a little stealthier these days. How about you?

15 years ago

These days things are tight on the money front so my games have been few and far between. I finally got inFamous. But I'm letting my little brother play it first as I haven't had the chance to go pick it up from him… Luckily one of my very cool friends gave me a couple of games. She used to work for a company that does distribution of certain developers games so she gets me free games every once in a while.

So she got me Wolverine:origins , Ultimate Alliance 2, 50 Cent: Blood and Sand (or whatever),UFC 2009, Ice age 3 and Monsters vs Aliens…. Yeah I know but the were all free so that's cool with me.

So my point is right now I'm playing through some of those until I pick up inFamous from my brother then I'm finally getting Uncharted 2,then GOW collection, Demon's soul etc… So ACII will just have to wait a bit till I get through all the other games first.

Luckily for me she said she'll hook me up with COD:MW2 as well as ACII seeing they help with the distribution of those titles in my country. Sweeeeeeeeeeeet.

Anyway not bragging or anything just stating that without her help I would have NO idea where I would get all the money from for all the games I want.

I don't even want to think about next years line up… I don't know how all of you guys manage to buy all these games. Maybe it's more expensive… No wait it is definitely way too expensive down here. Especially if you have a wife and a whole bunch of other things to take care of as well…Which sucks.

15 years ago

Oh and I have been playing a lot of FPS lately so I just want to take a break from it for a while… so that is another reason I will only be getting COD:MW2 at a later stage and play ACII first.

15 years ago

i am also more interested in ACII at the moment.

like i cant wait to get MW2. but i have chosen to spend this weeks pay on ACII next week.

15 years ago

In a sort-of related note.. check out his bad-assness.

15 years ago

I thought AC1 got a little repetitive though. It was the same thing in every city. I didn't finish getting the collectables and killing all the templars once I finished, I got a little bored of it. Hopefully this time around they change it up. If he is at different ages, it would make it hard to flash back to the same world.

It's definetely conceivable that you get to play at different ages of Ezio's life. The true main character is lying in a machine 600 years in the future. Since he just flashes back to important events, it would be easy to keep the story flowing nicely. As far as diminished skills, I resent that. I'm 37 and can still do the same things when I was 17, which has been gaming. 😉