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MAG Beta 4 Already In Full Swing

If you didn't win one of our 100 MAG beta codes we handed out back in September and didn't get a shot at testing the most anticipated online shooter of the generation, you'll soon get another chance.

As announced over at the PlayStation Blog , Zipper Interactive has announced that the ongoing MAG beta has pushed forward into its fourth phase. Senior Community Manager Jeremy Dunham says they've made "more than 6,000 changes from our last phase," and that includes "an increased level cap" (from 40 to 60) and "an improved ranking system." The two new major features include something players have been asking for: a "proximity chat" feature that allows you to hear the opposing team communicating with one another as you get nearer on the battlefield. The second new feature are the Shadow War bonuses; "depending on which PMCs are leading in the number of contracts owned, the entire PMC will earn different bonuses based on game type." So how do you get in? Well, "Beta 4 is exclusive to GameStop pre-orders" so if you have the urge to test it out, head on down to your local game store and drop that deposit. Oh, and no more of this pre-scheduled play time; the servers are now open 24 hours per day, every day of the week.

Trust me, the more you get involved with this MMOFPS, the more you'll start to realize that all other online shooters tend to pale in comparison. And remember, MAG is still slated to arrive on January 25.

Related Game(s): MAG

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15 years ago

Hey, I got an idea, it may sound crazy to most, but here it is anyways, release the full version of the damn game already!

15 years ago

games was a little buggy during the beta IMO. I think they just want to make sure they do a good job with it as well as continue to generate hype.

15 years ago

I hear ya, same thing happened to me, voice chat was a little sloppy, but I just want the game already, one of my most anticipated games of the year.

15 years ago

yea voice chat was my biggest. Though I didn't realize they raised the level cap… that's awesome I felt it was way too low.

15 years ago

Yeah, still, I think this will replace Killzone 2 as my favorite FPS this gen.

15 years ago

while i understand you want the game, the game was/has been set for jan. this beta testing is nescessary. if they end up delaying the game then i could see makin your original comment

Last edited by frylock25 on 11/10/2009 7:44:52 AM

15 years ago

I did enjoy the beta, but not sure I have enough time to get this along with MW2 and Demon Souls while still being able to finish Eternal Sonata and Valkyria Chronicles… Cornell sucks

15 years ago

I didn't really play the beta when i had it, so i won't be preordering this. But i would love to see how the full game turns out.

15 years ago

I have had a MAG Beta code for the last 4 months, but have not played one single game 🙁

Why? Because the time zones are completely different where I live… I am sleeping when MAG beta servers are open…

What to do?


"i am home"

15 years ago

Uhhhh, dont sleep? duh…simple, haha, kids these days.

15 years ago

stay up on the weekends man.

15 years ago

there not open on the weekends.
well for me its 6-9 AM and 11-2PM monday to friday.
i dont understand why they dont make it open more often, its less than 2 months away from release.
and when are they going to open up more maps?
every time im on there its always acquisition the one where you either steal 2 trucks or protect 2 trucks.
thats why i stopped playing, just got boring doing the same crap over and over and over again.

15 years ago

That's lame, if they can't handle weekend traffic they are in trouble.

15 years ago

it clearly says in this article that the current beta will be open 24-7. the last beta was on restricted hours.

15 years ago

Thanks Frylock.

I was just about to post that same comment.

Sometimes I think some posters here don't even read the article fully before posting.

15 years ago

Almost forgot about this game. It hasn't slipped into next year like everything else has it?

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/9/2009 10:27:47 PM

15 years ago

January 18th i think, the release date was announced on the US PS blog a few months ago.

15 years ago

18th? kewl. Or maybe it was never due out in 09, like I said I don't remember. Be interesting to watch the review scores.

15 years ago

But how many FPS's can we play? I haven't finished Killzone 2 yet 🙁


"i am home"

15 years ago

Shhhh Qubex, that seems to be a sensitive subject around here 😉

15 years ago

nah, we do have far to many FPS, may be someone can take a few of them and mold them into a cool sandbox open world game.
im getting sick of waiting for mafia 2 and just cause 2, i mean seriously how many times have those 2 been delayed?
or maybe saints row 3 can hurry up and come out, i need my open world destruction fix.

15 years ago

or maybe january 25th, like in the article.

15 years ago

lol, guess i missed that dlt, no more beers for me.

15 years ago

yeah I just didnt sleep…
I would wak up at carzy time too to play like 1 am… 12 am its been fun.

15 years ago

I really hope 1 of the changes was SVER's bullet damage, that was absolutely rediculous in phase 3. 3 bullets would down anyone even with heavy armour. and that was their AK-74U. Also they had people sniping with friggin sub machine guns. I got so PO'ed at that game.

15 years ago

I've only played as Raven. Are you implying the different faction have their own strength and weaknesses depending on which you play?

15 years ago

havent touched this in months,got bored of tracking around the bloody map every single time i die.
they need to through in some closer spawn points, every single time i die the closest spawn point is a 10 minute walk away from the objectives.
just gets boring marching around for 2 hours, and i hate using trucks and such because than you have these idiots on your team running across the field trying to get run over.
stability wise its good to go, i have had less problems playing mag a beta than playing uncharted 2 a full released game, fun wise there still a long, long, long, long way off.

15 years ago

*AHEM* Douchebaguette's MAG Beta Nitpicks.

¦¦¦|-Animation [to player]-|¦¦¦

-Too floaty and light.

-Needs more specific movement to make the character seem more real.

-FP to Aiming is flash fast.

-I can't really feel when the character shifts to crouching or crawling.

-They jump too far. Feels like I'm in space.

-I can't actually see the dude pull out his knife when he knifes someone whilst using primary weapon.

-When I'm getting shot at I can't really tell. The charatcer needs to display more effect to the player when bullets hit him. The fact that when I'm hurt and flashing red also makes confusion to wether I'm being shot at or not. I guess adding sounds by bullet stopping would be the best was to tell, and maybe a voice saying displaying pain or something.

-When I walk on water I feel like Jesus. There needs to be more water effect when walking through it. Also realistically a person's movement would be slower through water. Also when I shoot the water, it doesn't effect it.

-Talking about shooting water: When shooting grounds and objects, including more effect [e.g making dust ragingly smoke out of a dusty ground, having more metallic sparks when shooting anything metal to make it feel more action packed] would be cool. For instance, when shooting a dude, you miss him a couple of times, and when those bullets would hit either ground, water, or the wall, the player doesn't want to feel that his missed bullets are just fail duds. Making a cool effect will put a smile on the player anyway if he misses [unless he misses with his entire clip or dies xD].

-When I die the character needs more reaction [to the player]. Of course no need to be overdramatic but there needs to be some effect [from screen or character] that makes the player realise and feel that the character is dead before the screen goes grey and the "Bleedout" option [with the silly jagged skull] appears.

-Grenade throwing makes me feel like a stick man throwing a paper ball.

-When the game ends there should be a text and emblem of faction displaying in the middle of the screen saying "blahblah wins" or something before going into stats, rather than the game just ending before my eyes into stats.

– – – – – –
This game needs more struggle / weight / clunk in movement imo. They also have to find a way to make the objectives seem more fun to partcipate in. Loads of players just randomly run around shooting.

15 years ago

I would also like a to see negative points awarded to squad leader who do not set objectives.

Also spawn at squad leader. The amount of times I spend ages spawning at the back of the map with air defense up and half there squad is way at the other end.

15 years ago

Played the Beta for quite sometime, but got bored of playing the same game and pretty much the same maps over and over. With the amount of problems they have in the beta from hit detection, weapon damage to just using your med kit…I think I'll rent the game first to see if they were able to clear up some of the major issues with the game.

15 years ago

im in the gamestop beta and i gotta say, i love the game. the only problem i had was waiting. i had to wait until about 3gbs of data were downloaded to play. then after that i had to wait for enough people to start a game which took forever. I hope its better in the retail release. about the wait to play a game, its probably because not much people preordered/activated it yet. Im not sure if previous beta players can still play it.

15 years ago

the BETA was fun and i am seriously considering purchasing this game thanks to having the chance to test it before i bought it… the issues i had with it are probably issues that get fixed when the full version comes out… but, there's great potential in this game, and from seeing it first-hand, i can tell you that it won't disappoint many… if your looking for a squad-based FPS with chaos all around, this is your game…

and i'm not a FPS fan really but, the other elements make it stand out more than your standard shooter… there's a great emphasis on teamwork… and the battles are pretty epic…

15 years ago

It looks like case of; "you can buy MAG so you can help us complete its development"… cost control anyone… "let's try to make some money out of em while we migrate from Alpha to Beta"… come on Sony; you can do better 🙂


"i am home"

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

That's a stupid way to get into a Beta, you're pre-ordering a game that you might hate because of the beta?

M.A.G. will rock though.

15 years ago

i played the beta and i really did not enjoy playing, i felt their was just to much stuff happening and felt that everyone was doing their own thing. only once did i play and their was a commander yelling orders and every one followed it was great. but the rest of the time i just felt swamped.

Nick Maim
Nick Maim
15 years ago

Pretty soon the entire world and their moms will be playing shooting games..

15 years ago

im so pissd. got my beta code, in time with the unchartd 2 beta, and guess which pickd. I HAD the beta and didn't even play it. pumped it up once, but took forever to load.

15 years ago

I think MAG and Battlefield Bad Company two are going to be competing against each other for my play time.

I may have to effect time slicing.

Gregory Freeman
Gregory Freeman
15 years ago

yeah, does this mean the beta codes you guys gave us are no good now??

freaking gamestop has 2 put their corporate hands into everything!