The original simply didn't live up to the hype, but Eidos plans to make the sequel more appealing…and perhaps shock value will factor in as well.
According to Kotaku , while the first Kane & Lynch was most certainly "Mature"-rated, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days may be pushing the envelope. They first cite an exceedingly strange teaser video – follow the links – that almost defies explanation and then, they tell us about an insider e-mail they received that talks about one particularly eye-opening level: Kane and Lynch run around naked. Yes, through the entire level. But that's not the interesting part; the interesting part is that they've lost their clothes because they just narrowly escaped being sodomized. …okay, that might cause a few heads to shake. Kotaku is still waiting to hear back from Eidos PR at this point but we have a feeling they may not receive any response; the biggest response will undoubtedly come from gamers and – God forbid – anti-game activists, if they ever catch wind of this. I guess the question is, are we crossing the line?
Or is it not that much different than "Pulp Fiction?" As the industry continues to advance and everything becomes more visually realistic, stuff like this is bound to raise the ire of many…
Related Game(s): Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
A bad idea…..if that's the case then I prefer the game to be called Kate and Lynn because I'm a guy.
relax, it's just a video game…
I am right there with you Snake. Would rather see Chloe in Uncharted run around naked then see these two clowns run around.
Hopefully they cover their dangly bits with some strategically placed objects, like they did in the Simpson's movie.
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 11/7/2009 2:25:41 PM
Oh My God…That is sooooo funny…
WTF with the spoilers sounds like they got this time Tarantino for the script of the game.
Narrowly escaped being sodomized? Oh, hell no. Eidos can shove this game up their a**.
First one had potential till you got stuck on a certain level both my friend and I got stuck at the same part. Shall give this one a miss too.
running around naked, that's smart stealing a page from MGS. nice job.
well the first one had multiple endings, wonder if it uses your old save data or just chooses one itself.
sodomy hasn't been cool since Pulp Fiction… sounds weird for this game, plus the first was so sucky i just don't care!
Really, cause the last time I checked(believe me it was recent)…sodomy was never cool…
I hope eidos isn't banking their future on this franchise. I hope M$ makes it a 360 exclusive in an attempt to help their game sales lol (I know it will be multiplat like the 1st one) I'm just saying if the posts here are any indication I dont think this game will be well received by ps3 owners.
you think xbots are more familiar with sodomy? lol
If they're xbox live subscribers then yes they are
wouldn't suprise me in the least
I actually liked the first Kane & Lynch, i found it rather engrossing, yes it had a flat ending but it was still very interesting. As for the bollocks stunt, meh couldnt care less.
I'm with you my man. The first one was entertaining for me. The MP left something to be desired. I'll buy the sequel…male nudity and all. I hope they change that though.
Should cancel the game, I'd like too see Eidos revive Legacy of Kain
Why? Eidos would be dead because of the original and other flops if it wasn't for Sqeenix and now they're going try to become dominate again with a game that relies on publicity and shock value. Remember Freedom Fighters that was a great game and that deserves a sequel not a game that corrupted Gamespot.
Ye-argh! When it comes to selling games, I'd much prefer devs and publishers use (in order):
– gameplay
– great story
– great subject material
– flashy graphics
– steak knife giveaways
– gimmicky multiplayer unlocks
– anything else!
… than naked men and sodomy to sell their games! Of course, just like I'm enjoying Afrika, I'm sure they'll be a niche audience for folk that get into naked men and sodomy (and I can assure you in my case it's a very different audience!), but this really doesn't sound like a sensible long-term business decision!
They must have landed in prison again, I'm not keen on watching swinging dicks but I think most people will miss this one because of the first. I still have K&L, it sits on my shelf unbeaten.
Honestly, I think its a good step forward for games. Serious subjects like this have a place in story telling, and that is what most games set out to do: tell a story.
Sure, it kinda sounds like they are using it as an early marketing scheme but I don't think that is because of the shock value of sodomy. I see it as further evidence that video games are entering the same realm of real-life story telling as movies.
Personally, I'm getting tired of the double standard that video games have to compete with. Why is the subject of sodomy acceptable in Pulp Fiction but not in Kane and Lynch? Why is it ok for Dr. Manhattan to walk around exposing his blue penis throughout Watchmen but Kane and Lynch can't do it? Why is gratiutous nudity ok in any number of teen comedies (American Pie, etc.) but artsy nudity isn't ok in Heavy Rain? Why is it ok to invade another country and kill people but we can't experience the terror of battle in 6 Days In Falluja or anything in Vietnam?
I'm getting so sick and tired of people getting offended on behalf of other people, who, quite frankly, aren't offended themselves. Why would someone who is never going to play a video game in their life complain about the content of a game I'm playing?
Sorry for the rant…
i actually beat this game and i have to say i enjoyed it, i even got both endings!!
but 2 naked men running about doesnt appeal to me so i hape it is in the game for a valid reason because i was, still am looking forward to this sequel
Following in Dr. Manhattan's footsteps, minus the blue schvanz.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/7/2009 4:24:30 PM
This game sounds like a bit of a bummer
…I really have nothing to say about this…no, just…no…
looks like another game ill be buying off ebay.
just 1 thing, what the hell did that opening trailer have to do with the game?
that was some random sh*t.
this game is made by a bunch of fags in a far far away country. then u accept all the rest
Hm, seems a bunch of people have forgotten a video game is a video game, it's made for entertainment and if it's not something you want then you don't have to purchase it, whether they make it and sell it and profit or not from it has nothing to do with the people who don't like it. =) Not saying I'm getting this game, didn't like the first at all, I'd say it'd be more humorous to watch someone else play then to just let the game disappear completely?
..and why could this not have been Chloe from uncharted 2?..she kinda sexy for some pixals lol
But the first one sucked.. 🙁
….wtf?? @ your avatar?!
Why did i get thumbs down coz some1 else said about it suda bin chloe naked? lol i was just agreeing
maybe someone didnt like the idea of chloe and sodomy