I know a lot of you are big fans of Demon's Souls so when I find something that would interest my fellow RPG fans – regardless of my own personal preferences – I'm quick to post it.
In a recent Game Informer interview with Demon's Souls director Hidetaka Miyazaki, we get some inside information on how the developers approached the inherent challenge, the game's unique design and yes, the possibility of a sequel in the future. When asked if they "set out to create something that focused on difficulty," Miyazaki had this to say:
"Having the game be 'difficult' was never the goal. What we set out to do was strictly to provide a sense of accomplishment. We understood that 'difficulty' is just one way to offer an intense sense of accomplishment through forming strategies, overcoming obstacles, and discovering new things. Our goal of a sense of accomplishment was the basis of the game since the early stages of development, and we never strayed from that."
There's no doubt that the level of satisfaction gained from emerging victorious in Demon's Souls is arguably second-to-none, and fans of the game greatly appreciate this challenge. You should read the rest of the interview, too, as they discuss their favorite sections and how they constructed the "souls" system. Not surprisingly, the last question involved a potential sequel and Miyazaki's response is definitely encouraging:
"I’m just an employee of the development company, so I can’t directly answer whether there’ll be a sequel to Demon’s Souls. With that said, my personal opinion is that we learned a lot during the development of Demon’s Souls, and there were a lot of things that we couldn’t do the first time, so I’d welcome the chance to create an even better game in the same style if the opportunity arises."
With the level of critical acclaim Demon's Souls has achieved, plus the immensely loyal following that will quickly pounce on a sequel, one would have to assume a sequel would be a damn good idea. What say you, RPG aficionados?
Can't wait for a sequel. On my third play right now, loving every bit.
Please just give me a new King's Field. Please.
Only if it's twice as hard jk, I love the difficulty of it but I've heard a lot of people saying it's just too hard, I agree that it is difficult but am I right to assume that I'm a "better" gamer because it isnt as difficult for me as they make it out to be for them? F 'em I love it can't wait to recuperate from my injury to finish the blasted thing though.
IMO the further you progress in the game the less difficult it becomes. Those that stick with it during the first few hours will realize this I think.
I've yet to fight an arch demon (when i could play) but there would be times I would get lost trying to go through a level, especially the ones where you fall down onto other platforms to progress, but not lost as in like a maze but more as I would have trouble finding the correct path and it would get discouraging but I found that if I stuck it out it was as you said less difficult. I guess familiarity with the environment helped after a couple times.
I wanna buy this so bad and hopefully it won't be long but I dunno if I should since I won't be online for long while T^T does the online extras really carve out a better game or can I still enjoy this totally and conpletely alone?
@ rabbitkinge the online is there so players can leave eachother hints and if your character is "alive" you can summon other online characters to assist you in certain battles. you'll understand the "alive" part if/when you buy it I highly recommend it if the concept piques your interest at all.
yes, please, the sequel at your earliest convenience.
I love the difficulty. I like the fact that not just anyone can pick this up and play it.
give me sequel, DS was so great. a breath of fresh air when the ps3 didnt have many rpgs(asian release-feb 09) and was flooded with fps
please do not make a sequal, as much as i love demon's souls, as great as it is, a sequal is not wanted.
please use the same talents and improved experience to create something equally or more great but different. Keep Demon Souls original, make it a rare and unique precious gem, such is how titles become a legend and classic.
sequals slowly burn down a game or kill a great name or title. and sequal means not much new original idea and feeling. In this gen, or in this "no brainer sequal flooded" era, i am an anti-sequal gamer. (well ofcourse, i still approve a few franchise, MGS, GOW, ICO, FF etc..)
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 11/6/2009 12:31:57 AM
Although i'd jump on a sequel, you got a point i very much agree on.
King's Field please! King's field please!!!! King's field please!!!!!!
End of Line.
I just got my platinum yesterday (damn you Marrow chunks) so hells yeah, gimme another one!~
when you consider the fact Sony technically owns the IP I highly doubt they'll be a sequel given their focus.
Its been decided im buying a copy today! The feedback for a sequel here is unrelenting.
This game has me and my step-son addicted, I know allot of you love your turn based RPG's but thats not for me.
Demon Soul's is the perfect RPG for me, its the grown up version of the original Zelda I used to play on the NES + The perfect amount of depth in upgradesstatsabilities and skill required mixed in with the perfect Knights, Demons, and Dragons feel (I cant stand that bright purple, Neon Green World of Warcraft look most action Rpg's have today).
Collecting Soul's is like crack for us, my wife is honestly sick to death of the HDTV with this game on all the time.
Demon Soul's is by far my favorite RPG of all time, is says Eff You to appeasing non gamers, and it's made for us big boys.
In summary, this game has rekindled my RPG/Action RPG flame and I think (personally) this it the best RPG OF ALL TIME!
You took the words right out of my mouth.
BIG words my man.
In my eyes, its one of THE best games of all time and EASILY game of the year '09 as i keep repeating.
It reaffirmed my respect for games to the full once again.
agree, best JRPG this gen so far, before that, i consider Lost Odyssey as the best JRPG this gen, but now the crown belongs to Demon's Soul and I put Lost Odyssey right beside it, 😀
even when FF13 and v13 hits, while it will be jaw dropping and snatch the RPG crown, but in some category, the excitement, the uniqueness and the satisfaction delivered by Demon's Souls is unmatched, even compared to FF13 or v13.
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 11/6/2009 2:36:17 PM
Technically, Demon's Souls is considered a Western RPG isn't it? I know it was made in Japan, but it is stylized as more western.
How about some DLC first? Perhaps open up the broken Arch Stone. That'll stem the tide until they can put out a sequal. 🙂
As far as the difficulty, I think it's the learning curve that makes it difficult. Knowing how the world tendencies work, what items are effective, how to make a decent build, and how to protect yourself from wasting souls took me at least 20 to 30 hours play time to grasp fully. Once you really know what you are doing the game isn't that hard at all. Of course, mining a bladestone can drive you nuts.
That's what i love about Demon's Souls, it's mystery. That broken Arch Stone is a touch of genius.
It's the land of the giants anyway. Personally, I'd rather not fight a horde of tower knights all at once. 😛
Gotta count me out, I'm glad you guys can handle it but DS put me on the verge of developing trichotillomania.
If anyone wants my mint copy, bidding starts at $40 and there aren't any bids yet, find Spikereloaded on ebay.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/6/2009 2:01:02 PM
I'm halfway through NG+ now. A sequel would be a day one purchase for me.
Think Demon's Souls is hard? Try Monster Hunter. It's about 30x harder. Demon's Souls is easy in comparison.