These artistic folks always pay attention to their peers; they level criticism when they deem it appropriate and offer high praise when they find themselves impressed.
When Quantic Dream CEO and Heavy Rain writer David Cage talks about another author in the video game industry, we're inclined to listen. Although we haven't gotten our hands on his project just yet, we know enough about it to be convinced of its storytelling and cinematic prowess, and besides, we love it when someone acknowledges the under-appreciated Team ICO and creator Fumito Ueda. The team behind the innovative and excellent ICO and Shadow of the Colossus titles on the PS3 is currently working on The Last Guardian , a PS3 exclusive destined to be an artistic triumph. And during a GameTrailers interview where Cage talks about Trophies in Heavy Rain , he also has this to say:
"I think one of the most interesting author right now in the videogames industry is probably Fumito Ueda. I’m totally unable to do what he does, because I think it’s really unique and its his world and his vision and I really admire him for that. I mean, what he's done in ICO and Shadow of the Colossus is absolutely fantastic."
It's so easy to toss out the name "Hideo Kojima" when asked the question of "which game author impresses you most," but you have to respect Cage's reply. We can't wait to learn more about The Last Guardian and we have every confidence that, along with Cage's Heavy Rain , it'll be yet another reason to own the PS3. Oh, and by the way, acquired Trophies will only be displayed during loading screens in Heavy Rain , so as not to disengage the player from the emotional experience. Cool, huh?
Related Game(s): The Last Guardian
I keep watch on the news of this game wherever the name "The Last Guardian" shows up.
These people are the unsung heroes.
The real world doesn't quite know them but the gaming world knows them better than a mom knows her kid.
Last edited by Snaaaake on 11/4/2009 11:05:56 AM
Are you sure? Mothers know a lot..
Ueda has a way of telling stories w/o dialog. Highly impressive. In SotC, your most trusted and reliable companion is your horse – A horse that horse doesn't say a word. But I swear Team ICO programmed emotions into that horse. Bravo Team ICO. Bravo.
The music is stellar, too.
Last edited by King James on 11/4/2009 12:11:28 PM
I really like the idea of the trophy updates only being during the loading screens of an emotionally engaging game.
I am not 100% positive on this but so far I think that Dragon Age has a similar thing going on. I haven't seen a trophy indicator pop up while I was engaged in story elements. Only when I am loading if memory serves me, which is not always the case
I'd comment but I'm too busy praying for PS3 ports of ICO and SotC.
Me 3!
@AlienAnge Thanks for the props on the Uncharted 2 post I just get tired of people being unappreciative of things for example ________ was trying to pick apart Uncharted 2 like he could make a better game, and the other day there was a guy bi***ing about Bens review score of DJ Hero being higher than Ratchet and Clank's. That was his opinion ya know? My psn id is Nastycuts if u want to add me.
how was i saying i could make a better game?
that is the stupidest most argent thing i have ever heard.
congrats, hope your proud!
the article was stating how could naughty dog improve for uncharted 3
i just merely gave some suggestions.
but it seems you cant complain about a sony exclusive here without getting your head ripped off.
so have fun with sonys cock in your mouth.
Cage sounds a top bloke the more i hear of him.
His reply was correct, NO ONE else can do Fumito. Fumito is the new master at his craft.
I'd also like to nominate Jenova Chen.
All this heavy rain talk had me pick up Indigo Prophecy, haven't played it yet but I hope to get a good feel of how HR will be.
Keep up the innovative work ICO and QD.
__________________________________You douchebag ^
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 11/4/2009 2:02:02 PM
Wha? lol
It's the thumbs down monster. He's back and he's gunning for WEWM.
The Last Guardian, along with MGS4, Demon's Souls, GOW3, FF13, v13, inFamous, LBP are the reasons for me to own PS3, nothing more.
I cant wait to see the immense, secluded and mysterious sealed world in this gen again, nothing better than that, and no other games ever created a similar world like this.
Out of all the E3 trailers , I was most impressed by TLG . Simplicity at its finest .
When you're getting Sony's money there are many reasons to praise one of their star empolyees..
/off topic
Fumito Ueda is a cool name.
Not as similar to most super common Japanese names I see haha.
poor david.
dont worry mate, i still look up to ya, even if you have one short temper.
if theres one announcement im really looking forward to more than SF5 its that.