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The Drought Is Over: RPGs Begin To Crowd The PS3

It happens every generation. Role-playing fans are simply forced to wait as just about every other genre in existence receives its fair share of excellent and top-quality titles.

But we've been saying it throughout 2009: the drought will soon be over; just look at the "coming soon" list, RPG fans. Well, as a reader reminded us, and as Andriasang further outlines, the role-playing fans are finally getting their just due as of right now. Yes, many are still on the horizon, but that horizon is looming large and let's not forget about what we already have. Demon's Souls turned out to be one of the most original, most technically accomplished RPGs we've ever seen, and now that Dragon Age: Origins is here, we've got another awesome RPG to play through (gotta love those totally different storylines for each class). Fallout 3 won multiple Game of the Year awards last year, Valkyria Chronicles was another brilliant breath of fresh air (and the sequel is coming to the PSP next year), Eternal Sonata finally arrived (and with extra content not seen in the 360 version), and Cross Edge satisfied the niche fans. But that's not all; look what's coming: Ar Tonelico 3 , White Knight Chronicles, Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope International , Resonance of Fate (known as End of Eternity in Japan), Last Rebellion , Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (now set for a January 9 release in Japan), and of course, Final Fantasy XIII .

Yes, it has been quite a long wait but if you can't find something to be excited about by now, you're simply not a role-playing fan. There appears to be stuff for everyone!

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15 years ago

I don't remember saying something like Oblivion,Demons Souls or Fallout 3 weren't rpgs?

and also I never talked about jrpg's .

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/4/2009 12:50:32 PM

15 years ago

oxvial- "Oblivion and Fallout 3 aren't the typical rpgs ."

those are your words!

15 years ago

You might look up the meaning of the word "typical" then. Because that's exactly what you said. I'm guessing it's not what you meant… but then… what DID you mean?

15 years ago

normal, average, stock, usual.

in my country means like similar and I was refering to gameplay .

I found rpgs with the gameplay of Diablo ,Icewind Dale or Baldurs gate like the typycal ones.

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/4/2009 1:22:14 PM

King James
King James
15 years ago

Sign me up for:
-Resonance on Fate
-The Agency

Demon's Souls is brilliant. I'm getting Dragon Age: Origins on black friday. This is great and most are PS3 exclusives.

15 years ago

Demon's Souls defeated me, I'm selling it. Not that it isn't a great game but I honestly don't have 2-3 hours to spend just dying in the same spot every day so if you want that game go find my auction on ebay and make sure you have tons of time and patience 🙂

Anyhow, this is a good call to arms Ben my future list runs as such:

White Knight
Resonance of Fate
Valkyria Chronicles
Down the Line: Fallout New Vegas and Elder V

Eternal Sonata was a good time and I just finished Rogue Galaxy (awesome PS2 jrpg)

For the F3 and Oblivion haters: You do know that once you find a location you can Fast Travel right?

15 years ago

Thanx to everyone for their help in putting me in the right direction with what my next purchase should be.
I'll try get around to all of em, Dragons Age will probably come first. I might wait till I'm more experienced with this sorta gaming before I attempt Demons Soul.
I've been keeping an eye on White Knight Chronicles and Resonance of Fate, alot of people hyping these up. I think Ben nailed it on the head when he said I need a bit more story to my game. Anyway thanks to everyone! 🙂

15 years ago

yeah makes sense. oblivion had a lot of story in it, thew main quest was somewhere around 30 hrs i guess. the problem though was there is so many side quests you always find yourself sidetracked, and then wondering and traveling off in a different direction (not a bad thing). the fast travel comes into play and helps alot here!

but yes your concern is you need something a little more linear it seems. somthing where your not overwhelmed with a ton of things to do, and dragon age will satisfy u!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/4/2009 2:27:50 PM

15 years ago

Also, pretty much every RPG has a more leisurely pace to it than the average action game, which is one of the reasons why I like them. So, if it really bothered you to be "walking around way too much doing nothing for a very long time", RPGs might just not be your thing.

15 years ago

Well im currently stuck between an RPG and Fighter right now its either I purchase Tekken 6 or Demon's Soul's and im a huge fighting fan but I love the realism of combat depicted in Demon's Soul's so whaddya say? The short term thrill or ther long term headache? Someone please help me ^_^

flux equals rad
flux equals rad
15 years ago

Demon's Souls is running my life now. So if you want highly addictive gameplay, though initially frustrating, I would highly recommend DS. The online mode is especially deep and fun. Good luck!

15 years ago

Keep your fingers crossed for a PS3 Dragon Quest and Persona.

15 years ago

I still have yet to buy a rpg this gen, I guess working all the time there's no room to play one, I think i'll try to spend at least a couple hours on the weekend cause I'm want to get DA

15 years ago

We need JRPGs

15 years ago

Pffft…The reason for a lack of RPGs, is because they have been lousy at best. No mass appeal, and therefore poor sales. The only ones that have been good, are ones that have been wise enough to take on more of a FPS style.

(Just a little payback for all the RPGers laying on the FPS hate in other articles!)

15 years ago

I thought it was because it took 6 or more years to make the good ones. Anyways, thumbs up for calling out the fps haters.

15 years ago

all rpg's derive from dungeons and dragons. wrpgs have more emphasis on freedom and jrpgs have more emphasis on story, while both utilize a leveling system of some sort.

15 years ago

I really hope this will be the beginning of top quality rpgs…

Really eying White Knight Chronicles and Valkyria 2

And really hoping Namco brings Tales of Vesperia over

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Rocket-propelled grenades

15 years ago

ok so we have FPS covered, we have TPS covered, we have racers covered, we have platformers covered(well slightly)
so when are we going to see the glory days of crash bandicoot team racing come back?
i really miss those style of games, hopping in a car, or space craft and blowing the sh*t out of your competitors.
dont make me get a wii, o please for the love of god dont.

i was thinking last night i wished sony would put up some arcade styled games on the PSN, like pool/snooker, poker, tetris, pinball but not ordinary pinball, pinball like the sonic pinball.
and last but not least, ten pin bowling but no ordinary bowling.
anyone remember monsters inc bowling?
its like normal bowling but once you bowl the ball you have to control it around certain obstacles.
than the icing on the cake, i would kill to have the sonic games on the PSN network.
well if those notes are true doubt it highly but if they are, we may be seeing SEGA games on the PSN.
the day that happens ill be needing a bigger download usage and HDD because i would go bloody AWOL on that.

15 years ago

@___________ Keep a look out for a racing game called BLUR! It should be kind of like Mario Kart and other games combined. I do not think we have satisfied the PLATFORMER DEMAND yet! There is only 2 on the market that I know of. DRAGON AGE ORIGINS is the game you should be playing because of your moral choices affect the whole story line. There is about 9 different endings to the game or maybe even more if you use the downloaded content. PEACE!

15 years ago

My pickup list as below:

White Knight Chronicles
Resonance of Fate
ST4 International

not sure about the rest in the list, I dont like much of cartoonish look game, hence never truly thrilled about VC, Eternal Sonata, all Tale series, Disgaea series, Cross Edge etc. and not expecting Ar Tonelico and hesitant about Last Rebellion

P.S. Demon's Souls will keep me busy for many many hours and i am also having a good time with Magna Carta II on 360, I put it very next to Lost Odyssey for 360.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 11/5/2009 5:09:48 AM

15 years ago

Ar Tonelico 3 is the main one I want. But I will also get any other JRPG that's coming out.

15 years ago

Demon's Souls is Awesome I'm Soul Level 190 with 2 characters. I love Fallout 3 & want to play the game of the year edition & also want to play Dragon Age Origins but right now I'm too addicted to Demon's Souls & won't stop until I am Soul Level 712 with all trophies at least with 1 character. Royal of course because Soul Ray rules at the start. Only complaints are no bluetooth mainly, custom soundtrax or 1080p.

Last edited by NetheRealm on 11/8/2009 4:42:33 PM