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Bayonetta PS3 Enjoys Mysterious Price Drop At GameStop

Bayonetta has been the talk of the town recently, what with its perfect 40/40 score from Famitsu and the fact that Sega had to handle the port for the PlayStation 3. The PS3 version only received a 38/40 from Famitsu and early reports of frame rate issues definitely caused some widespread concern.

However, as most will tell you, the demo on the Japanese PSN flows quite well and even though the game is a port – Platinum Games first developed the title for the Xbox 360 – all indications are that PS3 owners won't be disappointed. And hey, if they can save five bucks off the price of admission, it's a little easier to withstand a few minor drawbacks, right? As noted by Siliconera , the PS3 version is mysteriously priced at $54.99 at GameStop, while the 360 version has the normal $59.99 retail tag. …what's this about? Is the publisher and/or developer acknowledging that the PS3 version might just be slightly inferior, and hence, cost a little less? It seems almost impossible just because Sega would be making an outright admission; an admission that doesn't exactly reflect well on their efforts. But we're struggling to come up with another explanation; multiplatform games are almost always identically priced and when this trend is interrupted, the reason why is usually unknown.

Anybody have any bright ideas? And if everyone's assumption is correct, would that cheaper price tag convince you to buy the PS3 version, even if it's not 100% perfect…?

Related Game(s): Bayonetta

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14 years ago

I find this pretty darn funny.If the price drop is because it's an inferior port then every other 3rd party company should suit(if they make a crappy port).

14 years ago

this confuses and infuriates me!!!

14 years ago

I'm happy with this finally some people are starting to acknowledge Gamers aren't going to pay full price for an inferior product.

but..54.99 its still too much.

29.99 that's what it deserves .

Last edited by Oxvial on 11/1/2009 10:51:04 PM

14 years ago

Well, 54.99 is still a bit steep, but remember the days of 85 and 90 dollar N64 cartridges? sure don't miss those days.

14 years ago

hmm..the most i paid for an n64 game was 40. where was i when it was at that price.

14 years ago

Hell, I used to get my N64 games at Zellers which is the Canadian version of K-Mart. Hell I remember I payed 97 bucks for Ocarina of Time and payed 97 bucks for wwf no mercy.

14 years ago

u got screwed! 😉 i never payed over $40

14 years ago

$85-90 N64 carts? WTF? I worked retail back in those days and never saw any of those systems' games go for more than $40-50. Definitely sounds like you were getting screwed somewhere!

14 years ago

I just watched every trailer and gameplay video I could get my hands on for bayonetta because I was seriously considering picking this up for my PS3.

I noticed that the colors in the PS3 version are a tad washed and blurry while the 360's are lush but rather on the sharp side and a tad pixelated when it cam to the lighting but that being the only hitch for me.

Im really gonna pick this title up and 5 bucks off is defenitely welcome.

Maybe sony is doing is doing it because of all the bad hype surrounding the PS3 version and this will just make it look a tad sweeter to those who don't know about the small issues the port suffers and instead they'll just think the PS3 version is cheaper ^_^ makes sense I guess.

14 years ago

Maybe I'll get this game afterall, but only because that lower retail price bodes well for me finding it for 20-30 dollars a few weeks later.

14 years ago

You mean like how haze was in the bargin bin after a few weeks of release.

14 years ago

that is precisely what i mean.

14 years ago

Seriously though, I think thats awesome. An inferior port is finally fairly priced… and at gamestop of all places??? Wow I was wonering why my feet were so cold today. As it turns out, hell froze over. Whoda thunk it eh?

14 years ago

Well, sega might have nothing to do with this. Its probably all gamestop, but dont ask me what their agenda is. the 59.99 MSRP is just that, a suggested retail price. I just see those employees pointing out that the 360 is better just because of the price. well, it is better. However, a 5 dollar price cut wont persuade me to buy it. hell, thats the standard price for a used games at gamestop. I want to see a 15 to 20 dollar cut for this. However, i'm glad that theres a frys where i live. recently, they're selling new release games for a big discount. I just got tekken 6 for 48 bucks, wasnt even planning to buy it.

on a side note, why the hell sell it for 59.99? why not just say 60 bucks.

14 years ago

$5 isn't enough. $15 to $20 off sounds better.

14 years ago

Well I'd likey to see a 15-20 dollar price cut on all games, but that isn't going to happen. lol

14 years ago

The $59.99 price point doesn't bother me very much if the game is Uncharted 2 or MGS4 quality. But I'm tired of paying $60 for multiplats.

14 years ago

dude, fry's is awesome. i got tekken for 47 bucks and uncharted 2 for 48 on launch day. sure they dont have midnight openings but so what, i dont play my games until morning anyway. I tried it a few times, once for final fantasy XII since i was going to be in school anyway and another for MGS4. was too damn tired to play so i slept when i got home. Im hoping that they'll sell modern warfare 2 at a discount too. I'm only getting the regular edition because to me, the upgraded versions arent worth the extra cash. COD1 i can live without, same with any booklets. Night vision goggles, sure i want one but not at the prestige price.

14 years ago

You in california John? We don't have a frys near me. Not sure they have any in Colorado. Only frys I've been to was in California.

14 years ago

There are Fry's in other states, but no Colorado is not one of them. But here in California we do have the brunt of them. I think we have like 10 or 11 and then there are about that many outside of California.

14 years ago

Im in vegas, theres one store but thats all i need.

14 years ago

Lol agreed, or maybe Sony is asking to lower the price of their games to appeal more now? HMMM? Lol, who knows

14 years ago

Also off topic, I really don't care much for Chloe = just didn't find her attractive, I do like Elena tho, but she isn't a choice for some reason.

14 years ago

I'm with you. I was disappointed that Elena isn't a choice on the new poll. She's a doll.

14 years ago

well….she was last year's model. she said so herself. hahaha

14 years ago


14 years ago

So? Poll's for 'this gen' not this year, otherwise why is Nariko up there =P

14 years ago

have you played uncharted 2? that was supposed to be a joke. You know, the first interaction between chloe and elena? Anyway, my theory is that chloe had more of an impact on the audience than elena did. Plus, i found myself always staring at chloe's ass when i "give her a boost" before climbing up.

14 years ago

Can't really blame Sega for the crappy port. It's Platinum Games that didn't bother to do the extra work.

14 years ago

Ahh, if only there was an easy way to make a complete copy of the game for ps3. Just pick it up from a friend to copy, then just send sega your money so that platinum games dont get a cut.

14 years ago

thats another thing i dont understand.
in the US both ps3 and 360 games are the same price.
but here 360 games are always a maximum of 100 bucks, ps3 games are a maximum of 120 bucks.
so why am i paying 10 sometimes 20 bucks more for the game on ps3, when the US is paying the exact same price?
price gouging at its finest!

14 years ago

I wonder if maybe its just a fluke? Maybe Gamestops got a bad price listing? Wouldn't be the first time something was typed wrong in there computers.

I've seen everything from incorrect release dates to game titles being marked as PS3 exclusive and it always leads to late corrections and wasted money!

Here's hoping its neither ^_^

14 years ago

thats true, but you cant deny that theres a clear difference between the two versions. and the exposure of this difference has already gained a lot of attention.

Cholo Gamer
Cholo Gamer
14 years ago

49.99 sounds better.

14 years ago

Even at 54.99 who would be dumb enough to purchase this load of crap. **Cough** Canceling my pre-order now. **Cough**

14 years ago

i see platinum going on an interview.
"well.. were pretty disappointed that we didnt get ourselves on as much ps3s as we wanted".

My answer, what did you expect? If you're not going to put the work in to make a multiplatform game equal, then just shut up and go exclusive. You cant call a game multiplatform or aim for a multiplatform game if you're only going to work on one system.

I see this as sega saying that platinum games are a bunch of douchebags and they'll port it to the ps3 as best as they can because we deserve equal treatment. Great try sega but sadly i wont be buying it full price. And now valve has platinum games to keep them company on the list of developers with a bad reputation amongs the sony crowd.

14 years ago

how can you say its a load of crap when you have not played it?
its actually quite good, not DMC good but a good substitute till darksiders comes out.

14 years ago

With inferior product comes inferior price.

14 years ago

I mentioned this before almost all new games are being cut to 54.99

14 years ago

Still, just heard the news that the PS3 version is out-selling the 360 version in Japan!

14 years ago

Double the sale of the 360, probably because theres more PS3 owners there, I doubt that PS3 version will outsell the 360 outside of Japan.

It's always like that, multiplats sell more on the 360.

14 years ago

I guess crappy ports are starting to show it's ugly face again, I guess I'm going strictly exclusive unless there's a 3rd party I really really want to play

14 years ago


14 years ago

Maybe they saw all the negative press about it and decided to decrease the price to increase demand?

14 years ago

It's a couple bucks cheaper at Amazon as well. I dunno, probably some accountant ran some numbers and found that some statistical model predicted a 2% sales increase if it was a tiny bit cheaper. who knows.

14 years ago

How many people can say "crappy port"??
Really, Its…just…a…game!
If you have no interest in this type of game then don't play it.
I happen to like DMC4 and plan on buying Bayonetta, Maybe not day one, but eventually when I have more money saved up.


14 years ago

Its not about the type of game, its the principle that pisses people off. When they say a game is multiplatform, you would expect the game to be the same for both platforms right? If it isnt, wouldnt you feel shafted especially if you're a one console owner. The fact that they aimed for a multiplatform release means that they have to make sure both versions are equal. Then releasing the game with clear differences, then that will piss off users.

14 years ago

They've got a side-by-side comparison over at 1 Looks like the PS3 version should be discounted to about $20. What rubbish.

14 years ago

In all honesty how many times have you seen a "side-by-side" comparison of a multiplat game before it came out only to find that the differences were negligible upon actually seeing the two games side-by-side after they released.

I distinctly remember seeing those side-by-sides of Resident Evil 5 and how horrible the PS3 version looked only to find that they were not all that different in the end.

14 years ago

I cannot believe how many people just automatically assume that they cut the price because the PS3 version is so much more inferior to the 360 version. We don't have any idea yet. The only thing to go on is the Japanese demo of the game and it is a solid demo that might have a moment where there is a frame rate hiccup but it is not enough to hinder anything whatsoever. Really, just give the game a chance if you enjoy fast action titles, and if you don't like them then pass this over. Simple.

Hell, maybe Sony themselves worked out a deal with the publisher to lower the price and get more people on board on the PS3 version. The simple fact of the matter is we as the general public just don't know why the price is different and all the speculating that it is because the PS3 version is worse is just silly until the actual game is released.

It very well could be worse than the 360 version but we don't know.

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