Not long ago, Hideo Kojima "promised" us all that a new Zone of the Enders would eventually arrive, but now there's even more news in that respect.
Not surprisingly, there were a great many happy people when this promise hit the Internet in full force, and Kojima has been overwhelmed at the response. Speaking again on the Kojima Productions official blog (translated by Andriasang ), the mastermind seems shocked at how fast the news has spread, and how excited people are. Said Kojima:
"The reaction [to the post] was greater than I'd expected. The comments topped the 100 mark, and the access count reached levels of the Tokyo Game Show time. It was picked up in a variety of places, including the net and press, and spread throughout the world."
Heck, even the guys at Kojima Productions are all amped up! Those who worked on Zone of the Enders 2 (known as Anubis in Japan) have actually come up to Kojima and said things like, "I read your blog…is it true?" and "When are we going to make it…please let me take part in it!" So it seems this came as a surprise to members of his own team, but obviously, Kojima has been thinking about it for some time. And now that he's basically done with Peace Walker and he has more of a backseat role in Rising , why not get started? Let's get a move on, Hideo!
Well ya know devs rarely have any clue what people really want, but it's Kojima so we will forgive him. I've actually never played the series so another one this gen would be my first.
I am ready for this to be made.
I haven't played this series, was it a huge hit worldwide? or only in Japan? I hope its a PS3 exclusive.
"Let's get a move on, Hideo!"
Good……just about 3 or 4 years and it'll be out. Where's a damn cryo chamber when you need one?
PLEASE, please, give me ZOE3. ZoE2 is just the greatest mech/gundam like game I've ever played in my life. The fluid action and the gameplay was incredible, also the epic like 1000 enemies battle pwned hardcore. I NEED THIS
never played a ZOE game so it would be nice to see what there like.
i really think its time to give MGS a rest, not a long rest, but do sequels to other games than go back to it.
i would like to see developers doing a bit of that these days, like insomniac go back to spyro, ND go back to crash bandicoot if they can get the license, sucker punch to go back to the sly cooper series (once infamous 2 is done, i need that NOW!) SE go back to kingdom hearts 3, criterion go back to BLACK 2.
theres so many series that were so famous back on the PS1 that still have not seen a next gen rising.
O how can i forget zipper 🙁
make no changes, keep everything the same as socom 2 just with new levels and HD graphics.
come to think of it, one game that was my favorite years ago was SWAT 4 i loved that game to death, a new game like that would be kick A$$
Last edited by ___________ on 10/29/2009 1:21:59 AM
I've been waiting for this. Start making it please?
I've seen what this game looks like but have never played it. Im pretty excited to get a chance to.
Never played Z.O.E. considering I'm a die-hard MGS fan. Gave away my PS2 before awesome games were released.
Going back to this topic, what would make this an epic win would be a Z.O.E. HD remastered for those who missed the previous series…..
Any exclusivity confirmation?
If it's Kojima then it's already half confirmed, that guy might want as many space as he can for a AAA game.
I want this game now!!!!
Oh my God ZOE3 would be sweet. But it needs to stay exclusive. It's not coz' I'm a fanboy (which I am) but it's spirituality depends on it to be on PS3 only ^_^
Yes PLEASE! The first and second were both awesome for their time. 2 vastly improved the formula of the first and with Kojima's story telling both the originals were great and a sequel would have amazing potential.
I think the only things to be mindful of in this day and economy, is that people want the experience to last. I have certainly gone back to play 1 and 2 and even the multiplayer. I think its just about mandatory to make the battle system maybe just a smidge deeper with perhaps a parry system and make it online. Then Kojima can focus on making the experience of the main story exactly what he and the fans want.
I cant wait.