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Inferior Multiplats Still Plaguing The PlayStation 3

I really thought we had left this behind in 2007 and while the trend is certainly on the decline as developers gain a firmer foothold with the complex PlayStation 3, it still exists. There are some unfortunate recent examples.

Borderlands is the first; if you hadn't noticed, the PS3 version has scored significantly lower than the Xbox 360 version around the Internet (8.5 for one, 8.0 for the other according to GameSpot), and it's clear the PS3 version has some issues. Gearbox Software has promised a fix and we're not doubting that promise, nor are we doubting that eventually, the two versions might be nigh-on identical but the fact remains: the 360 version is better. Then we've got Bayonetta ; the 360 version scored a perfect 40/40 from Famitsu but the PS3 version scored two points lower, and this is likely due to the fact that Sega had to handle the port. Obviously, it's still a great game (we're not disputing that), but by this time in the generation, the two versions should absolutely be identical. There's just no excuse. Platinum Games should've created both versions simultaneously like most studios do with most multiplat titles, and that didn't happen.

Thirdly and lastly, while we don't have any critical feedback just yet, we are questioning Bioware's Dragon Age: Origins , which is slated to arrive on November 3. We just heard the PS3 version was pushed up to release alongside the 360/PC versions and while this is exciting in one respect, it's worrisome in another. Bioware isn't exactly checked out on PlayStation hardware (they remind us a little of Valve, although at least Bioware makes an effort), and in an effort to appease PS3 owners after announcing a delay, I'm afraid they're rushing an inferior version of Origins out the door. Look, I hate to point this out, but it seems clear to me that PS3 exclusives are the best of the best; one can make the argument that Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots , and Killzone 2 are the finest games of the generation, and if you don't like a few of those choices, just wait until God of War III and Gran Turismo 5 next year.

Furthermore, more than a few people have said the 360 is holding the PS3 back, in that if developers have to make a multiplatform game (and they almost always do if they wish to make a profit), they have to compensate for the 360's lacking in the hardware department. The more we see the industry advance – almost exclusively through the PS3; just look at Uncharted 2 – the more we're inclined to believe that. However, it's also true that 360 exclusives are the best of that system's library; Gears of War is a perfect example. At the same time, designers know it's easier to make a game for the 360 and they're still producing inferior versions for the system that has the most capability. I'm sorry, but this seems just…wrong. You know? In so many ways, the PS3 proves this is no longer 2007 but there's this one last stitch in the system's side it needs to remove.

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14 years ago

As long as Infinity Ward and Treyarch can keep up the good work with the COD franchise, I will be happy buying those games and PS3 exclusives. They are definitely head and shoulders above the rest of the field.

Last edited by rogers71 on 10/25/2009 11:29:18 PM

14 years ago

As much as i am with CoD these days, I'm have to say those two companies know gow to make multiplats shine on both consoles. They're identical.

14 years ago

Hey Banky what's your YouTube account? Mine is hoodge1. Yup I'm a member of the Trey (PS3) Brotherhood. I've been owning that little nerd MLD lately. Just started making vids to counter the Xbox 360 weebol Republic as I like to call it. MLD is fail everytime he makes a vid. He's so irrelevant it isn't even funny.

As for other members on here, come check out my vids. Our group of guys for PS3 is around 11,000 members. MLD's weak group of 360 nerd herds is around 1500. We own these guys everytime they speak. The only thing MLD clings onto is Halo Sales and 360's console lead which is diminishing rather quickly. He has no other ammo against the PS3.

I don't just focus on owning MLD. I focus on factual information and there is so many topics to talk about in concerns to the PS3. 360 I believe will repeat itself like it's first brother the Xbox. So again my account is (hoodge1). Come check out my page Blanky and send me a friend request. Anybody else in here wanna get in the fun, come join us. Trey4Life…

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

In a word, it's called laziness. Very prevalent through many industries.

Banky A
Banky A
14 years ago

Speaking of which..
GeneralMLD on YouTube called Polyphony Digital:


14 years ago

Fluffer I co-sign. It's just laziness and unwillingness BUT I don't blame them though, I could imagine being in a programmer's shoes, I don't think I'd love to work myself out just to get the best out of the complex PS3 whiles I can have it easily done on the 360.

Now let's take it the Xbox 360 never existed, we'll definitely have more games looking like Uncharted 2 if not better.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

Very true, www. I can understand why they would want to stick with what they know, and keep working with what's familiar, as long as they are continually trying to push it and get every last drop of performance out of it. Taking on new challenges is definitely not for everyone. 😉

Last edited by fluffer nutter on 10/26/2009 9:45:59 AM

14 years ago

Another thing its often called is: perceived ROI.

14 years ago

Taking on new challenges is definitely not for everyone. 😉

sounds like valve? 😉

14 years ago

I'm more confident in BioWare than you seem to be, they've never let me down. The way I see it is that their progress with the PS3 probably went better than anticipated and allowed them to bump up the release, there's no indication they are rushing it out.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

…what has Bioware done on the PS3?

14 years ago

what would the couple of weeks had done to better the game?

And the same could be said for Kojima Productions before they released MGS4, what games did they make for the ps3 prior?

Let's just wait and see before we put Dragon Age Origins down, i mean we all gotta start somewhere right?

And most of the time the problems described aren't even noticeable by most people until some smart alec says one is better than the other, like the bayonetta

Last edited by NightHawk17 on 10/26/2009 12:27:17 AM

14 years ago

I think he means in terms of quality dealing with games produced by the company, not necessarily for any specific system, but as a whole, and I have to agree. Bioware has always been trusty, and their games deliver what was promised. If they do mess this one up, it'll be a huge set back for them, as this is their first project on the PS3.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

What are you talking about? Kojima Productions has a very long history with PlayStation hardware, right from the start. For nearly 15 years.

Bioware has little to no experience with such hardware. That's all I'm saying.

14 years ago

i'm talking about the ps3 hardware, cause that's what you mentioned

14 years ago


I think its kinda unfair to compare Kojima Productions to Bioware. The main reason is that Kojima Productions have been a strong supporter, at least gamewise, to sony platforms while Bioware never made a game for any sony platform, at least to my recollection.

Second thing is that Kojima productions focused on the ps3 when they made Metal Gear Solid 4, in other words, the game is exclusive. The amount of work they put in to that game is completely for the ps3. Bioware is releasing a multiplatform game and on another platform where they dont have any experience in. You cant really compare work for a multiplatform game to an exclusive game. Theres a big difference when you look at an exclusive game by a game studio, as seen in MGS4 and Uncharted 2, compared with a multiplatform studio. Theres just no comparison between those games. I dont know if Bioware is handling the port of this game themselves or passing it over to another developer. If they do, then i have more respect for them than platinum games. I will not pay full price for a half assed port of a game. I apologize to sega, but if a developer sets out for a multiplatform game, they should've worked on it themselves to make sure both versions are identical down to the very last pixel or whatever it is.I hope you crank out another valkyria chronicles on the ps3.

14 years ago

Actually Ben I think he meant that production of DA on the PS3 went better than planned.

14 years ago

For a start Gioware have been vocal in their support of the PS3 dev they've done with DA so lets give them a chance, yes?

Secondly the reason GS downmarked the PS3 Borderlands was noting to do with the quality of what was on the disc-the versions are identical and Gearbox did a good job there. No, the issue is an oline one whioch is, to my knowledge already fixed and never a problem to me and many others anyway.

Thirdly, Vayonetta, the PS3 version was NEVER going to be as crisp as the 360 version as it's not even being made by the people who made the game(ring any bells-Valve/EA/TOB?). Platinum are REALLY lazy and never wanted to do the PS3 version themselves and how would Sega expect to maych what the game's creators did? Led on 360 and ported by an outsider? Not a good recipe is it?

That saod even then the differences are TINY and under the poor circumstances I feel Sega have done as well as can be expected. I've played the Japanese demo quite a lot and, tbh, I feel Kamiya has been really lazy with a lot of the game. He's basically made DMC lite with added tits and crazy and it's a bit phoned in on the level and gameplay design fronts for my liking even if artistically it's a good game.

Whatever, not even the reported slowdown isbad or that prevalent(happens at odd times though)and certaibnly not bad enough to make yopu buy the 360 version if, say, you prefer the DS3 to that awful lump they make us use on the 360!

So, yes, it's lazy but, really, isn't tha bad and Borderlands had an online issue while DA:O isn't out yet. It's a far cry from the days when every port was awful andf the onl;y really poor thing is that developers are sometimes refusing to lead on the PS3 which is the best way to get great games for both platforms-it's not a secret and , yes, when they won't do this it's insulting to ALL gamers as the games which perform best on both platforms tend to be developed PS3 first.

They'll have to keep sharpening up, mind, as with the influx of amazing exclusives way in excess of what a 3rd party game has ever offered on any platform PS3 gamers just son't NEED to buy dodgy multis anymore. Fact is, though, that they aim for parity and 90% of the time hit the mark.

14 years ago

Excuse me Ben but isn't PS3 hardware totally different than what it was in PS1 or PS2. Yes, Kojima has been with PS brand for years but that doesn't mean that the next-gen consoles are based on old tech. As for BIOWARE, lets just wait and see what they have done with the PS3 version.

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
14 years ago

At those who are confused,
What Ben meant was that Kojima Productions have a long history with working with PlayStation hardware and the staff from SCE that understand such hardware. He understands that MGS4 was the first release designed and produced to work in the PS3 but the R&D involved goes a lot deeper than just that. Not trying to poke holes in people but that's pretty blatant with what was typed.

14 years ago


As fluffer-nutter said, some of the history Kojima has with Playstation goes to his ability to work with Sony's people. However the PS3 is different from previous Playsation hardware – obviously. But, PS2 featured a multi-processor design (the EE) that used multiple FP math/vector units and a single general purpose processor core along with a specialist GPU. The model of programming the majority of your game code using the general purpose instruction set and then programming physics, particle effects, sound and other math intensive stuff on the math/vector units was set on the PS2. The PS3 follows this general model. So a programmer or designer used to breaking up their game into different types of workload or running things in parallel on the PS2 is a little ahead of the game on the PS3.

14 years ago

i personally dont think its fair to put Dragon Age in this category for a few reasons!

the first being it isn't released yet.

then we dont even know why it was supposed to be delayed to begin with! not to mention what was 2 weeks going to do for the team anyways, if it was a significant problem im assuming they would need more than 2 weeks.

next in the interview on the playstation blog bioware and the devs were prominent that the ps3 version well the console version would be and run the same on all consoles! i have no doubts that bio ware can make it work. if they wernt satisfied with the product they would delay it instead of bringing the release date up like they have done! this is a clear sign they are happy with the end result and they have accomplished what they wanted with the ps3 version.

my guess is the reason for the delay is they ran into a snag and pushed it back a couple weeks. along the lines they polished it up and said hey we can still get this out alongside the other versions.

im really looking forward to this game! and yes something could be wrong in the end result but i have faith and in there interview they sounded really good and had high hopes for the game!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

mastiff: That's entirely untrue about Borderlands. You can ask Arnold, if you wish. And it doesn't matter what the root cause of WHY Bayonetta is inferior on the PS3; I know WHY it is. The point is that it IS, and it shouldn't be.

Thirdly, I'm not saying I won't give Bioware a chance. What I'm saying is they have little to no experience on the PlayStation platforms, they have always developed almost exclusively for the PC and 360, Origins WAS delayed on the PS3 (causing no great confidence on my part), and they have a team that does NOT exactly specialize in PS3 hardware. Remember when Valve said they need more "PS3 guys" to really produce a good PS3 game? Say what you want, but I'm fairly certain Bioware isn't much different.

14 years ago

Bioware are true professionals to even mention them in the same sentence as Valve (in this regard obviously) seems wrong to me.

14 years ago

and valve arent?
they only created one of the most highly praised games even to today.
hell, every single game they release leaves gamers needing to change their pants.

14 years ago

no mr no name sir, they aren't true professionals. They talk trash all the time, like 8 year olds.

14 years ago

I believe he meant that bioware are at least trying to make a ps3 game instead of just sitting on HIS fat ass saying the ps3 sucks because its too hard for us to develop for it. Yes, they all sit on Gabes fat ass.

14 years ago

I call him line world lol, and you are absolutely right. Valve is a bunch of 8 year olds whos mouths go into action before thier brains do.

14 years ago

meh they make fantastic games thats all that matters.

14 years ago

Valve do make great games but when I said true pros I meant in the way they carry themselves. I don't think that they've ever said anything bad about anyone. Especially the doctors. They just go about their business, and are always there to provide a level of candid insight that is rare from game makers. I simply don't think it's fair to compare them to Valve (who's head douchebag has gone out of his way to make himself look and sound like a moron) before their game has even released. If anyone in the industry deserves the benefit of the doubt I think it's Bioware.

King James
King James
14 years ago

Thank you Shadow. I'm glad somebody said it.

My ONLY concern about Dragon Age is DLC. I don't want a Fallout 3 repeat.

Last edited by King James on 10/26/2009 7:12:40 PM

14 years ago

i use to think the same way about gabe, you should watch last weeks epp of good game on the ABC website.
they had a interview with gabe, and gabe sat down with one of the fans and went through his mods.
just from that interview i learned more about him as a person and more so as a developer than in the years ive been following valve.
he might shoot his mouth off a little too often and say some incredibly arrogant things, but hes no idiot he knows what hes doing.
watch it, you will know what i mean.

14 years ago

I will never forgive sega for lose time in a horrendous port instead of just give us Yakuza 3 and Kenzan.

14 years ago

Here's footage of ps3 DA:O. Skip to 7:04. Runs flawlessly.

King James
King James
14 years ago

Good find. Pop-in looks like a problem though.

14 years ago

The question is: Do I purchase a proven inferior piece of hardware to play a slightly superior piece of software? Personally I say no. To each his own, but I'm no graphics whore by any means, so I'd rather have my software than suffer the indignity of a broken hardware that won't play said software.

This trend won't continue for much longer as I anticipate Sony will probably start cracking their whip when they have the user base to do so. For now though, I say we should look to what I say are bigger games, like Tekken 6 and Final Fantasy 13 where both versions are virtually identical. Expect 2010 to really change the game when Sony's install base gets too large to ignore.


You can't really blame Sega; it was the original developers who pawned their problem off on them and expected Sega to handle it. I feel you though, I'd rather have Yakuza 3 sooner, but I don't think Bayonetta is the culprit there.

Last edited by Byakko2009 on 10/26/2009 12:08:44 AM

14 years ago

hey I was just jabbering about this last week, seems I was heard. It's a real pity though because then the xbots can still look down on the PS3 hardware. The whole thing is just assbackwards.

14 years ago

think of it this way. they have time to crap on the ps3 because:
1. Their xbox 360 is broken, as microsoft expected and set aside an ass load of money to "fix " it.
2. They have no games to look forward to. Hell, even halo odst didnt sell much for a halo game. also for those who are going to try and correct me about upcoming 360 games, multiplatform games dont count because ps3 will have them. And this is my opinion, i dont see any 360 exclusive games that i want to get in the near and possibly further future. Microsoft is just a no show right now.

*How about that, i just used the "It has no games excuse" that xbox fanboys always use when i described the 360.

King James
King James
14 years ago

But John if you take away CoD: Modern Warfare 2 and Assassin's Creed 2? What will they brag about?

14 years ago

@king james,

Well….they'll still have facebook and twitter. damn, were really missing out huh.

14 years ago

Its really a pain that we've yet to drop this trend…

I feel disrespected in a sense, its as if devs are saying "f*ck it just make a PS3 version as well"


Its a shame because they act as if they had no idea this would lead to defects in ports and they should've (as Ben noted) made the games all together instead of banking the buck after the fact!

And quite frankly im tired of having half made games on CD's and then having to wait for a patch to have it completed! If this continues we'll end up with half made games waiting for a patch that'll complete developement for them…


14 years ago

the solution is simple.
every single game is exclusive to one system or the other.
that way no one needs to worry about getting the inferior version because theres only one.
where this would hurt sales in the early run, it will adjust itself fairly quickly.
and we all know 360 exclusives have no problems selling well.

or even better, make each version of a game for a particular platform.
have 1 team working on one platform and another working on the other and so on.
like what capcom did for resident evil 5.
yea, it would cost more money, and take longer but given the quality resulting it i think its well worth it.

Last edited by ___________ on 10/26/2009 12:55:38 AM

14 years ago

You could argue that the ps3 got an inferior re5 too. Frame rate sucked and the textures had a lower res.

Re5 was such a dissapointment.

14 years ago

Thats how infinity ward handle modern warfare and modern warfare 2. I know i read somewhere that they put their best developers on the ps3 version since they knew it was harder and the rest worked on the 360 version. The main thing here that seperates them from the rest of the multiplatform studios, they worked on it at the same time and not completed one version and decide to work on the "port". granted that square enix is doing it this way with FFXIII, but FFXIII wasnt even supposed to be multiplatform but the money hungry bastards at SE couldnt ignore Microsofts big'ol bag o' money and decided to sacrifice the quality of their game. Before they other people say that SE isnt sacrificing quality, i believe they are by moving multiplatform, I would like to point you to Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, and Metal Gear Solid 4. They are all in a league of their own and showcases what the ps3 is capable of which kicks any other game to the corner.

14 years ago

i really could not tell the difference between both resi titles.
but yea it was a massive disappointment i wish capcom would just go back and do a remaster of resi 4.
everything the same, just with HD visuals and trophies.
but if you want the best version of resi 5 the PC version is so much better.

14 years ago

This is why I rarely buy games from 3rd party devs that I'm not familiar with. I'm sick of paying full price for crappy xbox ports. I say if the games ported then mark it down. Its bs to expect us to pay the same amount of money for an inferior copy. Screw these lazy ass devs. They can keep their crappy games.

14 years ago

I'm still upset that GTA is inferior for the PS3. The developers cover up their inability to push the PS3 by saying, they like the blur in PS3 version.

14 years ago

yes, and i like a lower price for a piece of crap port. Sounds like a fair deal to me.

14 years ago

Yo I just saw the Dragon Age Origins commercial and there is no PS3 logo.

14 years ago

That happens a lot…too damn often. Don't you know you're supposed to jump in?

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