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Uncharted 160GB PS3 Bundle Drops To $299 At Sony Style

Maybe you don't yet own a PlayStation 3 but games like Uncharted 2: Among Thieves have finally convinced you to make the purchase. However, don't immediately run right out and by the PS3 Slim…

The Slim comes with a 120GB hard drive and is about 1/3 lighter, slimmer, and better on power consumption, but there's a deal out there right now that makes the $299 Slim look pricey. The 160GB PS3 bundle, featuring a copy of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and a voucher for a downloadable game, used to carry a hefty $499 price tag. But Sony is trying to get rid of all remaining stock so if you act right now, head over to Sony Style and nab that very same package for $200 less! That's right, you can get all this for the exact same price as the PS3 slim by itself: $299 . Now, you don't get the newer redesigned machine but the extras in this bundle are well worth the price, especially with lots of new Drake fans looking back to the original title they missed. Besides, it's the biggest hard drive available, even though Sony will release the 250GB PS3 Slim on November 3. It's highly unlikely that this deal will be around for very long; once the 160GB package disappears, it'll be gone forever, so maybe now is the time to pounce.

Great deals are often tough to come by in this industry, which is why we want to keep you up-to-date concerning awesome savings like this. This is so much easier on your wallet!

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15 years ago

whoa, thats good value!

15 years ago

That's a damn good deal for anyone looking to buy a ps3.

15 years ago

i never got around to finishing uncharted, borrowed it from a friend but after returning it i never thought of finishing it, now im regretting that =P i should buy this, get myself another ps3 for the living room, and finish the game alongside with it

15 years ago

It took me until last March to finally get Uncharted, (I was waiting for the price to drop, it didn't, so I grabbed it). Then, it became a greatest hits title … (that always seems to happen right after I purchase a new game). Well worth it, though.

If I had a need for another PS3, this is a great deal.

15 years ago

And I thought sequel doesn't spur the sale of hardware but Uncharted 2 does.

15 years ago

how could you not know? MGS4 was a sequel, killzone 2 was also. hell even Call of duty 4 is if you take it loosely.

15 years ago

DAM! i wish i was in america, i would buy another one… stupid new zealand they wont lower shit!

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago

Yeah, we suck with prices for hardcore gaming stuff.

15 years ago

That is a really really good deal actually! They may have this in Singapore at some stage; will look out for it!


"i am home"

Banky A
Banky A
15 years ago


15 years ago

i dont think we'll ever get that deal here in jamaica cuz its in the stores us800$

15 years ago

i would say wait till the new 250GB slim is out.
here it released on the 15th and came with uncharted 2 MW and a HDMI cable.
not bad considering the PSP go is 50 bucks less but comes with no games and no HDMI cable.

15 years ago

I would have loved to pick this up, but I got bills to pay, so chances are that by te time I get my next paycheck this baby will be gone.

Is anyone just alittle ticked off about that fact that Sony is phasing out the original ps3 so soon in the console war. I mean we aren't even 5 years into this gen of games, and Sony has already released a slim. What are they ganna do 3 years from now if sales of the ps3 slow down again, release a ps3 slim slim.(sorry about the rant, been of rough week)

PS, I strongly advise anyone who bough U2 as their first entry in the series to go and pick up U1,if you are hot off the original it makes going through U2 even more kicka$$.

Last edited by Charger7302 on 10/19/2009 12:35:45 AM

15 years ago

well, its not like its disappearing completely. Its still able to do pretty much everything the older ps3s could do except for the intalling other os thing but only the hardcore guys are using that. although i have the high end ps3 (60gb), i consider this as an upgrade to a more energy and space efficient model.

However, i would say that Sony was forced to phase it out because of all the people bitching that it was too expensive, which in my opinion, was a great deal when i bought it 600 bucks. So they took out stuff to lower the price but then people bitched about the things they took out. Dont even get me started on backwards compatibility because in my experience, the ps3 game library is big enough and have a lot of amazing games that you wont really go back to playing ps2 games.

Last edited by johnld on 10/19/2009 12:54:49 AM

15 years ago

Well, let's look at it like this. The PlayStation launched in the U.S. in 1995; five years later the PSone redesign was released. The PS2 was launched in the U.S. in 2000; four years later the PStwo redesign was released. The PS3 was launched in 2006; three years later the Slim was released. Eh, three years isn't that long, but it's not that short either. Just as long as there's not a redesign two years in to the next hardware cycle (if there will be one).

15 years ago

Best bundle deal this gen!

Anyone without a ps3 would be dumb not to get that bundle

15 years ago

this one is backwards compatable right?

fluffer nutter
fluffer nutter
15 years ago

PS = yes. PS2 = no.

Last edited by fluffer nutter on 10/19/2009 3:15:55 AM

15 years ago

Man,why is it that all these deals show up when I don't have any money?

15 years ago

Its called "life"…


"i am home"

15 years ago

Well, I got an 80GB for $400, and Uncharted for $25. So, grrrr… 🙂 I knew if I waited they would come down in price. But it still hurts. sniff sniff.

15 years ago

I'd get it if I didn't have one already and it's bundled with one of the best games ever made

15 years ago

Great deal!

15 years ago

my 60 gb launch yellow lighted on me. Are these prone to getting yellow lighted? because i'm sure the slims don't have that problem

15 years ago

Last week Sony Style had the 80GIG for $249 with a extra free controller and the 3 year warranty was $29. I was tempted, but I already bought a Slim.

The PSPGo is $199 and Gran Turismo for PSP is $19 at Fry's.

15 years ago

Wow, looks like Sony is really doing well. Ps3 slims are selling like fast and this is a great offer. My friend says that even when it was $400 Sony would give an $100 instant in-store rebate, is it true?

Metal Head
Metal Head
15 years ago

Too late for me. I already have 3 and proud of it. How about letting us download our own disc ps1 games on the psp courtesy of Sony?.

15 years ago

i have my fatty ps3 but ima get a slim for myself and leave the fatty to my two brothers

15 years ago

It's an okay deal but, with the PS3s (YLOD) or yellow light of death, with the fat models it's chancy. Your better off waiting on the Nov. 3rd Slim. All manufacturing defects are supposed to be abolished from the new slims. If you want a deal on Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, get it on eBay.