Most everyone knows Hideo Kojima is the mastermind behind the famed Metal Gear Solid franchise, but hardcore action fans also know he produced another series and while only the second installment really garnered all the attention, the fans have been hoping for a third ever since…
Zone of the Enders 2 featured some of the most fast-paced and intense action ever seen when it released on the PS2; the quick, responsive, and even mind-blowing mid-air mech combat was proof that Kojima could make just about anything. And the good news? It's not a matter of "if" we're getting another ZoE title; it's a matter of when . Kojima said as much at his blog the other day (as translated by Andriasang ) and it's bound to make those aforementioned fans smile. Kojima says it's a title that "even now, six years later, is extremely well received by the press and users." But unfortunately, due to "errors in setting the release time frame," the game simply didn't meet sales expectations. Kojima accepts all the blame for this as such a mistake does fall on the shoulders of the producer and the ironic part is that ZoE 2 suffered the same fate other games may suffer in 2010.
You know how a lot of publishers pushed their games out of this year and into 2010 to avoid certain massive holiday titles? Well, Kojima did the same thing with ZoE 2, and the same thing happened that's going to happen next year: all those titles that got pushed will all jam up together again in the February and March period, thereby avoiding nothing in the way of competition. And Kojima believes that if he hadn't made that error, Anubis (what the Japanese call ZoE 2) "might have ended up a major Kojima Productions title to follow MGS, still seeing development as a series." And while that might imply we won't ever see it again, Kojima clarifies:
"We'd like to make an Anubis sequel at some point. Also, we feel that if we do it, we'd like to make Anubis succeed this time. I already have a game plan and method for sales in my head. However, we don't know if it will be green lighted. The production lines within Kojima Productions are currently full."
Aw… But :
"I cannot make a promise about time. However, I can promise a sequel."
That's all we need to know. Everyone say "thank you," even if you know you'll have to wait a while.
YEP! good news!
ha, whats that?
speak up sunny, i cant hear ya.
Last edited by ___________ on 10/17/2009 1:08:51 AM
Awesome News!!!!
…never played ZoE 1 or 2. I wanted to but could never find a copy of either.
Is it super awesome?
What the hell? You haven't played either GoW and now THIS?! What the heck WERE you playing on the PS2?
Best action games for me were ZOE and GOW.
Yeah lol, what did you put into your PS2?
I played all GoW titles and have had the third preordered for almost a year now, but i have played ZoE 1 but not the second, could never find a copy, but just from the 1st one yes it was a very fun game for its gen and I think if it comes to the ps3 it will be a epic game.
As a matter of fact, they are. Two of my favorite PS2 games.
I only did the 1st….and only got it for the demo of MGS2.
It was quite good indeed. LOVED the control mechanic. Story was interesting too and boss battles were great.
I'd welcome another.
It would definitely be multi platform this time if i read between the lines here.
Hot diggity HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!
This is amazing! I was just thinking about this game last week when a kid in my GameDev class was playing Omega Boost.
Omega Boost!! I still have that. Made by Polyphony if I'm not mistaken. The soundtrack had Loudmouth and Static-X. Man, I still love that game.
Now to finish ZoE2.
Yes coverton they are the best mech games ever made! Me being the collector I am still have both of my original launch copies and have waiting for the announcement of a third entry for what seems like forever now! I was hoping it was one the new games they were gonna announce when they confirmed the new Castlevania and MGS games at this years TGS.
Last edited by Mista on 10/16/2009 1:38:20 PM
I love mech games and ZoE2 was by far the best there's ever been. Why there hasn't been two dozen ZoE games is beyond me. No please, keep pumping out the Armored Core crap…
never heard or played the game
But is it PS3 exclusive?
Konami will force him not to make it exclusive
Specially if Microsoft pays them not to.
MGS5 > any ZOE sequel
But still good nonetheless
Lol, no, mgs needs a rest
yea i agree MGS needs a rest.
bring us something else, this or even better a new IP.
Can't really express my feelings on the interwebs but..
Ohhh right yeah!
I wanna' rape Viola some more. lol
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!…..Raping VIOLA was hella run for me to on both games.
Why would you need ZOE when you can buy DW: Gundam?
Sounds good to me. Don't remember loving it before but I can't say I hated it.
If they really want to spark interest, make it PS3 exclusive.
Oooo god oooo hot diggity man I love this game I have the first one I played the demo of the ZOE2 it is simply breathtaking who needs gundam and that blashemy armor core I tell u this is the best news so far…….I can't find this game ianywhere here in nyc gamestop but I have to play it so I can catch up to the story…………but give me my dam mgs5 if hideo decides that
Oooo god oooo hot diggity man I love this game I have the first one I played the demo of the ZOE2 it is simply breathtaking who needs gundam and that blashemy armor core I tell u this is the best news so far…….I can't find this game ianywhere here in nyc gamestop but I have to play it so I can catch up to the story…………but give me my dam mgs5 if hideo decides that
I just love this game so much. i trade in all my games, I just don't make enough to warrant keeping them. When I got my PS3 and soon after traded in all my PS2 title and the system. ZOE: The 2nd Runner, was one title that I couldn't part with I simply love the game far to much and have played it on my PS3 many times sense. I would say a sequel could not come fast enough but as long as I know its on the way someday, their is still hope.
How many people watched the movie and the anime series.
God works in mysterious ways 😉
I've never played a ZOE game. Is it a Armored Core type game with less clunky conrols?
Last edited by Wage SLAVES on 10/17/2009 12:19:24 AM
Silky smooth controls.
And fast – robot- action (which sounded weird the 1st time).
so thats where capcom got the vertical jetpack gameplay from?
never played any of the ZOE games, or any of the team ico games so mayb the publishers can do a remastered edition like the GOW collection.
i find it really hard to believe a Kojima game could sell poorly, considering how popular he is.
i mean his got a massive fanbase.
put Kojima on the front of any title and it will sell millions.
kinda like halo.
All hail Kojima. I'm serious.
Bringing this game to the next gen or even better PS3 exclusive will definitely set the bar of gaming higher.
Last edited by Snaaaake on 10/17/2009 3:57:01 AM
I'm kinda shocked that ZOE didn't sell better than it did. ZOE was one of my favorite games on ps2. The ps3 needs ZOE, or at least I do.
YESSSSSSSS! I have 1 and have semi permanently borrowed 2 from my cousin. I bought or beat them both when they came out and they are amazing games. Im about to replay them both. ZoE3 on ps3 would be the shit. Kojima please!
holee cow! i've been crying for this for a very long time! i've loved zone of the enders and the second runner! they are rare pieces even on amazon!
Omg on the PS2 this game was pretty but on the PS3 …Oh my heart be still! I'm so happy he's coming out with another ZOE. I had to break knee caps to get the second one and the first but it was sooo worth it. Squee! I can't wait!
Holy f*cking f*ckballs…
I remember playing thru ZOE2 on easy after I unlocked every weapon and ability just so I could play thru the game fast enough to record it with my VCR ^_^
I've still got the 4 hour VHS tape lying around somewhere lol
I swear its the best game/movie ever lol ^_^