There's no doubt that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will provide gamers with one of the best online multiplayer experiences ever, but if you're looking for co-op for the campaign mode, you'll be disappointed.
However, Infinity Ward didn't just forget to include it, nor were they being lazy in the development process. The bottom line, according to IW's Robert Bowling, is that they experimented with campaign co-op but in the end, it "ruined the experience." Instead, we'll get the Spec Ops mode, which is a "dedicated, mission-based co-op section playable either online or locally in split-screen," which sounds intriguing. In regards to the failed idea for campaign co-op, Bowling had this to say :
"We did it early on; that’s what Spec Ops started out as, as co-op through story. But it really broke the cinematic experience, took the immersion out of it, out of the story and the pacing and everything we’d spent so long crafting. It just ruined the experience we were aiming for, so we took it out, kept the single-player for that one player intact and polished it."
Essentially, the team decided to take all the best moments from the co-op campaign they ditched and implement those into the new Spec Ops mode. Bowling says you "really get the best of both worlds" in this way, so few fans should be complaining. Everyone is looking for co-op these days but let's just consider Spec Ops to be a new progression in the world of multiplayer; we have good reason to be optimistic.
Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Hmm, interesting. Oh well, wasn't planning on getting it.
You'll be sorely missing out on one of the best games this year. I hope it's not simply because of a bias against FPS games, or for your possible distaste for Activision and its dictator.
Last edited by The_R0gue_Ninja on 10/16/2009 12:42:37 AM
Everything news related to this game is awesome. Sounds good. Can't wait for this game!
i know, this spec ops sounds good because its like, "here take bonus features, play them with a friend and they're also 'bloopers'"
Hm, I thought they already said most of this? Like that the co-op stuff really wan't the campaign but instead like little missions like at the end of CoD4 on the plane.
yeah on qore they intervied o i forget who it was anyways, and he said they are little missions like u said legendary, at the end of cod4: MW.
honestly if they are like that little timed missions, i could do without. i dont wanna rush through an area with a buddy using the excuse that this is good enough when i would rather play those little missions alone, or better yet have an alternate mission for co op. what they should have done is taken pointers from ND and their online coop for UC2 which is alternate of the story but still is paced well for co op.
i hope it turns out good, but when you hear spec ops, it doesnt sound good in relation to wanting co op!?!?
either way though the multiplayer will serve plenty 4 interest!
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/15/2009 1:18:22 PM
i dont really mind about the co op tbh i'd still play it but its the mp which will be good
are they gonna have a "nazi zombie" game
I heard it's going to be hard as Hell!
sounds a little like resistance 2's co-op campain (minus the classes and big boss battles)
Big Boss battles… Hardly, more like over healthed idiot Chimera who turns in circles as it showers in bullets.
I'm gonna try the spec ops mode this sunday on the First Look event in Amsterdam!
yay! split screen offline coop! Resistance 2 had online coop but having offline coop with online too is just awesome.
resistance had offline
It just sucked.
my bad for the multiple post, computers acting up.
Last edited by johnld on 10/15/2009 4:50:11 PM
Last edited by johnld on 10/15/2009 4:50:20 PM
Have to wait and see about this mode. The 4p online co-op on COD5 was really nice. You just had to play with the right people.
they should've at least made co-op 3 players
im really glad they did this.
now instead of playing through the game all over again it will be different missions.
only if more developers did this.
i can agree to co-op ruining a game – in some ways. the spec ops sounds quite interesting, its either going to be a great gaming experience or the ruining of the call of duty franchise