Oh, what're you doing now , Capcom? You guys are loopy.
If we remember correctly, this is the same company that scattered fake body parts all around London (was it London or San Francisco?) and told gamers to go on a grisly treasure hunt in the middle of the day. It was a promotion for Resident Evil 5 , of course. Well, they're going for it again; this time the game is Dark Void and the event is so freakin' secret, not only will they not give you any details whatsoever, they're not even going to tell you where it is! Oh, but it's true. Check out Capcom Unity to learn more about this super mysterious event. The requirements are simple: you only need to be 21 years of age (if you don't have a valid ID in the form of a US driver's license, you can't go), and you have to be available for the initial assembly at 2 p.m. on Monday, October 12. They'll tell all invitees to meet at a certain spot in San Francisco and then they will all be driven to the secret location where – we assume – they will be greeted to a huge Dark Void unveiling. Oh, and this runs until 7:30 p.m. so make sure you've got that block of time all marked off on your calendar. And don't be late or they might leave without you.
Want in? Hit the link on the page there and send an e-mail saying why you should be selected. What makes you special? Why should you be among the group that gets an exclusive sneak peek? Explain!
Related Game(s): Dark Void
"I like to cum. I like it when I get my nuts off."
True poetry.
After playing and not finishing RE5, I hate capcom more than ever. I loved capcom on the ps2 now I don't care what game they release anymore. Trophies make this game bearable. Dark Void doesn't interest me one bit.
im assuming you didnt like RE5?
I really enjoyed it! In fact when the demo hit i dispised it though always talking it down, from the tank controls to the rediculous A.I!
But as time went on my curiosity grew and i found a buddy who owned it, and after a couple weeks we finally finished it, last night, well this morning at 1:00 a.m! I must say RE5 is engaging, and very fun! It was complete opposite of what i played in the demo. The controls were fine for the situations u were put in, and co-op was done with excellence!
Anyways these events are a good idea, and i personally think is a great way to promote!
This is just silly. Whatever is revealed during this "secret event" will be on the internet within minutes, officially or not.
Oh God… : eyes roll over:
…it can remain in its void!
"i am home"
Last edited by Qubex on 10/8/2009 11:26:30 PM
In it's.. how should I say, dark void?
im actually looking forward to this.
the vertical combat has allot of petentional.
but than so did damnation and we all know how that turned out.
Damn that nation of gaming tyranny.
worst game ive ever played.
and the only game i have not bothered to finish.
not even worth it for the trophies, terminator salvation i can handle but damnation was to far.
I signed up for it. I live close enough and can take the time off to go to it. If I get selected, which is doubtful, I will let you guys know what it was all about. Though I highly doubt I will get selected, I have never had any luck with those types of things.
Never heard of it.