The rumors began flying several days ago, and it has essentially been confirmed today .
Since their respective launches in November, both the PS3 and Wii have been in extremely short supply, much to the chagrin of holiday consumers. But now, it appears some retailers have been told to hold any PS3s and Wiis until Sunday, December 17, when they're "guaranteed" to have some in stock.
After calling some of the local stores in the area (EB, GameStop, Best Buy, Target), none would confirm an actual number, but they all confirmed they would certainly have at least a few of each system in stock this Sunday. EB said "a small handful" while Best Buy hopes to have "about as many as they had on launch day" in regards to the Wii. That Best Buy had 60 Wiis back on launch day, so that's certainly good news, and a recent leaked Best Buy newsletter said stores would have a "minimum of 40 Wiis" come December 17.
Things are a bit more vague concerning the PS3, but that doesn't necessarily mean there will be less PS3s than Wiis (although it wouldn't be surprising); it simply means the retailers aren't as "in the know" when it comes to Sony's shipping plans. Either way, if you're looking to land either before Christmas, this Sunday may be your best – and last – hope.