Hey…where did this come from? How come we never heard of this before? We follow Final Fantasy XIII like it was our own child out there, wandering the mysterious, barren plains of "coming soon" land.
Well, maybe this is just the first time anyone is hearing of it. According to the Unofficial Final Fantasy Site , Square-Enix has announced Final Fantasy XIII: Episode Zero , which is "a set of stories that lead up to the events of FFXIII, to be released online separately and likely in a physical form at a later date." So basically, this prequel will show up before the game hits store shelves – we assume – and as we find at the game's official website , the story will be penned by Jun Eishima, a veteran of the long-running franchise. And just to clarify, we're not talking about a game, here; these are stories you will read, and the first episode will be entitled, "Encounter." It should be available "soon" although there's no word yet on whether or not a translated version will pop up on the North American and/or European Networks. The storylines in this series have always been stellar and to have some lead-in plot well before we dive into FFXIII should be helpful. No worries about feeling lost, or anything.
We'll let you know if Square-Enix makes another announcement that says these stories will be translated into English. For the sake of all hardcore FF fans 'round these parts, we hope that time is soon.
Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII
Nice, cant wait for this game
Not keen on this, i like my grand FF games to be in one package.
Exactly what I was thinking. Knowing Squeenie that story is gonna cost ya…
I thought Agito XIII was the prequel to XIII. Square is running out of ideas. All these spin offs, prequels and sequels are getting stale. I remember when X-2 was announced. I thought to myself "this can't be good" and it wasn't.
When was it ever stated that Agito was a prequel to XIII?
When it was announced and still in it's cellphone iteration. Maybe that changed when they decided to move it to the PSP.
I'm relieves they decided to put Agito on PSP, i hate mobile phone exclusives. Like Last Order and that FFIV title
I kindda liked X-2. The X iteration needed an ending. Just for clarification i loved VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XII. not into MMO ff and never played the older ones. I think I'm starting to be a videophile. I love VII but i cant seem to play it for a long time before i get bored.
I want a prequel to Square-Enix.
fuckthat moderator approval.it knows nothing but shit.
Chill man. They just need to verify what your posting. Anything with a www dot And/or dot com needs to be approved to filter out unwanted or inappropriate content.
Sheesh. Kids these days.
Last edited by Jawknee on 9/18/2009 12:16:19 PM
Probably a twitter addict with all the patience of a hyperactive gnat.
You kids and your drugs.
Drugs only amplify stupidity.
Does this mean someone took a look at the story in FFXIII and realized that it makes no sense, said "oh well it's too late to change it now" and hired some people to fix the story by writing shorts?
Could be… Surprised they didn't just make (and include) a DVD with the game. This is a good excuse to give those who missed Advent Children a nice cg Anime movie w/FF13.
Easy, can't fit everything they planned thanks to the 16 discs on 360.. that alot of story musta been cut
Chances are someone will come and do a fan-translation if SE doesn't. I don't think Squenix would mind.
Ok, this is not really FF XIII related but I'm stuck and I know guys and girls on this board can help me out —
I have a PSP and PS3. I have PS1 game saves — like Symphony of the Night — saved on my PS3. Can I transfer that game save to the PSP?
I post this under an FF story because i really, really want to playthrough FF VII again, but I know I'll want to play on PSP sometimes, and PS3 othertimes, while obviously just using one game save. If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it!
Same way as copying ps1 games to psp, i guess. Put your psp in USB mode, connect it to ps3, Copy file to the psp, check your psp under game saves. Although it might be easier to just use remote play.
thanks man!
I wished it was in cutscene form though in the game. But reading isnt bad too.
I like this. More epic stories in video games need written continuations. Of course, a game would be much preferred, but I like the idea of novel sequels/prequels.
Will it at least come in comic/manga form or is it just text? Because we can all just read text off the internet ya know. Scratch that, scans of any art will pop up on the net too.
FYI: replaying FFVI off the Anthology disc on my PS3, love that B/C filter on the HD!
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 9/18/2009 3:15:21 PM
So Square spent TOO much time on the game such that they had enough storyline to make another game out of it? What does this all mean?
I love books and reading, so anything that can add to the experience is great. I can't see why people are complaining about this.
Jawknee says above that this is getting 'stale'. I disagree (no offense). I can't see many other stand-alone games with little extras like this.
If it's a book, it should come with perforated pages in case you want to read while using the john. Don't want to get stranded.
How about releasing FINAL FANTASY XIII a year ago or this fall Squenix.
i will love the game like hell and play it lot, but i still do not agree with the SE's business practice, every move and effort they make now is not to think the gamer first, but to make more money if you have been paying attention wut they say and do for recent years,,,
Doubt it's releasing before FFXIII since Expectation Leads To Dissapointment. Most sequels do not seem to ever surpass the original [obvioulsy since the original hits you brand spanking new, and of course Expectation Leads To Dissapointment]. The story alone of the FFXIII prequel could wreck the original installment itself.
Weird thing is though, prequels released after the sequel [original] always seemed to get praised.