Although I have been a role-playing fan for about 17 years, I always know that during the first few years of any given generation, there's going to be a dry spell. This generation has been no different, but I love all genres these days, and there's no shortage of fantastic titles out there.
That being said, I'm excited to see so many potentially great RPGs heading our way; most of which are scheduled to drop in the month of October and only White Knight Chronicles won't make it until this year. Perhaps the best part is that these are all very different in their own way: you've got BioWare's new project, Dragon Age: Origins , which is bound to appeal to fans of past BioWare titles and those who have enjoyed the likes of Fable . This is almost guaranteed to be a winner if you're a fan of Western-style RPGs, so there's little risk in picking this one up (unless you don't know what you're getting into). Than there's Obsidian and Sega's Alpha Protocol , which has been described as the "Espionage RPG," which makes us think it's like a Bond-esque role-playing/action/adventure game. We figure this one will appeal to all you spy-hounds and fans of the more sci-fi/futuristic setting; very much different than Dragon Age , White Knight , or Demon's Souls .
Speaking of WKC, it's the lone title of the bunch that can be considered to be a true "JRPG," as it features the expected anime artistry and flair that fans of the sub-genre have come to expect. One should anticipate a solid story – perhaps better than in any of the other RPGs on display here – and a combination of turn-based and real-time combat action. Borderlands reminds us of Deus Ex a little, in that it has a sci-fi setting and a first-person perspective…and is still thought of as an RPG. I'm still not sure if I'm interested in this type of thing, but it certainly has promise. And then there's Demon's Souls , the RPG that garnered a huge amount of critical acclaim and praise when it launched in Japan earlier this year, and it's a straight-up, hardcore, dark-themed RPG that features both an interesting story, some freedom and exploration, and a definite challenge.
Oh, and we should probably tell you that we'll have a Demon's Souls review for you a whole lot earlier than you might expect (it releases on October 6). Just stay tuned. 😉 And in the end, with all these RPG choices, fans of the genre should really be encouraged. The time has finally come this generation!
I can't wait for WKC, but until then I'm gonna give Borderlands a try.
Me too! I've already fully paid for my pre-order of Borderlands.
I am in much anticipation for this game, and mostly because of the split-screen co-op. My brother and I love to play games cooperatively, but so few games this generation, excluding the likes of Gears of War (which I love, by the way), feature split-screen co-op. It is rather sad. You might say that I'm rather starved for games featuring this option.
Don't forget Resonance of Fate, I don't know if it has a release date but it looks very promising. When a console brings the RPGs my wallet comes out to play 🙂
Are we allowed to say mother fu**er?
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/2/2009 12:20:03 AM
I agree, Resonance of Fate looks amazing.
I don't know about WKC…it got kind of so-so reviews in Japan despite all the hype and the story sounds pretty generic. Supposably the version we get over here will be enhanced so we'll see.
LOl Ben Pwnd me!
I'm buying every mother fu**ing RPG you just mentioned. My thirst for RPGS has never been greater and I refuse to go thirsty any longer.
Why force a choice you don't want to =) Get them all!!!
I'm pretty stoked for what's coming up. I've got my eyes on WKC personally but Dragon age might be worth it. Demon's souls.. well, we'll see.
RIP the days of the plentiful and grand JRPGs!
Demon souls has greatly stood out to me so far as something that will really keep my eyes open and my hands busy for weeks after its purchase so… I PRE-ORDERED IT TWO MONTHS AGO!!! Lol all the others will have to wait until I've completed that title (^_^)
Well Ben…Western rpgs don't interest me at all
So that ONLY leaves Demon's Soul and White Knight Chronicles
Oh! Though Tales of Vesperia wasn't received well, it might be one of those fun rpgs which I tend to like but most don't like…
Anyway we need more jrpgs!
Anyway we need more jrpgs! ITA 110%
Demon's Souls is basically a WRPG through and through.
Weeeeell true true, but for some reason I kinda don't see it as one…must be 'cause it was made by a Japanese dev…
Oh well, guess the only one's WKC then…
So sad, ps1 days were filled with jrpgs of ALL kinds… 🙁
The Tales series is underrated in my opinion. Just because it doesn't stand up to juggernauts like Final Fantasy or The Legend of Zelda, does not mean that it isn't a comparable series. I believe that Tales games have elements that others don't offer:
1. Four player co-op
– Tell me how that is NOT awesome?
2. Engaging stories
3. A large cast of well developed characters
4. Huge worlds to explore
The list could go on and on.
Now, I will admit that not every Tales game has each one of these elements (Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Legendia to name two), but the ones that do are great!
Personally, I am very excited about Tales of Vesperia coming to PS3, and I sincerely hope that North America will have it soon.
I really liked the Neverwinter Nights by bioware so I will be getting Dragon Age.. Alpha Protocol I look forward to because I like the idea of espionage rpg. I already own Demon Souls…
Last edited by bebestorm on 9/1/2009 11:04:39 PM
You likey?
Wouldn't Atlus have to ship Demon's Souls review copies months in advance to guarantee a release-date review?
I think Ben's is on its way to his door.
Wrong. It's sitting in the PS3 now. 😉
arg, now I got pwned.
At least he didn't take a ck away from you.
once again….LMFAO!
My list in order
1: WKC
2: Demon's Souls
3: Resonance of Fate
4: Alpha Protocol
5: Dragon Age
So depending upon release dates that's where they stand for me.
Bring back the Ninja, bring it back!
You mean me as a ninja circa 2002?
YES, I miss the old World, stop acting like a 14 year old and keep the same damn picture! Highlander apologized for his immature ways and went back to the picture I like.
I concur. I associate you with that picture. Not that there's anything wrong with Tifa.
I need a better avatar, myself. I went for a quick option, since I was using the server at work when I chose it. My first choice was Ramza, but I didn't want to intrude on Ben's territory.
On topic, I'm not finished with Oblivion and my next RPG purchase will be Fallout 3 GOTY. After that, It'll probably be time for FFXIII. Of these, I'd probably lean toward Dragon Age, but I'd love to see someone bring the turn-based mechanic into the 21st century.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 9/2/2009 1:10:28 AM
There is something wrong with Tifa. She's a poor, unclean, impure you know what. Arieth on the other hand is a pure, kind, lovely young woman.
I agree world , bring the sword back !
Fane you shouldn't be allowed to edit that much. You're lucky I reread just about every post due to severe awesomeness.
I usually write the first line, submit, and then finish my thought…mostly because I use the PS3 browser and it's a pain to scroll up and down. I also try to make sure it's as clear and correct as possible. I don't usually change anything after the first few minutes. : )
I love Tifa, she's wonderful. 🙂
Although, I don't like that picture of her…
and the bad thing is that probably all of these have exclusive in game content that you can only get if you pre order it
so I will probly end up buying at least three of them
The whole pre-ordering thing really pisses me off. They make a game than decide to unleash multiple versions with minute differences depending on where the game is pre-ordered none of which justify the process. I only pre-order one game franchise (FF of course) the rest I play whatever comes in the game case. Anyone that buys multiple copies of a game just so they can have a special level or mini game has too much money to begin with.
Vertigo I thumbs upped you because I agree, and to offset the down thumb you got :()
Uh Oh…I took on the tremendous responsibility of shielding you all from the thumbs downs by being the fall guy. If they find out you're trying to balance things out they might come after you.
Thank you 🙂
Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 9/2/2009 12:52:06 AM
There's too many RPG coming. It's like the PS3 RPG has been constipated ever since launch, now the great games finally sees the light of day.
Sony got some senokat
@godsman: oh great now I've got images of constipated robots crapping RPG's into my PS3… that image aint leaving any time soon (T_T) lol
Just want FFXIII, WNC, and Tales if Vesperia or what ever.
Right now I'm most intersted in Demons souls. Dragon age looks pretty generic so far, and WKC pissed me off by taking forever to get here. It only looked awesome when it was the only RPG out there but I believe it's launching alongside FFXIII now for god's sake.
I can't wait for the Demon's Souls review then!
So far, I'm just waiting for Katamari Forever and I need to save up for a DSi to play Scribblenauts within the next 2 weeks.
I bought a DS just so I could play Professor Layton. There I said it…
FFIII and FFIV on DS kick arse too.
agh sonys releasing to many exclusives in october with uncharted 2 R&CACIT deamon souls and ninja gaiden sigma 2.
not to mention all the bloody multiplats i want to get like alpha protocol, SAW,(i actually want that game bad, it could be interesting if it doesnt get banned which ill bet my left nut it will. typical OFLC its ok for a movie but not a game, go figure) borderlands, brutal legend.
i wish they would move one or some of those to this month, besides batman AA, section 8, and halo ODST, theres no games i want coming out this month.
i dont get it sonys games sell poorly at the best of times, so to improve sales they release all their games in the 1 month and to make matters worse the month they pick happens to be the busiest month of the year with multiplat titles.
wheres the logic in that?
i always thought sony were dumb, but they dident have to prove it to me.
There are so many things wrong with your comment, I don't know where to begin!
WTF? I need an interpreter…. What? Is that really english?
Man, I am getting old!