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God Of War III Will Get More Polish

It stole our breaths away when it brought Sony's E3 press conference to a close, but did you know the team still has some polishing to do before God of War III 's March 2010 release?

Now, according to HipHopGamerShow , the capable guys over at SCEA Santa Monica are working towards the ultimate: 1080p at 60 frames per second. At E3, "representatives of the game said that the graphics weren't done," and that they still had a ways to go before the final coat of polish was applied. Then they were asked if the final product would possibly rival the CG teaser trailer we saw at last year's E3. Their response was as follows:

"It will come close to it and you will not be disappointed, the game is still a ways off but we’re confident that gamers will love the final product come march 2010 so stay tuned for the coming months."

Now, we did see a long gameplay demonstration (if you missed it, check our PS3 Videos section; it's there in two parts), and you will agree that it isn't quite comparable with the CG videos we've seen thus far. But let's not forget that we're a good 8-9 months from the final release, and a whole lot can be done in that span of time… We have no doubt that God of War III will drop our jaws, but just how far will those jaws go…?  Perhaps it's important to remember that with each passing year, we've seen new graphical accomplishments; GoWIII could very well represent the next big leap in the visual department.  Then again, it'll be tough to top what we'll see in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves later this year, but even so, we have full confidence in SCEA.

Related Game(s): God of War III

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15 years ago

Who can complain about adding more polish to an already amazing looking game.Will GOWIII beat out Uncharted2 graphically? probably not but I am sure that's not SCEA intend and it shouldn't be either since they will basically be unrelated brothers.Running at 1080p an 60 frames would really be the icing thought.

15 years ago

An incredible achievement if it can be done.


"i am home"

15 years ago

Not me for sure! This game is gona RULE pretty much everything Xbox ever had! (I also happen to own an Xbox360 but I just don't see ANY game standing upto the likes of GOW3, GT5 and heck even MGS4!)

Last edited by zee on 6/25/2009 6:44:19 AM

15 years ago

Well it's playstation! of course it can be done!

15 years ago

Are you telling me that phenomenal looking game is going to look even better ….. awesome

15 years ago

I know I won't be disappointed. It's God of War III for god's sake.

15 years ago

That is a good question, Hexen. When I saw in the distance on uncharted 2 I couldnt believe that it looked so real instead of looking like a flat background. But whether or not GOW3 beats out Uncharted 2 or vice versa They are both a definate buy for me, Graphics make for a great game experience but are just not as important to me as gameplay and story line. you could throw a game together on the PS3 and have PS1 graphics and I wouldn't care as long as the gmaeplay was good and the story line solid.

15 years ago

Just make sure it's ready for March.

15 years ago

im gonna have to reserve a day off from work for this games release.

15 years ago

Uncharted and GOWIII are both exclusives

^That's the great bottom line for us 😀
I don't get it though, the game looks hella good

15 years ago

This game is gonna be so polished it'll slip right outta my hands. …that would make me sad 🙁

15 years ago

lol Well I'll be there to catch it …and run away >.>

15 years ago

Hey get back here!… or there will be Chaos.

15 years ago

I never owned any of the GoW games previously. They came at a time when I was heavy into FFXI and didn't really buy any other games. But, I did play the first one a couple times through (borrowed from a friend) and really enjoyed it. Since I didn't get a chance to see any of the second one, I think GoWIII will feel even more fresh to me than the hardcore GoW fans out there. So I can't wait.

Last edited by Zemus101 on 6/24/2009 11:09:19 PM

Sir Shak
Sir Shak
15 years ago

I think Kratos' character model is the most detailed one ever .

15 years ago

you want to know how far jaws will drop???

TO THE FLOOR AND BEYOND!!!!! this game is gonna be amazing!!!

15 years ago

PS3 exclusive rock! Period!

15 years ago

Did anyone else see on g4 they said some site (I forget sorry) said that ODST had most buzz? How could that EVER beat this?! I think even the guys at bungie are going to take a sick day when this game hits.

15 years ago

yeah people seem to forget it's just a big add-on not a new game.

15 years ago

Never played any God of War games. But 1080p at 60/fps sign me up!

15 years ago

you are seriously missing out big time my friend!!!

this is one of the top 5 (maybe even top 3) series that i would recomend to anybody that loves gaming

15 years ago

Last edited by slackernz on 6/25/2009 1:44:24 AM

15 years ago

Lol Nice comment 😀

15 years ago

The gameplay and boss-fights of GOWIII will raise the bar of gaming out of the stratosphere… Any graphical advancement would just be a nice added bonus.. March '10 can't come any sooner..

Last edited by slackernz on 6/25/2009 1:44:52 AM

15 years ago

I've never been a huge fan of the God of War games, although there's no doubt in my mind that i'm not going to miss out on this one.

15 years ago

Nothings gona touch Unchartered 2 in graphics and gameplay 😉

15 years ago

Last edited by Zubs on 6/25/2009 2:53:57 AM

15 years ago

This is a for sure rental, I'm sure it will be amazing to play but unfortunately I can't justify spending 60 dollars on 10hrs of gameplay.

15 years ago

play it twice.

15 years ago

I will. I'll rent the game for 5days, cost me under 10 dollars and beat it at least 3 times.

15 years ago

10hrs it may be (tho i hope not) but it'll be the best 10hrs $60 will buy

15 years ago

Uncharted and God Of War will dominate all…with the graphics and we all the gameplay will be amazing

15 years ago

I plan on Pre-ordering this game ontop of 7 other games 😀

15 years ago

what ones? i can only think of three that i will pre order

15 years ago

Halo is incredibly boring to me. It has not done anything new since the first Halo!!! Why people think ODST will be the best thing ever is beyond me. Its the most basic shooter with the most basic graphics I have ever seen in a next-gen console. The only thing it has is an excellent online multiplayer and a relatively decent story. I guess we just found our answer to what elements of a game sell it the most.

Anyway, God of War 3 will sell consoles big time. That, Uncharted 2 and Gran Turismo 5. If they bring out console bundles with those games, sales will sky-rocket and definitely surpass the 360, no doubt there.

Come on Sony. Give these games the marketing they deserve!! Show the people what they will be missing out on and what 360 users are missing out on!! Make them want the PS3!!!
(An excellent way to do this is simply compare console fail ratios in an advertisement since the lauch of both PS3 and 360. Easy win right there!)

15 years ago

More polish, blimey my eyes are going to melt if this game gets any better looking.
Sooooooooooo want this game already cant wait for 2010 now.

15 years ago

My wife, who is a sometime gamer (I hate "casual"), was watching the demo with me on G4's E3 coverage and was amazed.

She turned to me and asked, "Do you have this?"

I chuckled and explained it wouldn't come out until March 2010.

I added that I had parts 1 & 2.

Apparently, she liked the freedom to take out the enemies in any number of creative ways. I think it was a scene where Kratos rips of something's arm and uses it to kill the enemy. I can't recall.

Anyway, she was as excited as I've ever seen her over a non-fighting, racing, or puzzle game.

I think I have to dig out GOWI and II, as well as Ico and SotC because I think she'll like those too.

15 years ago

Hey Orvi, make sure you dig out SotC for her. That game is something special, can't wait for TLG. Did Team ICO set a release date yet?

15 years ago

I heard early next year.

15 years ago

Can't wait to get it! I just bought GoW:CoO for my PSP but can't play until my retina glues back in my right eye. Will have lots of gaming to pickup towards the end of summer.

15 years ago

Okay, i know i will get a lot of for this but to me GoW3 didn't look as good as it could. It looked like an upscaled ps2 game. Uncharted 2 looks like full 1080p 60fps. Don't get me wrong, i love GoW but it looks to cartoony

15 years ago

That's one sick cartoon my friend.

15 years ago

the demo cut out the button pressing cut-scenes too. you can tell it's not quite finished. still can't wait.

15 years ago

the game that stole the show for you, Last guardian to me and many others, including press.

anyway, good, because im not necessarily blown away with God of War yet

15 years ago

I agree, Uncharted and Last Guardian were my personal favorites.

15 years ago

Cant wait 4 this, however in terms of sales, 2 things holding Sony back are; 1, need a price cut 2, they have the worst marketing out of the big 3, its just embarrassing. Just think of the sales if they had M$ marketing team cos they soooooooooo have the games

15 years ago

i thought GOW3 was published by SCEE.
o god please not SCEA they allways delay there exclusives here in oz.
resistance 2 for example we got that game 27 days later than the US.
it takes 27 days to shipp coppies of the game from the us to au does it?
and we better get the collectors edition.
for some reason sony published games have NEVER released a LE here.
i would of loved the LE of r2 or KZ2 but according to sony i havent paid them enough yet.
im sick of being treated like a seccond class citizen because of where i live

15 years ago

i hope it does reach 1080P and 60 FPS.
because in a interview with IGN i think it was.
stig amussen said there not shure if there going to be able to reach 60FPS, because of the ammount of enemies on screen.
hope they do though, if it doesnt run at 1080P and 60FPS im going to be dissapointed.
but ripping off helios head will make up for that 😀

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