For those under the age of 30, they may not realize that there was a time when Michael Jackson was cool. And in fact, he wasn't just cool; he defined an entire generation in the '80s and to be perfectly frank, if you didn't experience Jackson at his peak, you don't know what a pop idol really is (same goes for Madonna on the female side and in the same decade).
It's depressing what has happened to him since, which is why we refuse to use one of those uber-creepy new pictures. We prefer to remember him this way, when he earned the world's love with "Thriller." And lo and behold, he'll be back on tour this year and – brace yourselves – a video game should come with Jackson's revival. According to Euro website 9Lives , the King of Pop will attempt to rock London's O2 Arena, and a game will follow this effort. All we know is that it will be available for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and Wii and it should be ready for the holiday season. Now, I would like to see Michael Jackson's Moonwalker 2 , but I'm relatively certain that isn't going to happen. The first game was a cult classic that actually shipped with the Sega Genesis for a brief time, but it was hardly the epitome of quality and/or technical achievement. We can be nostalgic all we want…the game really wasn't that good. But damn, it brings us all back, doesn't it? Anyway, we'll let you know whenever Jackson chooses to make this project public, and if it may follow in the footsteps of blockbuster franchises like Guitar Hero and SingStar .
Yeah, he very likely needs the money but who knows? The music genre doesn't really have any bad games, does it? And there's no way in hell they'd make another action/adventure game like Moonwalker …right?
…Too easy.
Michael Jackson is a legend no disrespect but II can't support a child molester. Anyway do we need another another musical game.
Last edited by Cpt_Geez on 6/21/2009 10:15:37 PM
He's never been proven guilty, so he's still innocent of that.
Where there's smoke, there's fire. Too many accusations to not be somewhat true.
You know about the whole child molestation thing, if that was my kid I would have gone down in history as the guy who shot Michael Jackson. I personally think the parents wanted money, not justice. Money would have been the last thing on my mind.
i don't know about you guys…but i enjoyed the one on SEGA lol
Moonwalker was a cool game back in the day.
I still have it and I've played it, not too recently but recentish
im guessing a singstar or bust-a-groove like game with MJ songs.
That'd be pretty cool..
Bust-A-Groove was awesome. Tapping my feet to the beat and schooling people while drinking. I still have that game for my PS1. Moonwalker was much better in the arcades. The Genesis/Mega Drive version was way too bland. Kind of like how Altered Beast lost one nut when it hit the console compared to the arcade upright.
Sad to say, but this could be an epic fail! Is it not rather a short time to be announcing a new Jacko game only for it to be ready by the holidays; unless of course it has been in development for many a year already; I think not!
"i am home"
I remember when i used to attempt al his moves,and indeed he is a legend best remembered before all the craziness of the 90's and i agree with ben…
now about the game, i hope they dont go for the moonwalker,and instead go for sing it as i believe
that will be the only way to do justice to the KING
Wasn't the "King" Elvis? 😛
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker was awesome. The way he would transform was cool.
I can still hear the cries of those children being rescued "Michael!". How awesome is a game where you can make your enemies dance?
OH YEAH definitely the best part, hold up your magic power gauge thing till max or a large amount and bam! dance party xD
That's right! Hehe, I still have the box, but sadly lost the cartridge.
How does this move stack up against the Groovatron?
I'd say neck-in-neck.
I heard you play as a member of the prosecution team and try to convince average sane people that he didn't molest children against all the hard proof and evidence…maybe there will be a sequel with O.J. Simpson
you obviously have no idea about the trial and allow yourself to be manipulated by the media.
I studied that trial daily through transcripts and detailed analyses of what went on inside.
I can say with total ease and complete confidence that MJ was not guilty of anything. The whole trial was a disgusting example of the law and a modern day lynching.
each "charge" was destroyed by, most of the time, the prosecutors themselves as there "case" was an embarrassment.
label him a freak, odd, whatever…that case was a sham and why people just love to believe the negative lies there fed is upsetting.
Now, about the game. Bullshit. Won't happen just as everything don't when it comes to him and he's just not good anymore. That leaked new song "Hold My Hand" is god awful and he's working with the most "in" producers of the moment. He will mime and give us a britney show in London later in the year. He's just a commercial whore now…i wish he would return to or update the Off The Wall sound…
Just because you can "convince" yourself with ease doesn't mean you're right
No, see I totally believe that Michael Jacksons penis can cure little childrens' cancer…cough…bullshit…cough…
Did you know global warming is just a scam too and Jesus wasn't even real…
On a normal note, skeptics are the ones that have to ruin things for the rest of the world…
oh and btw…I hate people like you who just because they are wrong they play the race card as a last resort…if you're black, it has nothing to do with it, he was on trial because he HAD SEX WITH CHILDREN…and I'm not sure if you are aware of this little bit of info or not but in modern society…IS ILLEGAL
Last edited by SarahPalinMILF on 6/22/2009 10:28:36 AM
i would like to know where i played the race card?
great way of thinking mate *sarcasm*. I don't need to reply to the likes of you when the above post is how you think and write….the username says it all.
You absolutely missed the point. I will save these conversations for the more intelligent.
And don't label me when you have no clue ("i hate people like you…"), If i were to do that to you then i would say that i think your the kind of person who would watch a programme like The Day Today or Brass Eye and think it were real.
Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 6/22/2009 10:54:55 AM
Would you let your children sleep in the same room as Michael Jackson, if no you are a massive hypocrite and if yes you're either insane or lying…
I hope it IS Moonwalker 2, they could do a music themed survival horror with the ability to put zombies in a dance-trance
Just gonna have to say I don't think anything that has to do with Michael other than game-related (with real possibilities) should be talked about, otherwise this is going to become a big talk about all kinds of things…
F*ck anything to do with MJ!
What a sorry excuse for wasted sperm that scum-sucking "Chester-The-Molester" turned out to be.
To the ones who defend him by saying he was never convicted, I say open your eyes, cause whether he was convicted or not, you all know he's guilty of being in bed with little kids, and that no good could ever come from it!!!!!!!!!!
If it had been my daughter, there'd be no chance for him to offer me any hush-hush bribe money like some of those so-called f*cked up sad-excuses for parents(& human beings)took.
I would've sliced his Wii off & shoved it right up his f*cking ass before I tortured & slowly watched him die.
Right dude. At the time, MJ had the money to buy you faster than you buying DLC for your favorite game.
I think the guy is sick too, but let's be real. Either your kid wouldn't have been in MJ's bed or you would be cashing a check.
btw, Moonwalker on the Sega Genesis was freaking awesome for its time. The smooth criminal dance was the ish!
Seems Biker is as angry about this topic as the Chihuahua in his avatar lol.
Anyway, an MJ game? I'll definitely pass on this one. I'm sure people will overlook this game if and when comes out this Fall. I'll say that's the wrong time to come out with such games, the Fall season when most of the good games come out, but if they think they'll do well then I'll just say "Good luck".
He killed it when he bleached himself…
Anyway, meh
Well, I am under 30…
Moonwalker Arcade on PSN, I doubt it will happen but it would be awesome along with X-men Arcade
It's not coming for the xbox 360?
they can have it…please exclusive and all
Yeah this looks like a pass especially if the game is how he looks now(creeps me out).I don't think whatever fans he has left play video games anyway so I am curious to see who will be buying this game.btw you said that "The music genre doesn't really have any bad games",what about the Hannah Montana game?
OMG!!! Singstar Michael Jackson!!
That would definitely be a day 1 purchase for me. I've loved MJ ever since I was 5, when my first CD ever was Michael Jackson's Dangerous.
MJ truly was the King of Pop for the 80's and early 90's. I caught his History live concert tour when I was 9 (I was at the back, but the show was beyond unbelievable!!!) And loved every minute of it!!!
Make some noise people of PSXextreme!!! We the people demand a Singstar Michael Jackson!!!
Who's with me?
Enjoyed the first Michael Jackson Moonwalker and wouldn't a sequel provided that SEGA(and original team behind it) is handling the game.
I'm a child of the 80s. Thriller was the first record I owned. I think if they use his peek 80s stuff it might do well, but if they use his newer stuff… it's not going to be pretty.
LOL i remember Moonwalk it was cool back in the day. But I think it's a dumb Idea now, he needs to get the respect from the public back first after all the crap thats gone down over the years before bring out a video game.
I can live without this. So shan't be buying im with Robochick on this one, regain the public respect back if it can be regained that is.
This game will be rated PG….=]
okay jokes aside.
i would realllly like to know what this game is about hay.
MJ might be strange, but shit, arent we all?
and hay, i dont believe a thing the media tells me these days, the media screwed me over in my home town.
Elvis was the "king of rock" and MJ is the (supercreep) "king" of pop, anyway thats awesome! I hope the don't model his character after his latest look. Speaking of MJ makes me think of this movie I just watched about impersonaters called Mister Lonely. Good movie, check it out!
I think it was Dave Chappelle who hit in on the nail. What kid's dying dream is meeting MJ? They weren't alive during the 80's! It's just a way to get paid. It's very weird to want to sleep with children, but none of us were there.
I personally don't care if he did or not. There are way too many problems out there to care.
Hahaha, i have to admit Moonwalker was one of the best games of the Sega Mega-Drive….. I'd be up for it, but it would have to be amussing. But unlike his material back then, he doesnt have any modern material to go with…. i cant see it working.
I'm late to this party, but I'll join in.
Thanks Ben for the more balanced article that focuses on Jackson the artists and the music from his 'golden years'. Between Madonna and MJ, the term 'pop idol' really had meaning during the 80's and early 90's.
Not sure what kind of video game could emerge…?
As for everything else and the nonsense in this comments section…Look, MJ may be completely innocent of wrong doing, but it would make no difference. For decades the media has portayed him as 'Whacko Jacko' and chased him to the corners of the earth. He's been convicted in the press time and again. I have no idea of whether he did anything wrong or not, I don't subscribe to the "no smoke without fire" school of lynch mob.
I do know that the case against him (criminal courts) was an abject failure. I also know that the civil courts where juries decide all sorts of odd things based on a far, far lower threshhold (some would say no threshhold) of proof or evidence – the civil courts are a different matter. If you're a reclusive public figure that regularly is portrayed by the media as a weirdo and someone starts throwing accusations around, you're going to settle out of court because you will never win, no matter what the jury decides. So, from that point of view Jackson was found not guilty in the only court of law that determines guilt or innocence and I don't give a darn what the civil courts or out of court settlements were.
Jackson is/was a very sad, screwed up person. His life has been far from normal, his childhood was stolen from him, and his perceptions of what most people consider normal may not be as accurate as yours or mine.
However, NONE of that has anything to do with his music. Personally I think his musical talent has waned since the 90's, but the golden years typified by Thriller are second to none. Allegations and suspicions are not and should not be enough to invalidate the musical talent that he had in his younger years.
Tell me something, if Einstein turned out to be a horrible man that abused kittens for his amusement, do you think that physicists would immediately delete all knowledge and writings brought forth buy Einstein? Of course not.
So, let's leave well enough alone. MJ right or wrong is a very unfortunate person who has been thoroughly discredited and who's career has been essentially destroyed. Whether he did anything or not, people generally believe he did because as far as they know – thanks to our wonderful media – Jackson is weird and strange.
Personally I withhold my judgment, because truly and honestly it's not for me to judge. I often think that the world would be a better place if more people did likewise.
As far as a game is concerned, it could be dance, it could be a SingStar, it could be a rhythm game. I don't know. I'd love a SingStar game with his classic tracks – including the early ones with the Jackson 5 and Jacksons. I'll never hit the right notes though…
Really and truly, no one here knows what really has happened or is happening in Mr Jackson's life, there's a whole lot of ASSUME happening. You know what happens when you assume? You make an ASS out of U and ME.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 6/22/2009 12:52:21 PM
I heard that MJ claimed he slept with the kids like a slumber party, but did not have intercourse with them. Thats just what I heard.
No idea how true it is, but judging from his childhood (or lack thereof, the song "Childhood" from the History album is pretty good proof of how messed up he became because of his father pushing him to work and perform all the time), Jacko acts "weird" because he didn't grow up like everyone else and even in his 40's (or 50's now) he continues to to silly things trying to relive a childhood he never had.
So yeah, I agree with Highlander and Ben, Jacko should be remembered for his great music during the 80's and 90's and a game based around his achievements of that time would be fantastic, for the MJ fans anyway. We have to let these terrible recent events go, they happened over 4 years ago for crying out loud!!!
If the fans at his returning tour announcement was anything to go by, then yes, he is still the King of Pop. Shame he hasn't made anything good since 1997. I have a feeling the crown will soon pass to someone else. Does anyone else think Justin Timberlake is a good heir to the Pop throne?
Wow justin…just…
I hope it starts at the plastic surgeon's, like Saint's Row 2. I'm gonna make him look like a young Michael Jackson… with a nose and everything!
"The music genre doesn't really have any bad games, does it?"
Oh, but it does. How about Rock Revolution? That was a horrible game.
Last edited by Skatejimmy5 on 6/23/2009 6:47:09 AM
Turn on the news. I don't think this is going to happen.