As of earlier this evening, eBay had over 17,000 PlayStation 3 listings, which is almost double the 9,000 they featured just this afternoon.
Now, because so many of these systems have long since topped $3,000 and some are even over $4,000 and approaching $5,000, you're looking at some outrageously pricey systems. Even for the most hardcore, these numbers can prove daunting, so we think the advice is clear:
Wait .
If there are that many listings, they're not likely to disappear tomorrow. In fact, given the sheer number of PS3s online, it only seems logical to believe that the supply might actually start meeting demand. Ultimately, that's not entirely possible, but even a small narrowing of the gap would result in lower prices.
Look, you've held out this long. What's a few more weeks going to matter? You might still be able to land that PS3 for the holidays, and at a fraction of the price they're going for now.