Some gamers will probably remember GameStop's Omega Xbox 360 bundle from 2005; it included the system, 20 games, a horde of accessories, and a 42-inch Dell plasma monitor, all for the 'cough' modest price of $4,499. Well, CompUSA is featuring a HDTV/console bundle this year with the PS3, so get ready to break out the check book.
CompUSA is starting a promotion that will offer a PS3 to any customer who purchases a Sony HDTV of 40-inches or larger. Of course, even the least expensive TV on their list is $1,799.99, so if you include the lower-end 20GB PS3 ($499), you're still looking at a bare minimum of $2,300…not including tax.
"The reaction we're receiving is so phenomenal that we're devoting our entire allocation to that offer," a CompUSA representative told GameSpot .
CompUSA has not announced exactly how many PS3s they'll receive, but they did say all preorders will be handled "on a store-by-store basis." Therefore, if any store gets more PS3 systems than they have preorders for (by some inexplicable twist of fate), those consoles will be made available to consumers springing for that Sony HDTV.
Well, if you want the full HD experience the PS3 has to offer, and you don't yet have the capability at home, maybe this is a viable option.