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Oddworld Inhabitants Ready “Citizen Siege”


they were finished after Stranger's Wrath tanked last year (critics ate it up, but it languished on the shelves), but Oddworld's new property Citizen Siege is reeling them back into the industry they thought they had abandoned for good.

It isn't a complete return to form, though – Oddworld Inhabitants sought to use its talent to work on CG projects for television and film. The as-yet-undetailed Citizen Siege was birthed out of the genesis of this new ideology and the result is a franchise that will now span both mediums.

Co-founder Lorne Lanning says of the synergy: "Oddworld has had the chance to create original property that was designed as a film and as a game experience simultaneously. So the two influence one another as they grow. This is an idea that's being talked about by media companies, but for the most part isn't really happening yet."

Who knows if OI will find success in their new venture, but backing from Shrek producer John Williams should ensure that Citizen Siege has a chance at the box office. The film's video game counterpart has already been shopped around to publishers and according to Lanning, "the response has been fabulous."