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Sony Misses Japan PS3 Shipment Target

This is going to make things even more crazy in Japan come November 11…if that's even possible.

According to the Nikkei Keizai Shimbun morning edition, Sony has dropped their previously reported PS3 availability number from 100,000 to 80,000, which is a 20% cut for the biggest gaming culture on the planet. This won't go over well, especially when the PS2 sold almost a million units in Japan on its launch in March of 2000.

The shortage is probably reflected in the preorder fiasco; allocations quickly disappeared at online retailers and the vast majority of Japanese gamers probably weren't successful in securing a PS3. Tsutaya online ran out of all available preorder units in about 6 minutes, as Nikkei reported soon after the preorder program announcement.

And some of the biggest electronic chains in the country won't risk taking preorders, so hopeful gamers have only one last resort- camp out on November 10. But with the number of systems down to a mere 80k, we'd suggest finding a spot like…now.