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U.S. Consumers “Prepared” To Pay For PS3

According to a new 100-page media report, released today by a small research firm, the majority of U.S. consumers don't have any problem with the PS3 price points ($500 and $600). Sony has repeatedly said they're not concerned about the retail price of their system, and it appears any concern may have been unnecessary.

These results came from a sample of 2,000 online interviews conducted with 12-54-year-olds and weighted against 2004 census data. The report also points towards the possibility of the Nintendo Wii "playing spoiler" to Microsoft and Sony by targeting a wide demographic ("across all ages and genders"), in contrast to strictly younger or older hardcore gamers.

Overall, 8.9 million U.S consumers are apparently "prepared" to pay full price ($500 or $600) for the PS3 this fall, compared to 5.7 million consumers who are willing to buy the Wii at $250 and just 800,000 people who are willing to pay full price for Xbox 360 ($300 to $400). These statistics are awfully interesting, especially when it comes to examining the ratios. The Xbox 360 has had great success over the past year, but the real test is on the way…the PS3 and Wii will represent stiff competition.

And finally, one of the most telling points determined by these findings is as follows- evidently, those polled plan to "wait and see the PS3" before purchasing either a Xbox 360 or Wii, which is more good news for Sony. Given their recent advertising blitz and massive installed userbase, it seems clear that brand-name recognition and the promise of the best graphics is having an impact.