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Siren Heading To PS3

Of all the survival/horror-type games, the Siren series is consistently overlooked more than any other. And although there have already been two installments in Japan (one reached U.S. shores), the games enjoyed moderate critical acclaim and average Japanese sales. Apparently, that's enough for the team to commit to a third Siren title for the PS3.

As of yet, the game isn't officially labeled – we expect a typical Siren 3 title, though – and there is no release date. However, fans of the series can expect the same creepy atmosphere and unique gameplay style, not to mention an obviously enhanced visual presentation. Many diehard fans will defend the under-appreciated games to the death, proclaiming them some of the scariest games of the previous generation.

The team responsible for the first two Siren s is reportedly gathering more staff to dive into the new generation, so this beefing up process should result in something worthwhile. When more details become available, we'll be sure to let you know.